Overland Track Side Trips

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Overland Track Side Trips

Postby Stocky54 » Wed 13 Jan, 2021 5:25 pm


Looking to do the Overland Track next spring (COVID permitting) and was wondering what the easiest side trip of the lot is?

I'm reasonably fit but don't have a good head for exposed climbs so was wondering if I could get some ideas on what might suit from those who have done them...

Ideally I would like to attempt Cradle and Barn Bluff but am I asking for trouble?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Overland Track Side Trips

Postby north-north-west » Wed 13 Jan, 2021 5:52 pm

There's only one bit you might find awkward on Cradle, and that's the climb up after the dip once you've crossed ridge. Barn Bluff has a bit more exposure, but it's still pretty straightforward. Emmett is off-track but just boulders and a bit scrub, no exposure. Pelion West is hard work - a long boulder hop with a vaguely marked route, big gaps between boulders. Oakleigh would suit you well - it's a similar distance from the main track as Cradle and Barn Bluff, but there's no need for any exposure; you can stop at the first lookout or continue across to the true high point without getting near any drop-offs. Pelion East is short but there's a bit of a scramble at the end you might not like. The climb to the Ossa summit ridge is steep in places, but fairly straightforward in good conditions. The falls are worth visiiting.
If you're going into Pine Valley the Acropolis is a brilliant peak but there is a little bit of scrambling between the plateau and the summit ridge. Going up to the Labyrinth is easy and once up you can just wander around the lakes or do an easy climb like Eros (but don't get lost).
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Re: Overland Track Side Trips

Postby Tino B » Thu 14 Jan, 2021 11:09 am

Mt Oakleigh has great views of most of the area of the weather is good and, as stated, doesn’t have any exposure. It’s worth staying at Pelion an extra night to do Oakleigh in the morning and then Old Pelion in the afternoon - maybe even a swim if it’s warm enough.
Tino B
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Re: Overland Track Side Trips

Postby Son of a Beach » Thu 14 Jan, 2021 1:31 pm

Tino B wrote:Mt Oakleigh has great views of most of the area of the weather is good and, as stated, doesn’t have any exposure. It’s worth staying at Pelion an extra night to do Oakleigh in the morning and then Old Pelion in the afternoon - maybe even a swim if it’s warm enough.

And all the really bad mud has been duck-boarded now. Also, the formerly rather awkward (and potentially dangerous) creek crossing now has a substantial bridge.

Oakleigh is one of my favourite mountains to climb. It's easy (no technical rock climbing... can all be done without using hands at all), has amazing views from the top (both nearby views of the rock columns and distant views to other mountains, etc), as well as some very special forests to walk through on the way.
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Re: Overland Track Side Trips

Postby Stocky54 » Thu 14 Jan, 2021 2:18 pm

Oakleigh sounds like its the one -

Barn Bluff, Cradle, etc all involve some level of exposed "climbing"?
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Re: Overland Track Side Trips

Postby north-north-west » Thu 14 Jan, 2021 3:49 pm

Stocky54 wrote:Oakleigh sounds like its the one -

Barn Bluff, Cradle, etc all involve some level of exposed "climbing"?

Short scrambles and usually a fair bit of rock hopping. Some people have trouble with the boulder field on Cradle, for instance. Ossa has some short easy scrambles in the chute.
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Re: Overland Track Side Trips

Postby johnw » Thu 14 Jan, 2021 6:07 pm

Yeah, I can relate as I'm terrible with exposed heights. That said I have managed to climb Cradle OK, but did find the bit that NNW was talking about earlier quite scary.
It was one of those "don't look down, but watch where you're putting your feet" moments. Yes a fair amount of boulder hopping but it's a well marked route.
When we did the OLT I attempted Barn Bluff and got within a whisker of the top, but struggled with the last very steep scramble.
WInds were very high at the time and I'm a bit of a shortarse, so had problems reaching hand/foot holds on that bit and became very uncomfortable to continue.
I was happy to wait there, with some great views, more concerned about finishing the whole track. I sent my (much taller) son up to the summit to get some photos.
I really enjoyed Ossa and didn't find it particularly difficult. That would probably be my pick based on the info provided.
And I'd second the suggestion of The Labyrinth from Pine Valley. Some really good views from the lookout above Lake Cyane and the walk isn't hard.
I haven't done the others but would be happy to attempt Emmett, Oakleigh and possibly Pelion East. A return to the OLT is on my bucket list if we ever get past Covid.
John W

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Re: Overland Track Side Trips

Postby Nuts » Thu 14 Jan, 2021 6:47 pm

I'd also check out Mt. Doris or climb (most of the way) up Pelion East if you skip Mt. Ossa. You can get great views of the valley ahead and mountains south. Distant views are few for the rest of the track.

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Re: Overland Track Side Trips

Postby Son of a Beach » Tue 19 Jan, 2021 10:36 am

Son of a Beach wrote:
Tino B wrote:Mt Oakleigh has great views of most of the area of the weather is good and, as stated, doesn’t have any exposure. It’s worth staying at Pelion an extra night to do Oakleigh in the morning and then Old Pelion in the afternoon - maybe even a swim if it’s warm enough.

And all the really bad mud has been duck-boarded now. Also, the formerly rather awkward (and potentially dangerous) creek crossing now has a substantial bridge.

Oakleigh is one of my favourite mountains to climb. It's easy (no technical rock climbing... can all be done without using hands at all), has amazing views from the top (both nearby views of the rock columns and distant views to other mountains, etc), as well as some very special forests to walk through on the way.

PS. And apart from the great forests on the way up Oakleigh, even in bad weather, the view from the top is still great. In this photo, below, it looks a bit like Mordor, I reckon. And no, this is not where the track is.

Oakleigh Mordor.jpg
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Re: Overland Track Side Trips

Postby Brent_D » Wed 17 Feb, 2021 4:38 pm

I did a trip up Oakley last week (feb 2020).

There is a nice view from before the dip (it’s obvious when you are looking at the mountain), beyond that the track gets a bit vague and would be hard in cloud/low light or if you aren’t confident in navigation.

NP have boardwalked all the way to the base of the mountain/tree line so you can ignore the old advice about it being boggy.

It does get steep quickly, so don’t underestimate the light needed up and back especially on tired legs.
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