Was looking for a great spot to chill out for that couple of nights. I was intially thinking of heading over the Highland Lakes Way ( A5) as last time we went through there we really just stopped at pine lake and lookouts - passing through. However there seems to be very limited info on anything in the area (Central Plateau conservation area) so thinking it might not be the nicest place to spend this time? Lake Augusta looks accessible but finding it hard to find info on campsites there or walks that woudl be worthwhile in that region.
We'll have our hiking gear but not really looking for a long hike, more interested in remote, quiet campsites close to the car and daywalks around 10-15km. We don't have a 4WD so ned to be accessible by foot or 2WD.
Hoping you might have some suggestions - even if somewhere completely different! I was avoiding the more popular areas ( Cradle, WoJ, Meander, Liffey) as I expect they'll be nuts that time of year. but open to any comments!
Note that we are heading off to do 8 days frankin river from hobart, and once back we are hoping to head down south to Cockle Creek maybe walk the last/first section of SCT, before spending a week meandering around from there, Hastings Caves (Adamsons falls, Duckhole crreek)and Hartz NP so saving south for afterwards - weather depending. I have heaps of ideas for that section already but if there is somtehing you reckon is unmissable down there I'd take suggestions there too

Thansk in advance!