Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

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Victoria specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.

Re: Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

Postby CraigVIC » Tue 12 Jan, 2021 10:01 am

Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

Postby xanthe » Wed 13 Jan, 2021 8:08 am

So disappointing to read for an avid bush camper. Grampians was one of the few places near me that had the most stunning hikes and allowed for dispersed camping. Was supposed to go in early 2020 when the borders shut, and on announcement of their planned reopening I aimed for July 2020 when the second outbreak happened. :(

I have submitted my feedback to Parks Vic regarding the Management Plan but I doubt it will have much effect... they would obviously make more money by charging us camping fees for what were previously free campsites / establishing new paid campsites, rather than hiring more rangers to fine those who are trashing the land (which I'm guessing is where this is stemming from?)

Something I would like some clarification on... in the table on page 98, it says for example, "Wallaby Rocks (up to four camping areas) [4wd]" under the column "New camping area or campground to be investigated or established." Last time I camped on Wallaby Rocks rd, I remember there being far more than four camping areas; people were spread out all along the cliff's edge. So does this mean some of these spots will be made inaccessible while others are investigated and established as official free camping areas? :|
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Re: Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

Postby CraigVIC » Mon 18 Jan, 2021 7:57 pm

"This email is a reminder that people with an interest in the Gariwerd landscape can provide their feedback on the Greater Gariwerd Draft Landscape Management Plan until Sunday 24 January 2021 via Engage Victoria."

Not long left to have your say one way or the other. The email goes on to say more than 450 submissions have been received already. I would guess most of those relate to climbing.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

Postby CraigVIC » Thu 23 Sep, 2021 4:28 pm

Consultation summary is out



Dispersed camping

The majority of survey respondents thought allowing camping only in designated areas addressed or partially addressed the aim to support recreation while protecting environmental and cultural values. However, there was not as much qualitative feedback on the strategy to change from dispersed to designated camping. Of those respondents who provided qualitative feedback on dispersed camping, many did not support requiring people to only camp in designated spaces. They valued the ability to walk off-track and access wild places away from other people. There was a belief that there was not enough evidence provided for why this could not continue as they felt the numbers who camped in non-designated areas was low.

For most respondents retaining hike-in dispersed camping was the priority over drive-in camping.They believed it had low impact and low numbers of people do it. They also pointed out that there in the current draft there are only two designated hike-in campsites provided outside of the Grampians Peaks Trail. They do not think this is enough. They suggested instead conditions should be applied such as fuel stove only, not camping at the base of cliffs or in caves, and no dispersed camping in sensitive areas.

There was also individual feedback on the closure or opening of specific campsites. This information has been reviewed by the planning team but is not detailed here.

“A true connection to the wild requires people to get
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“Controlling camp fires is a major issue so only
allowing camping in designated camp sites I
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Re: Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

Postby Lophophaps » Tue 16 Nov, 2021 10:55 am

Somehow I missed this, not good. This
https://s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com ... orward.pdf
"I have reviewed the Consultation Report: draft Greater Gariwerd Landscape Management Plan(Draft 2), which was produced and updated by Parks Victoria and supplied to me on 30 July 2021. I am satisfied that this version of the report appropriately and fairly summarises the feedback received from the 855 survey respondents and 1705 submitters. It was not part of my brief to review the engagement process, survey design or management plan content."

The letter is dated 30 July 2021. How can someone look at 855 survey respondents and 1705 submitters in a day? I read all 195 public Falls-Hotham submissions and it took me several weeks. While I was doing this part time there's no way that anyone can read 855 submissions in a day. No way.

Also, it's still unclear if remote off-track walking and camping is allowed. A mate at Halls Gap asked and nobody knows.
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Re: Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

Postby Biggles » Tue 16 Nov, 2021 2:25 pm

Lophophaps wrote:A month or more ago I asked PV for details about overnight walks in remote areas. No reply. Does anyone have an update on this or any other aspects?

Probably best to make contact with PV Ranger Team Leader responsible for a specific section of Gariwerd. I think there are 3 RTLs based in Halls Gap. It is close to pointless to ring or write to PV as being a bureaucracy everything moves really, really slowly. There is also a known disconnect between Rangers / RTLs in-field and PV Head Office, which doesn't necessary know, accurately, what staff are doing in-field!
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Re: Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

Postby Tino B » Tue 16 Nov, 2021 4:38 pm

Probably best not to mention anything about remote and off track camping to Parks staff.
Tino B
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Re: Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

Postby Tino B » Tue 16 Nov, 2021 4:44 pm

Interesting that the consultation feedback that Craig referenced mentions that banning dispersed camping would reduce campfires. I don’t know any serious or experienced hiker who ever has a camp fire in a non-prescribed area.

I’m my experience, it’s drive in campers, yobbos in 4WD’d and motor bike riders who have campfires.
Tino B
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Re: Dispersed Camping to be banned in Grampians

Postby CBee » Tue 16 Nov, 2021 7:45 pm

Tino B wrote:
I’m my experience, it’s drive in campers, yobbos in 4WD’d and motor bike riders who have campfires.

I have seen a range of people having campfires regularly. Including experienced bushwalkers and members of clubs. I have myself used fires too, in some situations when needed.
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