Multiple items in one Marketplace post

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Multiple items in one Marketplace post

Postby coimon » Thu 04 Jun, 2020 8:07 pm

Mods, I note the instructions in the Marketplace that you can only have one item per post, but I have many small items I would like to list.

Is it really preferred that I post 30 times, or can I combine small items like multiple stuff sacks, or a collection of random little things into one post by exception?

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Re: Multiple items in one Marketplace post

Postby crollsurf » Thu 04 Jun, 2020 8:22 pm

I've been pinged for that. Go for it and see what happens :)

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Re: Multiple items in one Marketplace post

Postby Lophophaps » Fri 05 Jun, 2020 6:40 pm

The reason for one item one post is that it becomes quite hard to keep track of what is and is not sold. It also confuses potential buyers who look for a headline "FS 1 person tent", "WTB trekking poles". One strategy is to post, say, 5-7 articles. separately, and then a few days later post a few more. Another one is to wait until a few articles are sold, then post more. PM me if you want to discuss this more.

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Re: Multiple items in one Marketplace post

Postby Nuts » Sat 20 Jun, 2020 1:52 pm

I thought 5 was too few :lol: Sorry, it's not making a lot of sense. As it was, I've always tried to time a FS post to not impede too much on private sellers selling similar gear or sending their post too far into history.. a situation which can only be made worse. Surely there's less work here now than back in the forthright days?
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Re: Multiple items in one Marketplace post

Postby Lophophaps » Mon 22 Jun, 2020 9:42 am

Having one post for multiple items is good in that it keeps the Market square forum area more concise. However, this is at the expense of making it harder to see what the post is about (cannot put a dozen items in a subject line) and see what is and is not sold. Mods discussed this and decided that one item one topic is best, and that people with a lot of items should post a few at a time, say five separate posts for five items a week. These can be posted at the same time or over the week.

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Re: Multiple items in one Marketplace post

Postby Nuts » Tue 23 Jun, 2020 5:31 pm

All good. Thanks. Most of mine have been multiple options of similar items (but that still all need separate descriptions) so perhaps uncommon. I don't use it a lot these days so..
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