[WTB] Ortlieb Aqua Zoom Waterproof DSLR Camera Bag

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[WTB] Ortlieb Aqua Zoom Waterproof DSLR Camera Bag

Postby lachmac » Fri 05 Nov, 2021 9:45 am

Hi there

Looking for a long-zoom waterproof camera bag for canoe and chest-carry.
These are NLA new, here is a photo: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1043848-REG/ortlieb_p9201_aqua_zoom_waterproof_dslr.html

Last edited by lachmac on Fri 05 Nov, 2021 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WTB] Ortlieb Aqua Zoom Waterproof DSLR Camera Bag

Postby Dexter » Fri 05 Nov, 2021 9:59 am

This may or may not be helpful given it's quite a different style of bag and significantly larger. But I do have a Lowepro Dryzone 200 (essentially a thick dry bag with a backpack built around it). It's been used on one overseas trip kayaking along rivers in Belize. Just in case you were wondering - it floats :D

I'd be willing to let this one go if you think it fits the bill, but it was a very pricey bag. Not looking to get a lot for it, but I wouldn't want to give it away either being that it's quite unique and probably hard to come by now.
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