by Maraea48 » Sun 12 May, 2019 10:09 am
Minnow falls ladder replacements.
We finally received the hardware for the # 3 ladder. Plans were made to install it but the forecast was for rain. The best day according to the forecast was Friday 10-05-2019. The new design was assembled in the shed while it was raining. Friday morning came, after heavy rain over night, and an 5AM check on the rain Radar looked good, but out side did not look to encouraging with some drizzle and heavy over cast skys. We postponed the trip and then it started to clear up! the added attraction to see the falls in flood drove us to go up anyway. We started 30min later than originally planned. From the Minnow Falls lookout on bottom1 Rd we could see that the Minnow falls where pumping and so was “Not the Minnow falls” an unnamed fall which is further North of the Minnow Falls and often mistaken for the Minnow falls. We crossed the log bridge over the swollen Minnow river and proceeded up the rather wet track. Lindsay had a tough time carrying the ladder in his back pack, especially up the rather steep section from the bottom pool upwards, up the ladders and through the cave. The challenging track there was very wet, resembling a waterfall in places. We replaced the #3 ladder and it is now quite easy to negotiate, even with a heavy back pack. The plan was to extend the #2 ladder but we had to abandon that due to logistical problems [left the treads back home on the work bench] just have to plan another trip!
- Attachments
- Not The Minnow Falls, possibly the longest single drop waterfall in Tasmania.
- The Minnow falls as seen from the Minnow Falls lookout on Bottom 1 Rd.
- One of the upper cascades near the top of the Falls.
- The top of the Middle Falls where it flow out of the top pool
- Looking at the 80m tall Middle Falls from the Middle falls lookout plateau, only 15m away.
- That log has been stuck in that pothole for over 80 years.
- yep! the #3 ladder was past it use by date!
- Yes! the New #3 ladder is looking pretty good!
- Coming down the new #2 ladder
- definitely needs a few more treads!