Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby Mechanic-AL » Sat 31 Jul, 2021 1:46 pm

Anyone got any idea how many copies have been printed in total since day one (including updated versions) ??
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby Mechanic-AL » Sun 01 Aug, 2021 2:38 pm

Pretty hard to judge the impact of these books without any real numbers........

On my last visit to Tassie (March 2021) I was blown away by the increase in traffic from 12 months previous. The place is going crazy.
While its good to see the place prosper it definitely has its downsides and more people in the bush is one of them.
You can't blame people who have just moved there for wanting to get out and explore their new surroundings. Not sure what percentage of these people have an edition of the Abels book ? My guess is far more people new to the bushwalking community are watching youtube clips than walking into a bookshop.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby TentPeg » Sun 01 Aug, 2021 7:50 pm

KKAS* survives and continues on.

Let's stop these pesky intruders.

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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby Nuts » Mon 02 Aug, 2021 11:38 am

Nah, pleanty of space. Published GPX files would be worse than a book but it's no one thing (or nobody) in particular. There's a smouldering commercial side, lined up (or forced) to take advantage of any new opportunities. And it's in black and white that our park service would serve their role (making da parks pay) better by even encouraging overuse. Ultimately, all tracks closed other than to private huts would offer the dual purpose of extracting the most revenue- from the least feet, looking 'conservationist'. Sure, someone may have bagged all peaks without supplementary GPS by then, be quick, there are still prizes to grab.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby north-north-west » Thu 09 Jun, 2022 5:05 pm


Volume II Part I has been finalised and will be in pre-press shortly. When that happens there may also be some official news about Volume I

Part of the delay has been due to the new spatial data produced by GDA2020. This has resulted in changes to official summit altitudes, tables and the position of at least one summit. This stuff is not as easy as it looks.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby farefam » Thu 09 Jun, 2022 7:24 pm

Interesting, the news that Bill intends to split volume 2 it into two volumes now. In that case I think I will have to see it in a shop rather than putting in an order sight unseen, as replacing my existing volume 2 starts becoming a considerably more expensive proposition, and then it becomes a question of is it really worth it, since I'm really only interested in the photographs anyway?

So far as whether the books have encouraged increased visitation, I suspect that they probably have, but still at only low levels, and probably not to the extent that some other guide books have. I spent 4 months in Tassie last summer and although most of the peaks I visited were not Abel's, I didn't encounter any people on the few Abels that I did climb in the Western Arthurs or the Mt Anne area. And no, I didn't climb them because they were Abels, nor do I have any intention of ever climbing them all. I only climb a peak if I am particularly interested in the view from there, as in my experience most of the time the view looking up at a mountain is usually better than the view looking down from the top.

I'm inclined to think that the bigger issue is minimising your own personal impact when you visit a spot. Fanning out where there are no tracks or existing animal pads, staying on the rocks where possible and not traveling in large groups is probably the easiest way to minimise the impact on sensitive vegetation. Try to leave a spot in the condition that you would like to find it if you could come back a century later.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby north-north-west » Fri 10 Jun, 2022 6:48 am

Main reason for the separation is the higher number of photos included. It remains to be seen whether the quality of thosoe images is any better, however.

... in my experience most of the time the view looking up at a mountain is usually better than the view looking down from the top.

Not never, no way. The whole point of getting up there is to see what it's like. Explore. Every rock has a different outlook.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby weetbix456 » Fri 10 Jun, 2022 10:10 am

Hmmmm...releasing two books as a revised Volume II seems a little overkill IMO. Quite like squeezing the dregs out of an idea to sustain any "necessary" trilogy really. The latest edition of Volume I was more than adequate, still managing to condense more than enough content into one good sized book - boasting plenty of lovely photos (yet a select/sane number), and expanded written entries.

There is no doubt that the Abels have become easier/more accessible in the past few years. Whether this is due directly to the information in the books themselves, or a residual consequence in part from bloggers, Youtubers and/or the sharing of GPX files - I'm not too sure - but either way the concept appears all encompassing, and (will I say?) all of a sudden quite mainstream. Sure, there are some huge positives in this (more people out and about enjoying trails and nature on their doorstep), but concerningly I've noticed pads/taped tracks popping up in places that only 5 - 10 years ago were completely trackless spaces. I'm hard pressed to think of many summits that don't now have at least some form of pad/marked route somewhere along the way. I think many would be surprised how much lasting impact a large group of 10+ walkers can have across off-track terrain, as of course any closely following party will no doubt be searching out any sign of weakness through the scrub - only solidifying said pad. Like others have mentioned, this then becomes an additional PWS management issue - where they're often playing patch up catch up - weighing up environmental risk, walker usage/enjoyment, and the consequences/resourcing of route formalisation.

In regards to logbook data - I'm sceptical that many remote area entries are overly accurate. I somehow manage to miss them all the time! Unless of course the logbook is super obvious in a bottleneck access area. It would be interesting to compare PWS user number records vs in field impact visualisations.

Sadly in a way, I'm starting to see the Abels somewhat like the Three Capes or Overland Track as a bit of a sacrificial lamb (obviously not to the same extent!), when it comes to pad/track formalisation. I guess there is some merit to one clear path, rather than 20 vague ones...but yea if you're looking for a "traditional" off-track adventure, best look elsewhere. It's quite clear at this point that people love (achievable) tick-lists and glossy pictures in/of nature. He got us proper good!! On that note...I do hope that Bill pauses at least on the creation of yet another tick-list concept/mini-Abels booklet - at least giving some spaces the chance to just be in the background...maintaining a little trackless/remote dignity outside of the public/human eye.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby north-north-west » Fri 10 Jun, 2022 10:55 am

weetbix456 wrote:Hmmmm...releasing two books as a revised Volume II seems a little overkill IMO. Quite like squeezing the dregs out of an idea to sustain any "necessary" trilogy really.

Or maybe he just found there was too much material to limit it to a single book? Wait and see before you criticise.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby weetbix456 » Fri 10 Jun, 2022 11:48 am

But that's my main point...we're constantly being swamped by too much material. What ever happened to tactful condensement? I'm hoping for a continuation of vague off track specifics, and minimalist map plots. A good small selection of photos for each mountain seems appropriate? It's a great resource for inspiration sure, but leave a little for the journey and/or imagination maybe?
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby north-north-west » Fri 10 Jun, 2022 12:39 pm

weetbix456 wrote:In regards to logbook data - I'm sceptical that many remote area entries are overly accurate. I somehow manage to miss them all the time! Unless of course the logbook is super obvious in a bottleneck access area. It would be interesting to compare PWS user number records vs in field impact visualisations.

From what I have seen - purely anecdotal data of course - it's only in reasonably popular and highly trafficked areas that logbooks are any indication. Too often I'm writing in a book that's had no entries over periods where I know people have been there.
For instance, I finally found the start of the Jane River Track and followed it down to the Franklin , which is where the logbook is. The last entry was farefam's, some years back, but I know of at least five groups that have been through there since.
Some people make a point of not making entries, which seems dumb to me from a safety aspect if nothing else.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby Mountain Rocket » Fri 09 Sep, 2022 12:19 pm

I am seeing posts indicating the reprint of volume 2 part A and also 3rd edition of volume 1 are coming soon, likely in November ... anyone know any more info (looking at you NNW)? Am particuarly curious in relation to the changes in the third edition of volume 1 compared to the second edition.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby L_Cham_67 » Fri 09 Sep, 2022 1:32 pm

Mountain Rocket wrote: anyone know any more info (looking at you NNW)? Am particuarly curious in relation to the changes in the third edition of volume 1 compared to the second edition.

There'll be a heap of new photos (90% change in images or so I'm told), updated essays, some of which will be radically different despite only being 6 years since the last edition came out, along with updated Abel tables. For example, the Mt Victoria Abel is no longer the trig station, it is an outcrop to the north of where the track goes.
Bill told me that Volume 1 edition 2 will likely become a collector's item of sorts.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby north-north-west » Fri 09 Sep, 2022 2:04 pm

Mountain Rocket wrote:I am seeing posts indicating the reprint of volume 2 part A and also 3rd edition of volume 1 are coming soon, likely in November ... anyone know any more info (looking at you NNW)? Am particuarly curious in relation to the changes in the third edition of volume 1 compared to the second edition.

Last I heard it should be at the printers by now, but these things are always subject to change.

There is a good deal of new information that needs to be included, such as the new Ragged Jack access, the updated Mt Victoria summit, new tables, etc etc. Plus all the new images and captions. It's a big job. I'd expect it to be in the shops by Christmas.

The third edition of Vol I came about because the second edition sold out around the same time the new spatial data was released. It just made sense to go with a new edition rather thhan a reprint.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby Mountain Rocket » Sat 10 Sep, 2022 10:19 am

Thanks for the info L_Cham and NNW. Looking forward to getting my hands on a copy when they hit the stores. It felt like the second edition of Vol 1 only came out recently.... cannot believe it has been 6 years
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby headwerkn » Sat 10 Sep, 2022 1:43 pm

Both Vol 1 3rd edition and Vol 2 Part A (Sections 6 and 7) have gone to prepress late this week and will be hitting the printers shortly.
Will be available early November. Order requests can be made via the usual bookshops or directly to Bill at theabelmountains "at"
Vol 2 Part B is now being finalised and will hopefully follow soon. Suffice to say the twin volumes represent a massive amount of work, and look absolutely fantastic.

Some details from Bill below.

384pp with 130pp of ACADEMIC ESSAYS
PAPERBACK $49.99 ISBN: 978-0-6455471-1-5
HARDCASE $79.99 ISBN: 978-0-6455471-2-2

SECTIONS 1 TO 5 (as before)
352pp (as before)
* 350 (90%) NEW IMAGES
* 40 RETAINED IMAGES (the best)
PAPERBACK $39.99 (as before)
HARDCASE $69.99 (as before)
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby bluewombat » Sun 11 Sep, 2022 4:43 pm

I don't think that email is correct, it bounced for me
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby tastrax » Sun 11 Sep, 2022 5:57 pm

Cheers - Phil

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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby headwerkn » Tue 13 Sep, 2022 12:36 pm

bluewombat wrote:I don't think that email is correct, it bounced for me

Hmm, strange... Bill has confirmed it's the correct one, and my test went through OK.
Otherwise as Phil suggested, the webform on the website goes to the same place ;-)
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby north-north-west » Mon 21 Nov, 2022 3:39 pm

Vol II Part A is now in the shops. Enjoy.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby bumpingbill » Mon 21 Nov, 2022 4:30 pm

Selling very fast apparently. Get them while they’re hot
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby Mountain Rocket » Mon 21 Nov, 2022 6:28 pm

Picked up my copy today - looks fantastic and thanks to all involved! Looking forward to having it along Pt B when it is finished.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby zacharycbruce » Sun 15 Jan, 2023 5:16 am

Without much fanfare, the 1st volume has also been reprinted (3rd edition).

Only had a minute to have a look so not sure of the changes from 2nd edition.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby north-north-west » Sun 15 Jan, 2023 7:09 am

zacharycbruce wrote:Without much fanfare, the 1st volume has also been reprinted (3rd edition).

Only had a minute to have a look so not sure of the changes from 2nd edition.

That's hit the shops early - it wasn't supposed to be available until next week.

Major alterations are the photographs - the vast majority are new - plus updated detail about some peaks, such as the changed road access for Ragged Jack, the "new" summit of Victoria, things like that. And new tables thanks to the new spatial data from 2020.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby Lostsoul » Sun 15 Jan, 2023 1:16 pm

north-north-west wrote:
zacharycbruce wrote:Without much fanfare, the 1st volume has also been reprinted (3rd edition).

Only had a minute to have a look so not sure of the changes from 2nd edition.

That's hit the shops early - it wasn't supposed to be available until next week.

Major alterations are the photographs - the vast majority are new - plus updated detail about some peaks, such as the changed road access for Ragged Jack, the "new" summit of Victoria, things like that. And new tables thanks to the new spatial data from 2020.

So not really worth spending another $50 then if you already have the second edition?I thought volume 2 part A was underwhelming and mostly full of photos(115 pages before it gets to anything to do with the Abels).Seems like a money grab to me.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby north-north-west » Sun 15 Jan, 2023 4:44 pm

There is new information on some peaks because the 2020 spatial data has meant alterations as well as there being some changes to access. Up to you as to whether you think that is worth the $$.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby zacharycbruce » Sun 15 Jan, 2023 5:27 pm

north-north-west wrote:
zacharycbruce wrote:Without much fanfare, the 1st volume has also been reprinted (3rd edition).

Only had a minute to have a look so not sure of the changes from 2nd edition.

That's hit the shops early - it wasn't supposed to be available until next week.

Major alterations are the photographs - the vast majority are new - plus updated detail about some peaks, such as the changed road access for Ragged Jack, the "new" summit of Victoria, things like that. And new tables thanks to the new spatial data from 2020.

Am I right in thinking all this errata was included in Vol 2 Part A?

And yes the only thing I noticed with my quick look was the new photos, and having flicked to the back the short bios on a couple of Abelists.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby Lostsoul » Sun 15 Jan, 2023 5:43 pm

north-north-west wrote:There is new information on some peaks because the 2020 spatial data has meant alterations as well as there being some changes to access. Up to you as to whether you think that is worth the $$.

No probably not and I think all of volume 2 could have been fitted into one book,but hey more books equals more money I guess.
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Re: Is an "Abels vol. 2" 2nd edition going to be printed?

Postby north-north-west » Sun 15 Jan, 2023 6:26 pm

zacharycbruce wrote:
north-north-west wrote: Major alterations are the photographs - the vast majority are new - plus updated detail about some peaks, such as the changed road access for Ragged Jack, the "new" summit of Victoria, things like that. And new tables thanks to the new spatial data from 2020.

Am I right in thinking all this errata was included in Vol 2 Part A?

Some, but not in detail. I agree that it's mostly not essential - pretty well everyone knows about the altered road access to certain peaks, and the changes in order of peaks on tables is important to few, if any. That really only leaves clarification on the highest point of Victoria. Clarification on the Needles summit will be in Vol II Part B.
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