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Wed 07 Oct, 2020 5:24 pm
Took a stroll down to the Florentine River today on the Timbs/Adamsfield track. Few trees down, bit a of mud and I upset a few frogs but wasn't as wet as I thought it might be.
It's the first time I'd been down that way, and have to say was very confused by the "crossing" sign at the river pointing to nothing

I assume there may have been something there at some point, the illustrious flying fox? Or did it refer to the downed tree? The water was very high so it was hard to tell how people would cross it if so inclined (I was not!)
Cracking day, great weather in the South West.
Wed 07 Oct, 2020 6:18 pm
Yeah I had a similar experience with the Florentine as well, the water level was so high, I questioned the ability of people to cross it safely!
The crossing location would be a bit of a moot point at the moment though, given the tracks on the other side are closed from bushfire damage.
Wed 07 Oct, 2020 6:20 pm
Flying fox has been gone a long time.
I think it was actually removed by parks due to liability issues.
And knowing some friends of mine that tried to commando across the wire and ended up falling in the flooded river I'm not surprised.
It's not the sort of river you try to cross this time of year.
Maybe with a packraft...
The track is open on the other side, well the Lake Rhona part is..
Wed 07 Oct, 2020 6:22 pm
ok.. Rasselas Track is closed.
Actually just ignore me, I'm thinking about the Gordon further up the track which did have a flying fox. Not sure about the Florentine.
Wed 07 Oct, 2020 6:51 pm
I wasn't heading that far today in any case, but the closure signs were still up (I figured that they may have just been left behind, as I had a vague recollection that access to Lake Rhona was back on!)
I wish I'd got a picture of the crossing sign, pointing into the watery nothingness
Thu 08 Oct, 2020 5:17 am
Used to be a bridge over the Florentine. The crossing just upstream is fairly shallow even in flood.
And yes the rassalas track (timbs) is closed as mentioned on the PWS website. The richea track is the open one. Not many use this track to go to rhona these days.
Not really sure why this track is still closed however. Burnt trees with dangerous limbs perhaps?
For all their faults I don't think PWS are on the business of leaving litter in the bush in the form of 'old signs
Thu 08 Oct, 2020 6:57 am
Possibly! I didn't venture beyond any track closure signs so I can't shed any light on that one!
Thu 08 Oct, 2020 7:01 am
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Used to be a bridge over the Florentine. The crossing just upstream is fairly shallow even in flood.
Thanks! Coming in from the Timbs track, where is the crossing normally? off towards the left?
Thu 08 Oct, 2020 7:28 am
Up to the right. Water always looks deeper than it is.
Thu 08 Oct, 2020 9:30 am
Did you continue on to Churchills Hut by any chance ? Just wondering if it survived the fires.
Spent an enjoyable afternoon there a couple of years ago flicking through a pile of old newspapers left in the hut that dated back to 1954.
Thu 08 Oct, 2020 9:51 am
Churchill's Hut didn't survive the fires unfortunately. Ewes Inn is still standing thankfully.
Thu 08 Oct, 2020 10:00 am
Oh! Sad to hear that about Churchill's!

I did go to Ewe's Inn, which is lovely and in good condition
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