For topics unrelated to bush walking or to the forums.
Fri 24 Sep, 2021 9:03 pm
Short notice I know, however….
A mate of mine won two tickets for the 2021 AFL grand final between Melbourne and Western Bulldogs in Perth next Saturday 25 September. The tickets include box seats plus airfares, penthouse accommodation, all food and grog supplied and $1000 for any other expenses.
When he won the tickets his Wedding date had not been set. He now finds out the only date available at the church for the wedding is on the same day as the Grand Final, so he can't go.
If you're interested and want to go instead of him, it's at St Carthages Cathedral at 5 PM on Saturday 25 September. She's a fairly nice looking woman, about 160 cm tall, clean, cute, great body and her name is Sally. She will be the one in the white dress.
Sun 10 Oct, 2021 5:19 pm

- Mask needed.jpg (70.65 KiB) Viewed 65358 times
Fri 19 Nov, 2021 7:07 am

- nativity.jpg (37.49 KiB) Viewed 67266 times
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 11:45 pm
Target, bushwalkers with boots!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Mon 29 Nov, 2021 9:59 am
ooh, that one's a bit below the belt!
Wed 01 Dec, 2021 7:01 am
Did you hear about the ultralight aircraft that crashed into an Irish churchyard?
So far they've recovered 134 bodies
Mon 06 Dec, 2021 6:22 am
It's been months since I bought the book "How to Scam People Online." It still hasn't arrived.
Sat 15 Jan, 2022 12:00 pm
I have a big party planned for my next birthday, I' tentatively ordered a tonne of redgum charcoal and a full yearling Black Angus dressed for spit-roasting. Unfortunately after a few major financial setbacks and unexpected expenditures it seems I can't afford that anymore so I guess it will be BBQ sausages in cheap white bread. Yes that's right, I hoped for the beast but planning for the wurst
Thu 10 Mar, 2022 7:05 pm
This guy relates about someone who was stung by a bee while playing golf.
"Where were you stung?" he asked.
"Between the first and second hole" they replied.
Shocked, he exclaimed: "Gee, you must have a wide stance !"
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 3:36 pm
Starbucks has decided to punish Russia by keeping all their stores open.
Meanwhile, McDonalds have shut down all of theirs. Russia is officially in the "no fry zone".
After streaming services ended their Russian offerings, the locals are now watching 'Nyetflix'.
How many Russians does it take to conquer Ukraine? It's okay, Putin doesn't know either.
A Moscow man buys a newspaper, glances at the front page, and throws it away. Next day and the day after he does the same thing. Eventually the seller asks, "Why do you do that?"
The bloke replies, "I'm just checking for an obituary."
"But obituaries aren't on the front page."
"The one I'm looking for will be."
Mon 14 Mar, 2022 6:38 am

- Mask eyes 2.png (313.68 KiB) Viewed 63323 times
Tue 15 Mar, 2022 12:26 pm
Tue 22 Mar, 2022 10:48 pm
oh how I love this thread
Wed 23 Mar, 2022 8:18 am

- Military assistance during the floods
- Military assistance.png (412.75 KiB) Viewed 62662 times
Sat 14 May, 2022 9:34 am
The main purpose of the little toe is to make sure all the furniture is in place.
Sat 14 May, 2022 9:55 am
The definition of a Shin : A device for finding furniture in the dark.
Sat 14 May, 2022 10:44 am
It's weird being the same age as old people.
Sat 14 May, 2022 5:11 pm
I don't mind being old as long as my all terrain walking frame with track drive can get me on longer days - over 3 kilometres - in a decent time.
Sun 29 May, 2022 11:25 pm
Broken barometer for sale. No pressure.
Double negatives are a no-no in English.
If you have to wear both a mask and glasses, you may be entitled to condensation.
Thu 02 Jun, 2022 11:00 am
Three crackers in a row tortoise

Anything by Get Krack!n's 'Beauty Krackspert", "Wellness" guru and all around sage Helen Bidou aka Anne Edmonds.
Thu 02 Jun, 2022 4:20 pm
I can fix that.
Ornithology, the study of bird-watching
Orthinology, the study of word-botching or the study of people who wished they were thinner.
(Search for Orthinology using Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo, and be surprised.)
I was terrible at school. I failed maths so many times I can't count.
I'd like to take the band ABBA out for lunch, and if I could, I would my friend, for Nando's.
A shark can swim faster than me, but I can run faster than a shark. So in a triathlon I guess it comes down to who would be the better cyclist
My wife said I'm addicted to brake fluid. It's okay, I can stop at any time.
I'm addicted to jumper cables. The doctor said said it was okay, as long as I don't start anything.
The teacher asks the class, "A wealthy man dies and leaves ten million dollars. One-fifth goes to his wife, one-fifth goes to his son, one-sixth goes to his butler, and the rest goes to a charity. Now, what does each get?"
After a very long silence in the classroom, Johnny raised his hand. The teacher called on Johnny for his answer. With complete sincerity in his voice, Johnny answered, "A lawyer."
Sun 05 Jun, 2022 1:16 pm
At precisely 9 am last Wednesday, a woman phoned the Prime Minister’s office. “Can I speak to Mr Morrison, please?”
“Mr Morrison is no longer the prime minister.”
On Thursday morning at 9 am, the same. “Can I speak to Mr Morrison, please?”
“Mr Morrison is no longer the Prime Minister.”
And on Friday at 9 am. “Can I speak to Mr Morrison, please?”
“Mr Morrison is no longer the prime minister! I’ve told you three times now! Why do you keep asking?”
“I know he’s not the Prime Minister any more. I just LOVE hearing you say it!”
Thu 09 Jun, 2022 4:24 pm
I see trees of green,
Green trees there too.
I just see trees,
But I can't see you,
And I think to myself,
I'm lost in the woods.
Thu 23 Jun, 2022 6:52 pm
My dad was a skydiver back in the sixties. There was a bloke in his club that was a nut. He had the idea that he could test the axiom that “cats always land on their feet” from free fall altitude, where he would fall with them and observe their self-righting behaviour. He had no interest in aiding their descent, just wanted to see how they behaved in free fall. In his plan, landing was the cats’ problem, not his. Scientific impartiality, or some such thing.
He took four stray cats up in a pillowcase for the jump. After exiting the plane, he turned the pillowcase inside out, releasing the cats. To his great surprise, all four cats attached themselves to his body immediately. With their claws. Given that cats have 18 claws each, he was punctured at least 72 times. More, probably, because he struggled vainly to remove the cats as he fell, but they were having none of it, and would reattach with even more conviction with every effort he made to pull them off.
Presently, he was out of altitude, and had to turn his attention to opening the chute. Let’s pause to do some maths. A chute opening can generate as much as three Gs of force. The average cat weighs 1.4 kilograms at 1 G. At three Gs, this becomes 4 kilograms per cat. So when the chute opened, for a moment this guy had 72 razor sharp claws in his skin, each one being pulled down with a force of about 600 grams. That’s about 44 kilograms of cats. He was sliced to ribbons, basically.
All four cats hung on through the chute opening, although the skydiver’s shredded flesh allowed each one to slip a few centimetres. Bleeding and in misery, the skydiver managed to make a safe, if rather rough, landing in a farm field.
As soon as he hit the earth, all four cats ran off across the field, leaving him to lie there bleeding from his hundred or so wounds. He was the only member of the skydiving club that was displeased with the results of his experiment.
Thu 23 Jun, 2022 7:01 pm
Hickory, dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
And the mouse got smashed up in the machinery.
Hickory, dickory dock,
Two mice ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
And the other came away with minor injuries.
Mon 19 Dec, 2022 8:42 pm
For anyone who was wondering : 2 minutes.
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Tue 20 Dec, 2022 3:58 pm
Everyone knows about Karl Marx. He certainly shook up the world with his ideas and writings, so I guess that's not unexpected. But not many people remember his sister Onya, who invented the starter pistol, even though she's commemorated at the beginning of every race.
It's just like everyone remembers Alan Turing, who broke the Enigma codes. But no one remembers his sister Kate, who fed all the researchers.
Wed 21 Dec, 2022 7:43 am
Everyone remembers Miles Dunphy but no-one remembers his brother Kilometres Dunphy.
Wed 21 Dec, 2022 8:22 am
Apparently in Ireland, they bury people by the road and then put on their gravestone their:
Where they were born
That’s why you’ll see everywhere signs saying:
50 Miles from Dublin
20 Miles from Belfast
Fri 23 Dec, 2022 9:31 pm
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