Skin cancers?

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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Moondog55 » Wed 23 Jun, 2021 10:49 am

No graft The docotor did a very large "S" excision and dragged the flaps around. Skin is quite stretched and tight. Have to type with my left hand for another couple of days
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Lamont » Wed 23 Jun, 2021 10:55 am

Best wishes. Go well matey.
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 25 Jun, 2021 12:46 pm

My mistake it was 16 stitches not 26, I wasn't wearing my hearing aids properly I guess.
Surgical nurse happy with the progress, no infection and I can use my hand lightly.
On the pain scale it is a 1 out of ten, the itch factor is an 8
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby stry » Sat 26 Jun, 2021 9:00 am

I see a few freckles there MD.

Such delicate skin :) may mean that you have more issues to come.
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Biggles » Sat 26 Jun, 2021 10:03 am

Looks neat.
Looks quite red. Hope they gave you some Bactroban ointment to use for the first week or so? Very, very, very easy to become infected when the site is not dressed.
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 26 Jun, 2021 11:51 am

This was taken during the dressing stage, after a wipe off but before the wound was re-taped.
All those little droplets of dried blood were cleaned off and just a little petroleum jelly wiped over.
Itch today is down to a 3 or 4.
This surgery apparently does thousands of these each year as a sideline to all the cosmetic procedures [ BOTOX??] they do.
I was there for an hour but most of that time was skin prep and waiting for the local to take effect, the cut and shut probably only took ten minutes.
I have "permission" to dress it myself if the tape comes off between now and having the sewing removed next Friday unless I can squeeze in earlier, although I've taken my own stitches out on many occasions in the past that needs the use of both hands.
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Lizzy » Sun 27 Jun, 2021 8:28 am

Just FYI the anaesthetic usually works pretty much immediately.
Did they give you dissolving internal sutures as well- this may account for the extra 10.
Hope it heals up well & they got it all!
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 27 Jun, 2021 10:05 am

While it did start to work within 20 seconds or so it took a while for my hand to go completely numb. Also I'm guessing the doctor took the time to do some paperwork or some-such.
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby johnw » Wed 14 Jul, 2021 3:08 pm

johnw wrote:I'm currently keeping an eye on a very small lesion near the forehead BCC site. Scheduled to go back to the doc next month for a follow up

So I went back the other week and also had a concern about another small lesion on my right arm. Had biopsies on both and follow up last Tuesday.
Both confirmed as BCCs, the arm slightly more aggressive. I had them both excised while I was there, keen to get it over and done with. Pathology report came back that both were completely excised.
Stitches can't compete with Moondog's impressive example but looks like about 7 in my forehead, a lot less than last time, and maybe 9 in my arm.
Getting the forehead stitches out on Friday and arm ones the following Friday. Arm location is a bit awkward, outer side above where the elbow bends.
Being extremely right hand dominant it's very difficult to minimise movement there, so stitches will have to wait another week.
Right Arm BCC.jpg
Forehead BCC.jpg
John W

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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Moondog55 » Wed 14 Jul, 2021 5:02 pm

Good luck with those too.
My hand has healed up well, I'm lucky I still mend reasonably
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby stry » Wed 14 Jul, 2021 6:47 pm

Interesting thread.

When MD kicked it off I congratulated myself on having got so far in life with only one small BCC. But the thread did prompt me to have a long overdue skin check, which revealed five more sprinkled around :( Now in the process of (hopefully) dealing with them.
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Moondog55 » Wed 28 Jul, 2021 12:33 pm

That was 3 weeks ago. When I find the camera I'll post a picture of what it looks like now.
Nice work by the doctor and nurse at the clinic
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby johnw » Wed 28 Jul, 2021 1:34 pm

Moondog55 wrote:That was 3 weeks ago. When I find the camera I'll post a picture of what it looks like now.
Nice work by the doctor and nurse at the clinic

Yes my clinic has always done a good job too. Had the second lot of stitches (arm) out last Thursday.
Forehead ones were removed about a week earlier. Scars healing nicely, putting vitamin e cream on twice a day.
Hopefully no easily noticeable scars as previous, but we''ll have to wait and see.
John W

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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 17 Aug, 2021 5:41 pm

Finally took a picture of the surgery site. Well healed now. Although perhaps I'd rather it had not happened at all
239237024_1181130295726189_4394438017156356117_n.jpg (7.74 KiB) Viewed 18820 times
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby GregG » Fri 20 Aug, 2021 10:22 am

It is skin surgery season - lockdown, no travel - might as well look after ones health ( almost as a sort of afterthought). So I went and had a chunk cut out of my leg, looks like it might be a SCC but waiting for the lab report. I note that it can't compete visually with your wound Moondog in terms of size or you John in terms of " street cred" but I'm happy to have it gone.
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 20 Aug, 2021 11:58 am

Consider it a war wound
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Re: Skin cancers?

Postby johnw » Fri 20 Aug, 2021 7:34 pm

Moondog55 wrote:Finally took a picture of the surgery site. Well healed now. Although perhaps I'd rather it had not happened at all

Yes, too true for me as well. Looks pretty good though, especially considering the awkward location.
My forehead looks fine now. Arm is still a bit more purple than that but pretty much healed. Discovered the other week that a couple of sutures were missed at one end.
Went to local GP and had the nurse there remove them, rather than me having a go and stuffing it up. The sister at the clinic is usually very good but next visit I'll offer to take her to Spec Savers :wink:.

GregG wrote:It is skin surgery season - lockdown, no travel - might as well look after ones health ( almost as a sort of afterthought). So I went and had a chunk cut out of my leg, looks like it might be a SCC but waiting for the lab report. I note that it can't compete visually with your wound Moondog in terms of size or you John in terms of " street cred" but I'm happy to have it gone.

Good decision Greg, I've been doing the same. Especially good to get rid of that if it turns out to be a squamous.
Never been given "street cred" before, I thought that was reserved for American rap singers and gangsters :).
John W

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