Federation Peak post-fires?

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Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Bergs » Wed 24 Nov, 2021 7:00 pm

Hi there,

I'm keen to hear from anyone who's been to Federation Peak (via Farmhouse Ck) post-fires. What's the track like? My guess is less scrub, more mud...

Only trip report I've found online is this one about going to Mt Bobs.
https://bushwalk.com/forum/viewtopic.ph ... on#p421994

For anyone who missed it, the Parks website has Fedders open via Farmhouse Creek. Eastern Arthurs traverse still closed.
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby lefroy » Mon 29 Nov, 2021 2:04 pm

Hey Bergs, a quick Google search of fed via farmhouse will link you to a detailed attempt post fire. I saw it on the weekend by chance.
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Bergs » Tue 30 Nov, 2021 11:10 am

Thanks Lefroy, I found this, which I guess is what you mean: https://www.weseektravel.com/federation-peak-tasmania/

They make little mention of fire damage. So to refine my question, I'm keen to hear from anyone who can comment on how fire has affected the track!
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Azza » Tue 30 Nov, 2021 11:58 am

Is there a particular aspect you are interested in?

The area affected is mostly the button grass, but also some of the forested areas.
The times they quote in that blog are pretty similar to pre-fire - it doesn't suggest its any easier or harder.

The track has always been super wet and muddy particularly along the last section to the base of moss ridge.
From memory its braided with lots of big button grass clumps, and tea tree..
How fast/how hard that terrain is to cover is largely dependent on how used to walking those conditions you are?

We've also had a very wet spring - that perhaps might have more impact on the current condition/difficulty of the track.
I've heard of a few groups going in, but no one has said much about the fire damage.

What I guess is more concerning is damage to Moss Ridge.

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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Tortoise » Tue 30 Nov, 2021 5:25 pm

A friend who has walked the Farmhouse Creek track a few times went in again recently. While the track is still muddy and slow in places, he said the fires have completely changed the vegetation in the valley. Less scrub at this stage, with vegetation recovering. Also Moss Ridge is apparently a little better than it was, but still a full-body work-out through the obstacle course. Parks have apparently removed 600+ fallen trees, but done no actual track work. The group commented that it was hard to see where all those fallen trees had been removed, as there are still a lot. But I suspect Moss Ridge is a bit less of a 3D maze than it used to be.
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Bergs » Sat 04 Dec, 2021 1:27 pm

Thanks all! Very helpful.
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Rufus » Tue 01 Feb, 2022 3:17 pm

Any recent ecperiences re Riveaux Rd access to Farmhouse Creek track head and conditions for 2wd vehicle .Any recomnendations re hire car companies with gravel rd cover( many exclude this) or charter a taxi ?
Thanks in advance
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby headwerkn » Wed 02 Feb, 2022 8:56 am

Riveaux Rd/West Picton Rd is in reasonable condition. No lack of washouts/holes to circle around if you're not in a high clearance vehicle, but perfectly ok in a 2WD with due care. Don't expect to be doing much faster than 40kmh after the bridge across the Picton River.

We did Fedders/Geeves Bluff mid-January. Mud along the Farmhouse Creek track has dried a fair bit, still thick and goopy in spots but not as bad as it typically is. Still plenty of timber across track. South Cracroft Creek is a mess, they've put in temporary platforms but neither those nor the creek itself were appealing for a stay, we pushed onto Cutting Camp on the way in and Timber Camp on the way out. Buttongrass Plains are pretty oppressive in the current heat, something to bear in mind especially if creeks start to dry out. Pad gets vague in quite a few spots within the regenerating button grass along Cracroft, just enough ribbon in places to help keep you on track, do need to stay alert though. Moss Ridge was fun, good solid jungle gym. Despite rumours otherwise the "tree plank" is still there and all the steep/tall climb-y bits are still perfectly manageable with enough time/care and pack hauling if need be.

March flies and mozzies were nuclear-grade especially at the lower camps, but I hear they've been terrible everywhere of late.
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Rufus » Wed 02 Feb, 2022 7:05 pm

Exactly the info I was after.
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Bergs » Fri 18 Feb, 2022 1:14 pm

@headwerkn any issues with getting water up at Bechervaise when you were there?
@rufus Apex car rentals are one of the few that are ok with gravel roads.
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby icefest » Sun 20 Feb, 2022 1:44 pm

headwerkn wrote:Despite rumours otherwise the "tree plank" is still there

What is the "tree-plank"?
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Tortoise » Sun 20 Feb, 2022 5:04 pm



The trickiest bit is the peat lump used to get up from the plank to the top (above the person's head in the first photo). It moves in the air when trodden on, so will fail one day. I confess I was surprised that the plank isn't apparently secured in any way - just jammed into...something? :shock:
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby johnw » Sun 20 Feb, 2022 5:21 pm

Bergs wrote:@rufus Apex car rentals are one of the few that are ok with gravel roads.

Call them first, might be OK in Tassie. I had fantastic service from them in New Zealand, and no issue with gravel except a couple of specific roads.
So I made the mistake of assuming it would be same elsewhere. In FNQ the bloke in charge of the Apex depot was as arrogant and belligerent as I have ever seen anyone.
Insisted that none of their vehicles could be taken off the asphalt under any circumstances whatsoever, even though the rental agreement clearly stated otherwise.
As a customer I've never encountered anyone so nasty and immediately cancelled the booking. Went straight around to Budget who I've used many times before, and do allow unsealed road use (unless something has changed recently).
John W

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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby icefest » Sun 20 Feb, 2022 5:29 pm

Tortoise wrote:It moves in the air when trodden on, so will fail one day.


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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby Tortoise » Sun 20 Feb, 2022 5:53 pm

icefest wrote:
Tortoise wrote:It moves in the air when trodden on, so will fail one day.



Lol! Jumper-off-cliffs-into-unknown-water...
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby north-north-west » Sun 20 Feb, 2022 6:37 pm

Is that on Moss Ridge?
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby headwerkn » Sun 20 Feb, 2022 6:57 pm

Bergs wrote:@headwerkn any issues with getting water up at Bechervaise when you were there?

There was "enough" flowing slowly through the soak just down from the tent platforms on the first night we were there. Much improved on the return trip after a day of heavy rain, as you'd expect.

We treated our water just in case (something we don't typically do). It wasn't quite as bad as High Moor last summer but had a similar vibe, if you catch my drift. Very unfortunate location for a water source relative to where people camp. They really should have the platforms down at Lower Bechervaise.
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby headwerkn » Sun 20 Feb, 2022 6:58 pm

north-north-west wrote:Is that on Moss Ridge?

Yes, about 2/3-3/4 the way up from memory.
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Re: Federation Peak post-fires?

Postby headwerkn » Fri 18 Nov, 2022 11:25 am

Just a quick update from a recent trip to Fedders a couple of weeks ago:

1. Be really careful with 'the plank'. Unlike in January it appears to have worked loose from its jam in the rocky pocket, and was just sitting there ready to slide out underneath a climber. We attempted to re-jam it in but with marginal success. Basically just make sure you're keeping a foot against the tree and limit any traverse forces as you make your way across. Not entirely kosher perhaps from an environmental impact, but thinking about it now, if someone were to take out a bit of light cord and bind the end to the supporting tree, it would at least make it safer.

2. Despite recent heavy rains and some remaining snow on Federation Peak itself, the Bechervaise Plateau water source mentioned previously wasn't flowing particularly well, out on par with what I saw back in January. Something to be aware if you're planning on staying overnight up there over summer, esp. if we get a dry spell.
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