Hi all,
I'll be heading up to Kakadu again this February for a week for my third visit, however I have exhausted virtually every 'on-track' walk.
As the country is so amazing and easily traversible I really want to try some off-track walking in the park, just a couple kms up onto an escarpment and back down again. I know the areas I have in mind are accessible because I've seen them mentioned in flora\fauna surveys of the park, plus no crocs uphill
I was wondering if you had any resources to recommend as to the legality of this. There is scant information on the internet about the NT compared to the other states.
I know of Willis's Walkabouts bushwalking company, but I don't want to contact him if I have no intention of using his services (don't have the time or $)
As with all off-track walks I follow a strict no traces principle and I bleach my shoe soles beforehand.
Many thanks,