Tortoise wrote:Lamont wrote:2 Xmids nust turned up at my joint! Adressed to someone named Tutiose and Norwesterly I think it says. Looks like the packages went via Ulan Bator and Alaska.
Nice tents.You're a rum 'un, Lament. Tutoise is waiting for the partial solid inner. Maybe that will be available separately for some nice versatility.
Lament. I like it

I fear however now the Xmid is on Amazon we'll not see the partial solid inner.
I think their (Mass/drops business) model is settled and it's not settled on the inner the world outside the US wants. Europe is a bigger market than ours and I get the impression they are very desirous of it's advent, but .....
Until then-plant frost prevention cloth?
I just have a feeling the world may see the Xmid DCF first.
Lament out!