[FS Melbourne] OMM Classic Marathon 32 pack

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[FS Melbourne] OMM Classic Marathon 32 pack

Postby EGM » Fri 08 Oct, 2021 3:09 pm


The pack has only been used for half a dozen overnight trips last summer.

It's in perfect condition other than a small area where the front mesh pocket got stuck in the buckle, I just noticed it whilst looking at over now, there isn't a hole but you can tell it happened.

It's the black and grey model in the previous generation, linked below.

$95 plus postage

Please send me a pm if you would like some photos or if you have any questions.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: [FS Melbourne] OMM Classic Marathon 32 pack

Postby EGM » Sat 06 Nov, 2021 1:20 pm

$100 posted or $85 it picked up.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Posts: 219
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Region: Victoria
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Re: [FS Melbourne] OMM Classic Marathon 32 pack

Postby EGM » Wed 19 Jan, 2022 12:14 pm

Bump. Photos soon.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Posts: 219
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Region: Victoria
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