Grampians Peaks Trail

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Grampians Peaks Trail

Postby ccar » Fri 08 Oct, 2021 1:41 pm

Whilst searching for information for an overnight walk on Mt Difficult/Gar, I came across this through Google:

Is this some sort of "soft opening"? I haven't seen any media releases about it.

Anybody have any other intel?
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby CraigVIC » Fri 08 Oct, 2021 4:23 pm

$47? Jfc
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby north-north-west » Fri 08 Oct, 2021 5:10 pm

If they're charging $47 - $95 for various two night sections, how much is the whole connected walk going to cost?
*&%$#!, it's cheaper to get an Overland Track pass.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Eremophila » Fri 08 Oct, 2021 5:26 pm

I made enquiry a few months back and was informed by Parks that the trail as a whole would be open this December.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby CraigVIC » Sat 09 Oct, 2021 6:58 am

I'll be surprised if it opens by December but there is certainly a lot going on up there. Some small new sections have opened. Signs for the replacement for borough huts are installed. The track work around the dials has been posted on insta. Track work off the plateau must be nearly finished as they've been at it for a while. The Gar campsites were well underway when I saw them months ago and it doesn't surprise me they would be finished. Same for the Stony group camp.

They have opened tracks and then later gone back and closed them to infill more track work later. Perhaps that will continue after the opening.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby ChrisJHC » Sat 09 Oct, 2021 10:48 am


By comparison, a nearby caravan park charges $34 for an unpowered campsite.
Comes with access to showers etc.

Note - I’m not suggesting you stay at the caravan park, but it’s interesting that you get more for your $ with a commercial operator than you do from our tax-funded government department.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Dexter » Sat 09 Oct, 2021 12:48 pm

Is it to pay for the camp sites? Similar to Wilsons Prom? Still that's a bit steep I'd have thought. It's about $7 a camp spot in the prom.

Is there a map / description of the facilities etc they plan on creating? I'll probably whinge about the price and still do it to be honest.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby ChrisJHC » Sat 09 Oct, 2021 5:34 pm

$30 for an unpowered campsite at the Prom.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Dexter » Sat 09 Oct, 2021 5:48 pm

ChrisJHC wrote:$30 for an unpowered campsite at the Prom.

I meant the hike in camps, sealers, refuge, roaring meg, etc etc. I wondered if their costs to do the Peaks Trail reflect their costs to pay for your hike in camp spots.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby MulgaBill » Tue 12 Oct, 2021 1:12 pm

Welcome to the new PV Business Model - Take a NP and turn it into a business venture.
Having spent many years exploring and enjoying what the Grampians has to offer am now faced with the prospect of being told by some official public servant that you cannot explore or enjoy this section of the bush unless you pay for the privilege. If intending to walk the GPT over the proposed itinerary on offer YOU are looking at a minimum $381 (10 nights) for 1 standard tent site. By the time you factor in all the other costs associated with hiking the GPT (Food, Fuel and other essentials) you are probably looking at a $500 hit to your hip pocket.
Is it worth it?
In my humble opinion, No!
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Dexter » Tue 12 Oct, 2021 1:44 pm

Surely that can't be right?? I don't mind chipping in a reasonable amount for the maintenance needed, but that is ludicrous if true.

Edit: I just found this link which only has one camp location - a bit odd. And these bookings are $16.80. ... eaks-trail

Still not great, but at least it's not $47. I sent them an email asking for clarification. Our national parks should be for everyone, not just those who can afford to see it.

Edit 2:

So I found this documentation for Licensed Tour Operators ... D45C81F350

Would this perhaps be the cost to tour operators to book these campsites? Rather than the average punter with a backpack? Screenshot of booking costs attached.
Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 4.31.19 pm.png
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby MulgaBill » Tue 12 Oct, 2021 3:40 pm

Appreciate the confusion.
The costs per my previous post were based upon the original link per this post: ... d-tent-pad
Presuming this represents the GPT, but maybe not!
Unfortunately my unfamiliarity with the place names gives me little appreciation what locations they are talking about. But the associated maps suggest GPT.
Having visited the PV website, can see the daily cost of $16.80 but only one campsite - Bugiga Hiker camp
The whole project is way behind schedule and whilst Covid played some part - mismanagement has played a larger role.
Basically I'm not a fan. (of these type of developments)

Hi Dexter,
Your investigations clearly suggest the higher costs are associated with LTO's, so hopefully the $16.80 (current cost/campsite) is the price per individual hiker.
Would like to know if one can hike along the GPT and NOT utilise the GPT campsites?
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Dexter » Tue 12 Oct, 2021 3:49 pm

MulgaBill wrote:Appreciate the confusion.
The costs per my previous post were based upon the original link per this post: ... d-tent-pad
Presuming this represents the GPT, but maybe not!
Unfortunately my unfamiliarity with the place names gives me little appreciation what locations they are talking about. But the associated maps suggest GPT.
Having visited the PV website, can see the daily cost of $16.80 but only one campsite - Bugiga Hiker camp
The whole project is way behind schedule and whilst Covid played some part - mismanagement has played a larger role.
Basically I'm not a fan. (of these type of developments)

I think you're right - those camps mentioned are part of the GPT. They seem to be the most developed (huts and such). Hopefully they email me back with some clarity. That initial link posted was the link I sent to them in the email, so it will be interesting to see what they say.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby spacemandave » Tue 12 Oct, 2021 5:59 pm

I love the Grampians, beautiful country. But it seems the online info and booking system is very confusing at the moment. The campsites for sections of the GPT which are able to be booked via the "parkstay" website do not show up on the main "parks" website. Looking at the main "parks" website for the GPT only the Bugiga Hiker camp is able to be booked (as mentioned above by MulgaBill).

I clicked through the "parkstay" website booking form for the "djardji-djawara-mud-dadjug-multi-day-hike" (just to see what it looked like). For the Djardji-djawara camp it was going to cost me $47.70 (even after I'd selected "No" for LTO). But then for night 2 at Mud-dadjug it would cost me $0. I didn't finalize the booking, so who knows, maybe it takes to the last click for them to tell you bookings aren't actually being taken yet. But then the booking forms shouldn't even be live on the web if that is the case.

Not sure what is going on, hopefully they can sort it out (let us know if they get back to you Dexter).
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Dexter » Tue 12 Oct, 2021 6:02 pm

Yep, I'll report back if I find anything out.

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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby ccar » Tue 12 Oct, 2021 7:09 pm

Hope I haven't opened up a can of worms!!

It is interesting nonetheless, maybe web pages that weren't supposed to be indexed by Google were and it's just not finished yet.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Dexter » Wed 13 Oct, 2021 1:44 pm

Free those canned worms I say! It's definitely very unclear how you book, and how much it actually is supposed to be, regardless. Hopefully it's made more clear and doesn't cost a fortune.

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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Bill P » Thu 14 Oct, 2021 4:38 pm

MulgaBill wrote:Would like to know if one can hike along the GPT and NOT utilise the GPT campsites?

Yes at present "Hike in, distributed camping" is allowed in Gariwerd. However, the new Draft Management Plan proposes to ban this, and only permit camping at formal campsites. This would, of course, severely impact any multi day off track walking in this park.

If this ban proceeds then I would expect Parks to try this on in our other National Parks.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby peregrinator » Thu 14 Oct, 2021 5:49 pm

Management Plans are usually created principally by people who have limited knowledge of some realities of bushwalking. We are currently in mid-spring, which might be one of the best times to visit Gariwerd. So let's say we had booked for the walk, or a section of it. Yesterday's "apparent" temperatures at Mt William, close to one of the route's designated camp sites, were generally a few degrees below zero during daylight hours. Wind gusts averaged about 50 km/h. Humidity 100% all day and night. Rain began mid-afternoon and totalled 18 mm by 7:30pm. If we've believed all the enticing publicity about what a fun place this is, and are paying the top rate for a camp up there, do we persist? Or give up, go home, and never come back?
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Bill P » Thu 14 Oct, 2021 8:20 pm

Hi Peregrinator, The intention is for the GPT to become an “iconic walk” and attract visitors-not bushwalkers-people who wish to “tick things off” in a similar fashion to the OLT experience. Doesn’t matter if you have a horrible or a sensational experience, it’s reasonably safe and either way you can regale your dinner companions with brave tales of your derring-do!
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby ggorgeman » Fri 15 Oct, 2021 7:38 am

As a regular to the Grampians, I'm disappointed to see the de-commissioning of a number of long standing routes in the vicinty of the GPT, to prioritise the GPT as "the way". Diversions and cessation of any ongoing maintenance seem to be the main approach. Those alternatives to the GPT could surely remain available to walkers/hikers (without having to bush bash). Interested in thoughts
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby peregrinator » Fri 15 Oct, 2021 8:34 am

ggorgeman wrote:As a regular to the Grampians, I'm disappointed to see the de-commissioning of a number of long standing routes in the vicinty of the GPT, to prioritise the GPT as "the way". Diversions and cessation of any ongoing maintenance seem to be the main approach. Those alternatives to the GPT could surely remain available to walkers/hikers (without having to bush bash). Interested in thoughts

Alternatives to known routes have always existed up to now, so I don't see why those, or the de-commissioned routes you mention, suddenly cease to be available. If walkers are respectful of country, who'll ever know they've been there? Or am I being selfishly opportunistic in stating this?
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby ggorgeman » Fri 15 Oct, 2021 8:47 am

peregrinator wrote:
ggorgeman wrote:As a regular to the Grampians, I'm disappointed to see the de-commissioning of a number of long standing routes in the vicinty of the GPT, to prioritise the GPT as "the way". Diversions and cessation of any ongoing maintenance seem to be the main approach. Those alternatives to the GPT could surely remain available to walkers/hikers (without having to bush bash). Interested in thoughts

Alternatives to known routes have always existed up to now, so I don't see why those, or the de-commissioned routes you mention, suddenly cease to be available. If walkers are respectful of country, who'll ever know they've been there? Or am I being selfishly opportunistic in stating this?

The 'old' routes are still there but becoming overgrown (harder to follow) and physical diversions in place to create a barrier. But for the more adventurous and/or those willing to tackle scrub as it re-grows, it's certainly possible. Perhaps that's a good thing in that the majority will take the 'easy' option of GPT.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby CraigVIC » Sat 16 Oct, 2021 5:48 am

Links have been added for sections, stating closed but opening soon and automatically booked as two nights, $95.40 per pad. Bookings not yet available.

Eg. ... 3-day-hike ... 3-day-hike

3 night hikes ... -day-hikes

Whole hike description. ... eaks-trail
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby CaptainC » Sat 16 Oct, 2021 1:21 pm

I've just been checking the website. The full walk isn't open but there are 3 X 3 say sections open and they are charging $95.40 for a 3 day section.
Camping fees

The trail itself is free to hikers but camping fees apply to stay overnight. This itinerary includes two nights at two different, dedicated campgrounds: first night at Duwul Hike-in Campground and second night at Durd Durd Hike-in Campground. These are booked as an all-inclusive itinerary - all you need to do is choose the date of your first night to book. We recommend booking your 3-day hike well in advance of your planned departure to ensure there is tent pad availability at each campground.

The 3-day itinerary cost is $95.40 for up to two people on a 3.5m x 3.5m standard tent pad

So that's 95.40 for 2 nights for 2 people, doesn't seem to be booking for a single person available. It's quite a bit more than Wilsons Prom. These fees would seem a bit high for low income people. Maybe they are meant to give up bushwalking. If you can avoid the official campsites you would save on the fees.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Bill P » Sat 16 Oct, 2021 5:40 pm

Ggorgeman and Peregrinator,

Bushwalking routes wont cease to be available. They were always there, and always will be. You just get a bit more scratched while using them.

The main issue, as I see it, is that Parks propose to ban hikers camping in locations other than the GPT camp sites, with a few exceptions for the western section of the Park.

Gariwerd is a whole lot better than the compromised GPT trail.

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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby CraigVIC » Sat 16 Oct, 2021 7:14 pm

Spot on Bill, everyone can have their cake and eat it too if dispersed camping continues.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby bmak » Wed 20 Oct, 2021 8:13 pm

You can see what your paying for. It’s probably a little steep but the facilities did look good when I checked them out.

Not sure how I feel about it and hope it doesn’t get worse for crowds.


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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby Bill P » Wed 20 Oct, 2021 8:20 pm

Good grief Brad! Where the heck is that?
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail - Open??

Postby peregrinator » Wed 20 Oct, 2021 8:39 pm

bmak wrote:You can see what your paying for . . . [snip]
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What I see from your photographs bmak, is that these structures might be appropriate in the middle of Halls Gap. On the walking tracks of Gariwerd, they are a nonsense.

Who pays? Who profits? Who loses? These are the key questions that arise in the long-term.
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