I always thought that 99.999% meant that it filters Giardia and E coli 100%, but not all pathogens. Turns out that isn't true, they remove only a percentage of these pathogens and some still get through. So there is still a risk of getting Giardia (or any other pathogen) depending on how bad the water is! In the example of Giardia, if you consume more than 10 Giardia cysts, then you have a "good" chance of getting sick. Less than 10, you should be OK.
So all these filters do is minimise the risk. They don't actually guarantee you wont get sick, only boiling water can do that. The best microfiber filter is the one we all hate, the Sawyer Mini!
These micro-filters have worked for me, so I'm totally OK using them but if you want a lot more detail, this Gear Sceptics video explains it over 54 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJOiCztnXfY