Consultation summary is out
Dispersed camping
The majority of survey respondents thought allowing camping only in designated areas addressed or partially addressed the aim to support recreation while protecting environmental and cultural values. However, there was not as much qualitative feedback on the strategy to change from dispersed to designated camping. Of those respondents who provided qualitative feedback on dispersed camping, many did not support requiring people to only camp in designated spaces. They valued the ability to walk off-track and access wild places away from other people. There was a belief that there was not enough evidence provided for why this could not continue as they felt the numbers who camped in non-designated areas was low.
For most respondents retaining hike-in dispersed camping was the priority over drive-in camping.They believed it had low impact and low numbers of people do it. They also pointed out that there in the current draft there are only two designated hike-in campsites provided outside of the Grampians Peaks Trail. They do not think this is enough. They suggested instead conditions should be applied such as fuel stove only, not camping at the base of cliffs or in caves, and no dispersed camping in sensitive areas.
There was also individual feedback on the closure or opening of specific campsites. This information has been reviewed by the planning team but is not detailed here.
“A true connection to the wild requires people to get
off the beaten track, without the formalities and
restrictions and rules. To find a little place of your
own and really connect is one of the things that
nature, and the National Park, should be about.”
“Controlling camp fires is a major issue so only
allowing camping in designated camp sites I