Florentine road access or bypass

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Florentine road access or bypass

Postby Crawfinator » Wed 08 Feb, 2023 10:55 am

Just wondering if anyone has recent update relating to forestry works on florentine rd near wylds crag track? Any gates etc? i.e. could i get through after hours?

Looking to come in from the north on a Friday - and currently have been advised that the rd is closed other than weekends.

Based on the map on STT it looks like i could divert using rookery road, but not sure if this is included.

I did call STT but they were very vague on details...
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Re: Florentine road access or bypass

Postby headwerkn » Wed 08 Feb, 2023 12:32 pm

My understanding was the bridge south of Wayatinah has been closed since 2016 and had been dismantled but a quick Google revealed it was actually fixed about a year ago - wonders will never cease ;-)

That said, the 'best' vehicular access should still be able to get to Wylds Craig trailhead via Tiger Road (25km in from Maydena/Gordon River Road end) without issue. The affected area is well north of the turnoff, and a few km further north of the old, long-closed bridge just off Florentine Road to Tiger Road, which isn't vehicle passable unless the river level is super low and you're able to ford the river in a suitable 4WD. You can walk the bridge and the remaining road up to the trailhead, of course, but it adds 4km/1hr walking each way and isn't necessary unless Tiger Road is a mess of fallen trees. Best to take some kind of saw when driving in that area, as blown down trees are, ahem, extremely common.
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Re: Florentine road access or bypass

Postby north-north-west » Wed 08 Feb, 2023 12:52 pm

The bridge over the Florentine has been out for years; unless you have a 4WD that can handle the ford you'll need to detour a fair way south to get to Tiger Rd anyway, so it might be easier to go in via Maydena. Can't speak as to the condition of Roookery Rd, but a lot of the minor roads there aren''t maintained unless there are active operations going on.

Usually on roads that get regular use, SST relies on signage to discourage traffic. I've driven and walked past a number of active logging operations that could have been gated off but weren't. But no idea what's happening that far up the Florentine.
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Re: Florentine road access or bypass

Postby headwerkn » Thu 09 Feb, 2023 7:46 am

We noticed a road crew doing resurfacing/regrading of several sections of Florentine Road some 10-20km in from the Maydena end back in late November last year. Usually that's code for a soon-to-be active logging operation nearby.
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Re: Florentine road access or bypass

Postby north-north-west » Thu 09 Feb, 2023 11:01 am

headwerkn wrote:We noticed a road crew doing resurfacing/regrading of several sections of Florentine Road some 10-20km in from the Maydena end back in late November last year. Usually that's code for a soon-to-be active logging operation nearby.

Yeah, Florentine Rd has obviously had some work. Tiger Rd has also been patched up to within a couple of km of the river, so I suspect there's going to be something major going on in there soon as well.
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Re: Florentine road access or bypass

Postby possum » Tue 28 Feb, 2023 10:45 pm

Rookery Road is impassable because of fallen vegetation and a serious washout of a culvert.
There is a barrier on Florentine Road at the east end of the logging operation. They probably leave this open after they stop work on Friday.
I went almost to the start of the track 8 days ago driving via Maydena and Tiger Road. Take it slow at the Cole Creek crossing and avoid a collapsing culvert near the start of the old track. It is marked by a stick and pink tape. I bottomed out with a sedan just before the pink tape where there must have been a dip in the road.
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Re: Florentine road access or bypass

Postby Lostsoul » Tue 23 May, 2023 11:21 am

Any updates on getting to Wylds/Shakespeare?Anyone been out there recently?
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