Lophophaps wrote:Welcome to the forum. From Kiandra the AAWT goes north-east to Witzes Hut and the Murrumbidgee, and south-west to Tabletop Mountain. Going to Witzes involves two river crossings at the start, shallow and about knee deep. From Witzes you can keep on the AAWT for about 3 kilometres, then go west over Gooandra Creek to Gooandra Homestead
https://www.khuts.org/index.php/huts/ko ... -homestead
The track from there is about 5 kilometre from the highway, and this is another 5 kilometres to the car at Kiandra. If doing this trip it may be an idea to leave the car a the end so that you can leave a bit earlier.
A few kilometres in, after crossing the river it should be possible to go north-west off track to meet the Gooandra track a few kilometres on the highway side of the hut.
There are AAWT options going south-west from Kiandra, but they are mostly out and back, with the campsites a bit far from the highway. Long Plain may be possible. I have not been there so I cannot comment.
The Jagungal region is too far. The Farm Ridge circuit is nice, but best done in 2-3 days.
GBW wrote:You could walk south from Kiandra to Broken Dam Hut then do a walk to Tabletop Mountain and back to the Hut to camp. It's about 10k easy walking from the highway along Tabletop Trail then a short offtrack section to the hut. Another 5k or so to Tabletop Mountain and has great views.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Broke ... 98!5m1!1e4
GBW wrote:This is the offtrack route I took to Broken Dam Hut from Tabletop Mountain Trail pretty well east from the trail. To get to Tabletop Mtn from the hut just follow Four Mile Trail south.
GBW wrote: Four Mile Trail back to the Hwy may be an option but does require crossing the Eucumbene. I haven't done it so can't help there.
Lophophaps wrote:My recollection is that the scrub between Four Mile Hut site and Broken Dam Hut is relatively light, so you may be able to go that way.
Lophophaps wrote:Blue Waterholes requires booking
https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/ca ... campground
It may be possible to camp away from there and drive to a point where you can get to the gorge, which is very spectacular..
jon_b wrote:Thanks the the replies and suggestions. Appreciate all of them.
From what I can gather online, you can drive in to the Murrumbidgee crossing from Sawyers Hut (on the highway), and it is (usually) a knee-deep crossing. If that was all accurate, then that would be quite a short and very downhill trip out on Day 2 (assu ming a pre-positioned AWD/4WD at the Four Mile Track / Murrumbidgee intersection)
Zapruda wrote:I'm not sure why everyone is suggesting Broken Dam, Tabelotp, four mile etc. They obviously haven't visited in years and should be thoughtful about suggesting things if their information is out of date.
Zapruda wrote:It looks like a complete wasteland after the 2019/20 fires. There isn't a single living snowgum left. Its bleak.
GBW wrote:No I haven't been there since the fires and pandemic but have seen several trip reports and ample photos showing the current state of the landscape, one as recent as today. It's not a secret! But saying I'm thoughtless for suggesting it just because it doesn't meet your lofty standards is ridiculous.
Surely you aren't suggesting the area is not worth visiting until the snowgums recover?
Zapruda wrote:I just think its important that people give suggestions that are based on current conditions and personal experience.
Warin wrote:Zapruda wrote:I just think its important that people give suggestions that are based on current conditions and personal experience.
Someone has to go first. In that case there can be no 'current conditions' and there is a probability of 'personal experience'.
And even if someone else has 'gone first' they may not contribute to the discussion.
People do stuff without any 'personal experience' nor any personal knowledge of 'current conditions'. They usually gather as much information as they can, evaluate it .. and then go to the moon.
Lophophaps wrote:... Is there a map showing where the fires have been?
crollsurf wrote:Lophophaps wrote:... Is there a map showing where the fires have been?
Zapruda wrote:Have you GBW? I’m certain Lops and NNW haven’t.
And who’s stopping YOU visiting? But encouraging people to go to an area hit that hard is a bit thoughtless, especially when there are plenty of places that weren’t burnt as badly in the same general area.
I’ve spent 25 days in the area between Happy Jacks Creek gorge and Pollocks Gully since the fires and countless days in the years before the fires so maybe my idea of what is worth visiting or not is a little skewed. I still wouldn’t recommend it though.
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