Anzac Day 2020 How did you mark it?

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Anzac Day 2020 How did you mark it?

Postby Ms_Mudd » Sat 25 Apr, 2020 6:44 am

I know there are many special wild places across the country where bushwalkers see in the dawn and honour our service men and women
Things are different this year though.
What did you do or are you planning to do today?

I am at work on night shift, I got someone to come sit with my patient for 5 min so I could step outside to listen to the last post at 6am. I held a picture of my eldest son (infantry soldier) and wore a poppy hand made by my 12yo.
Few tears thinking about the life we all enjoy and those who sacrificed themselves for it. Back in birth suite now, waiting to welcome a new life into the world.
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Re: Anzac Day 2020 How did you mark it?

Postby Lamont » Sat 25 Apr, 2020 8:24 am

Nice to see a proud Mum and her wee laddie.
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Re: Anzac Day 2020 How did you mark it?

Postby GregG » Sat 25 Apr, 2020 3:29 pm

Well done MsMudd, you tick all the boxes. Like you I watched the dawn. I thought of things long past and a few not so long past, shed a tear, gave thanks for being born in Australia. Like you I thought of my soldier son. We both belong to a very big family.
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Re: Anzac Day 2020 How did you mark it?

Postby Neo » Sat 25 Apr, 2020 7:53 pm

Sunrise on the driveway with mum. A long back-to-sleep then a late afternoon paddle.
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Re: Anzac Day 2020 How did you mark it?

Postby Ms_Mudd » Sun 26 Apr, 2020 10:08 am

A post dawn service nap was definitely in order Neo. Nice day for a paddle!

GregG, another soldier parent! Yes, one big family. I hope your son is okay wherever he is at the moment. Mine is well, but missing his partner and their two littlies...hopefully missing his Mum too :wink:

Lamont, a yes, 'wee' laddie indeed- he towered over me by the time he was 11. Not a huge accomplishment though I suppose, I am somewhat vertically challenged ;-)

It was quite special on my long commute home to see all the houses along the way that had a candle out, or some poppies or handmade posters, so many households must have stood in their driveways yesterday morning, I was very surprised by the numbers of houses that had done something. What a beautiful movement. I wonder if many more turned out at the end of their driveways than would typically attend a service? Could be an accessible and very personal way that some can have a quiet moment of reflection seeing in that day each year, with no need to travel and while their kids etc are asleep nearby.
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