Peroneal Tendonitis / Tendinopathy

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Peroneal Tendonitis / Tendinopathy

Postby Eremophila » Sun 03 Jan, 2021 3:53 pm

Anyone else had issues with this? I had this appear suddenly in one foot/leg and plantar fasciitis in the other foot at the same time, earlier last year, for no apparent reason. Custom orthotics are still in the early stages of wear but improvement seems minimal to date. Next checkup is mid Feb with possible referral for a scan.

I’m not looking for answers here but would be interested to hear of anyone’s experience. It’s really getting me down and obviously impacting my ability to exercise.
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Re: Peroneal Tendonitis / Tendinopathy

Postby wildwanderer » Sun 03 Jan, 2021 4:09 pm

I did when I was younger. After a few walks I would develop terrible pain in my heel and achilles. It became chronic.

I went to a sports podiatrist and he diagnosed a lack of flexibility in my ankles (and possibly extra bone) which caused the heel and tendon to press against the back of my boots.

He prescribed a few fixes

- some hard rubber heel lifts which were inserted underneath the shoe footbed.

- Standing on stairs with only the toes touching the stair and letting the ankle and calf stretch down.

- stop wearing boots (particularly hard leather ones) and start wearing sports shoes

I did all that and the problem went away.

Fast forward about 20 years and I'm not sure if my bones have grown or if I've somehow become more flexible but I've recently (last 2 years) started wearing boots again for certain muddy multiday trips and the problem isn't there anymore.
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Re: Peroneal Tendonitis / Tendinopathy

Postby commando » Tue 05 Jan, 2021 9:06 pm

Yes and Yes
I think its related to the 3 month lockdown and going soft, then starting up again hard and fast
Rest at least one month then shoes not boots for a while
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Re: Peroneal Tendonitis / Tendinopathy

Postby Eremophila » Tue 05 Jan, 2021 10:37 pm

Thanks for the replies.

Pain is not in the heel or Achilles area - coincidentally the orthotics seem to have resolved my Achilles issues which is great.

Started in April, so only a couple of weeks after lockdown.
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