Access to Cradle Mtn / Dove Lake

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Access to Cradle Mtn / Dove Lake

Postby wello » Sat 19 Apr, 2008 6:16 pm

Hi All,

I read in one of these posts that there's now a boom gate at the Cradle Mtn visitor centre. Can anyone tell me a few specifics of how it works? For example, if you wanted to get an early start and arrived at say 5am, could you get through? I have an annual pass, but does the operation of the gate depend on Parks staff being present?

I'll be heading into the area around mid May. Anyone know if the shuttle bus is running at that time? The parks website has a summer timetable only.

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Re: Access to Cradle Mtn / Dove Lake

Postby tastrekker » Wed 23 Apr, 2008 7:34 am

I was there on Monday at 8:30am. The original inward route past the Visitor Centre (north of the carpark) is boom gated and signposted "Buses and Service Vehicles Only."
Other traffic is now directed past the southern carpark entrance where another boom gate was closed with a sign saying "All Carparks Beyond This Point Are Full."
Just as I started reversing to seek assistance, the boom gate opened. I was only the 5th car at Ronney Creek so their sign is a bit stupid.
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Re: Access to Cradle Mtn / Dove Lake

Postby frank_in_oz » Wed 23 Apr, 2008 9:13 am

Thanks for the info. Plan to be there early on Wed May 7th.
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