Clear Hill Road status

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Clear Hill Road status

Postby JnT » Tue 21 Dec, 2021 12:34 pm

I've heard that Clear Hill Road was closed after the 2019 bushfires, and reopened last summer. But I've also heard that the gate may or may not be shut at anytime. Can anyone who has been in recently report on whether the gate was shut? And if I was to get a key, would I contact PWS or STT? Thanks in advance
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Re: Clear Hill Road status

Postby bumpingbill » Tue 21 Dec, 2021 5:53 pm

Was all good when I was there early October. I needed no key unless you I wanted to go all the way into Adamsfield. I just walked in.

PWS at Mt Field should be able to easily confirm
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Re: Clear Hill Road status

Postby FLICKIT » Tue 21 Dec, 2021 8:38 pm

I was out there last month, it's all clear and open up until the last major intersection near the end just before where Smiths Memorial and the small huts use to be, there's quite a bit of wind-fall at the end past there... The road is in good condition and a standard car shouldn't have any real issues heading out there with appropriate care...
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Re: Clear Hill Road status

Postby JnT » Wed 22 Dec, 2021 7:58 am

Thanks for the replies!
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Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Clear Hill Road status

Postby headwerkn » Wed 22 Dec, 2021 10:08 am

Has been open for about a year, but suggest taking a handsaw or chainsaw if you can. Every time we've been up there in the past year (three times from memory) there's been trees over the road, the last time we had to some awkward driving over one that was too big to shift. Have since bought a cordless Makita chainsaw ;-)
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Re: Clear Hill Road status

Postby BLOODNUT87 » Sun 16 Jan, 2022 11:23 am

Closed until January 22nd due to road graders etc fixing the road to Tas fire service or some *&%$#!....I was here 3 days ago I left the day pws posted it on there alert page I got out there then found out the next day from getting service etc
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