Another dangerous cretin

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Another dangerous cretin

Postby Lamont » Sat 11 Apr, 2020 10:18 am

The thinking person's draught excluder does it again. Auzzie intellectual and 'dipstick around town'.
I wonder if Kerry Packer were still around if he would do to this tool what he did to Doug Mulray?
He'll probably get a pay rise from the Jurassic lobotomised big wigs at his TV station. His anti-vaccination comments didn't cause a ripple.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby GregR » Sat 11 Apr, 2020 11:09 am

words fail me!
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby north-north-west » Sat 11 Apr, 2020 12:28 pm

Why isn't this sort of *&%$#! illegal?
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby tastrax » Sat 11 Apr, 2020 3:38 pm

I worry about his mental health, because no clear thinking person could ever believe such a device has a hope in hell of beating a virus. What happens to people that they suddenly have these weird 'out of this world delusions'?
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Lamont » Sat 11 Apr, 2020 5:35 pm

"This guy just doesn't get it. Pete Evans is trying to sell a $15,000 fancy light machine to vulnerable and frightened people to protect them against #COVID-19," the association said on Twitter.
This why he is dangerous. TV confers 'authority' in some peoples eyes. ... m/12141490
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Gadgetgeek » Sat 11 Apr, 2020 6:20 pm

Money is tempting, and maybe someone convinced him that it was a good idea. On the scale of grift, he barely rates as far as I care. Given how many people are selling literal poisons. Until we culturally decide that celebs are just entertainment, this will continue. There will always be those who want someone else to think for them.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Lophophaps » Sat 11 Apr, 2020 7:01 pm

Oh, dear. Remedies exist.

Section 18 of Australian Consumer Law "prohibits a person, in trade or commerce, from engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct ... creates a broad, economy-wide norm of conduct."

Section 20 of ACL prohibits unconscionable conduct within the meaning of the unwritten law, from time to time. This means that actions relating to unconscionable conduct, which is a concept that has developed in the common law and the principles of equity, may be commenced under ACL and the remedies provided by ACL may be applied to a breach of this provision.

Section 29 of Australian Consumer Law, prohibiting false or misleading representations in connection with the supply or possible supply of goods or service.

Section 54 provides that goods must be of a certain quality, fit for the purpose, free from defects, safe and durable.

Under the ACL, consumers can seek a refund, replacement or repairs if a supplier fails to satisfy its obligations in relation to consumer guarantees.

Section 259(2) provides that the costs that will be recoverable under the section if goods are remedied elsewhere would likely include any amount paid to the alternative repairer, and any costs of transporting the goods to and from that repairer, such as postage and handling costs.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby michael_p » Sat 11 Apr, 2020 8:49 pm

Apparently he has been reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration and they are investigating.
One foot in front of the other.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Lophophaps » Sun 12 Apr, 2020 7:00 am ... m/12141490
"The Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) has announced an investigation into a $14,990 device spruiked by celebrity chef Pete Evans as a treatment for the coronavirus."
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Son of a Beach » Tue 14 Apr, 2020 1:32 pm

Even the people that make the device reckon that his recommendation for using it to fight COVID-19 is a stupid idea.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Lamont » Fri 08 May, 2020 5:13 am

Dangerous cretin and his followers get a tap on the shoulder ... s/12183050
Looking to expand his wealth base now attaches himself to Holocaust denier.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Mark F » Fri 08 May, 2020 10:05 am

Oh well ... how else is he going to pay off the $25,000 fine?
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Lamont » Fri 15 May, 2020 12:24 pm

Mark F wrote:Oh well ... how else is he going to pay off the $25,000 fine?

Spot on and there's the reason he's so dangerous Mark.
Not only will the poor sods he influences with his pseudo wellness crap be paying the fine but they will then spread his idiotic shamanism to other gullible souls.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby wayno » Fri 15 May, 2020 12:47 pm

his extreme diets were a warning flag to his sanity...
people think paeleo diets didnt have carbs... well they just want to believe that, but early man was very interested in carbs. it was the quickest and easiest way to fuel up for a very energetic life...
south island Maoris went to great lengths to obtain kumara from the north island because they didnt have a suitable high carb food that would grow in the south island,...
it wasnt a shortage of food, they had plenty of protein and fat in their diet , but barely any carbs...
from the land of the long white clouds...
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby matagi » Fri 15 May, 2020 1:11 pm

If you check out the photos on his Facebook page, he is really not looking that well. The make up guys on My Kitchen Rules must have been working hard to make him look ok.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby wayno » Fri 15 May, 2020 1:32 pm

paleo diets can be good for loosing weight, but loosing weight doesnt mean you're getting healthier at all, Anarexics are also extremely good at loosing weight.
high fat high protein esp high animal protein diets are simply hard to digest so your digestion cant extract as much energy and its all very acidic and hard on your liver and kidneys...
people on those diets like inuit indians in the arctic don't live especially long lives... their health takes a real nosedive when they get into old age....
high meat diets are proven to be associated with higher cancer risk...
from the land of the long white clouds...
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby matagi » Fri 15 May, 2020 1:42 pm

wayno wrote:paleo diets can be good for loosing weight, but loosing weight doesnt mean you're getting healthier at all, high fat high protein esp high animal protein diets are simply hard to digest so your digestion cant extract as much energy and its all very acidic and hard on your liver and kidneys...
people on those diets like inuit indians in the arctic don't live especially long lives... their health takes a real nosedive when they get into old age....
high meat diets are proven to be associated with higher cancer risk...

Although, to be fair his version of the paleo diet does contain carbs, it's just that they are in very low amounts relative to fat and protein.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Lamont » Fri 15 May, 2020 2:19 pm

matagi wrote:If you check out the photos on his Facebook page, he is really not looking that well. The make up guys on My Kitchen Rules must have been working hard to make him look ok.

He has been sacked.
This that I referred to above seems to have been the last straw. ... david-icke
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby wayno » Fri 15 May, 2020 2:26 pm

from the land of the long white clouds...
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby matagi » Fri 15 May, 2020 3:06 pm

I'm with the head of RACGP - I reckon Pete Evans needs medical help. Severe nutritional deficiencies can manifest with psychiatric symptoms and he is certainly at risk of those if he has taken his dietary restrictions to the extreme.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby Lamont » Fri 15 May, 2020 3:20 pm

matagi wrote:I'm with the head of RACGP - I reckon Pete Evans needs medical help. Severe nutritional deficiencies can manifest with psychiatric symptoms and he is certainly at risk of those if he has taken his dietary restrictions to the extreme.

My concern when I raised this thread is not just him. He's incorrigible.
It's the danger he and other 'seers' pose to the vulnerable and easily influenced by celebrity and fame often under the guise of 'wellness'.
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Re: Another dangerous cretin

Postby matagi » Fri 15 May, 2020 4:49 pm

Lamont wrote:
matagi wrote:I'm with the head of RACGP - I reckon Pete Evans needs medical help. Severe nutritional deficiencies can manifest with psychiatric symptoms and he is certainly at risk of those if he has taken his dietary restrictions to the extreme.

My concern when I raised this thread is not just him. He's incorrigible.
It's the danger he and other 'seers' pose to the vulnerable and easily influenced by celebrity and fame often under the guise of 'wellness'.

Oh indeed, no argument there.

A couple of years ago out of curiosity I signed up to his Paleo Way program, which gives you access to his closed Facebook page. Some of his followers were almost fanatical in their blind devotion to his "teachings".
This makes me the first man to climb Mount Everest backwards, without oxygen...or even a jumper.
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