Cheap lightweight 2 Person 4 season tent review

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Cheap lightweight 2 Person 4 season tent review

Postby Hiking Exped » Thu 14 Oct, 2021 8:24 am

I’m always on the lookout for shaving a few grams as I carry plenty of emergency gear in weight and also like a robust, durable pack. As such the weight of all my other gear is under constant scrutiny.

The Illumina X made my Novrasport in Australia is marketed as a 2 person 4 season tent at under 1.5Kg. It comes with an extra footprint if you need it for about $250 and overall I’m impressed.

The footprint weight is an extra 250g, but is not needed if you are protecting your bed with a closed cell mat, etc. The crab like pole set up makes it sturdy and stable in strong winds and snow. I had tested it in the Alps in very wet weather earlier in the year where it performed great in high winds too, and last week got it up above the snow line for a test.

It is well made, with good internal height to sit up, and a very roomy 1 person, or not so roomy 2 person. The inner is half mesh so still protects you from the cold winds as you sleep and shaves weight. I never felt the cold in it, but it still got a little condensation and a two way zip on the fly door would be a great easy improvement to better control condensation.

It is certainly a great cost effective light tent for all but the very worst of weather conditions. On a long multi day hike it may be a little small for 2 people as the vestibule is not that roomy for your kit.

Definitely recommend though and a great larger 1 person
Hiking Exped
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Re: Cheap lightweight 2 Person 4 season tent review

Postby CraigVIC » Thu 14 Oct, 2021 11:16 am

Aren't these just rebranded Naturehike tents?
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Cheap lightweight 2 Person 4 season tent review

Postby Hiking Exped » Fri 15 Oct, 2021 12:01 pm

I think so Craig. They look similar, but not seen a Naturehike in the flesh and the specs are slightly different. Good little tent though. I am using it if I’m away for extended periods and need a bit more room on a solo, or use it if me and wife or son are out for a couple of nights. I’ve had and tested many tents though and I’m impressed with this. Paid the RRP and delivered quickly.
Hiking Exped
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Re: Cheap lightweight 2 Person 4 season tent review

Postby JohnnoMcJohnno » Fri 15 Oct, 2021 10:08 pm

Hiking Exped wrote:I think so Craig. They look similar, but not seen a Naturehike in the flesh and the specs are slightly different. Good little tent though. I am using it if I’m away for extended periods and need a bit more room on a solo, or use it if me and wife or son are out for a couple of nights. I’ve had and tested many tents though and I’m impressed with this. Paid the RRP and delivered quickly.

They are very similar tents but there are some differences. I have an Illumina and agree it's quite a good tent. I also have a cloud up 2 fly I bought off Aliexpress. The Cloud up 2 fly doesn't fit the Illumina - the buckles are different. And while the Cloud up 2 fly has a rear vent and mid panel guy points, it doesn't have any way to tie the fly to the poles like you can in the Illumina. I prefer the Illumina for that reason.
Last edited by JohnnoMcJohnno on Sat 16 Oct, 2021 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cheap lightweight 2 Person 4 season tent review

Postby Hiking Exped » Sat 16 Oct, 2021 5:25 am

I must get into this Aliexpress, they certainly seem to offer up some alternatives and bargains.
Hiking Exped
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Re: Cheap lightweight 2 Person 4 season tent review

Postby CraigVIC » Sat 16 Oct, 2021 7:24 pm

Interesting, I have seen these mentioned here and there but always assumed they were Naturehikes.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Cheap lightweight 2 Person 4 season tent review

Postby grunter » Sat 16 Oct, 2021 7:46 pm

I got my 2nd illumina tent from Novasports for only $143.00 in August. I thought they are a naturehike tent.
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