Overlandman wrote:Not sure what this one is about
If someone hears something can you add to the stary
From Vigilante news
The Tasmania Police Westpac rescue helicopter is heading to Scotts Peak Dam after locating a number of missing bush walkers nearby.
The heli did a bit of a loop around the Lake Ganymede - High Moor Camp area, a loop north of there, then it dropped off the radar for a bit,
https://flightaware.com/live/flight/POL ... 0146.33775
it reappeared north of Mount Anne and returned to the airport... Since it returned to the airport and not the RHH I assume there were no injuries...
https://flightaware.com/live/flight/POL ... 0127/0346Z
I noticed some action between Precipitous Bluff and Cockle Creek last week also, it hasn't been mentioned in the news anywhere, it appears a group may have been ferried back to Cockle:
https://flightaware.com/live/flight/POL ... /YMHB/YMHB