north-north-west wrote:All the $$$ went on building that ridiculous thing at Dove Lake. You'd think they'd move the camera inside at least.
Still down :-/
For the money
spent wasted there, not only should the camera have been upgraded a high quality 4K unit and run through Panomax or another similar recording/timelapsing service, but also located within a proper hooded, elevated housing with CPL filter so the image remains visible mid-morning and doesn't disappear in snow. The folks at Ben Lomond Ski Sports do a far, far better job (though ironically as I write this, the village camera has fallen off the desk... occasionally happens

Let's be honest, the only justification for any building out that way was for a fancier tripod for the camera so we could check up on conditions on a Tuesday while we're stuck at work, wishing we were there instead

I actually visited the Viewing, erm, Building for the first time last week... the last few visits it was still under construction. My god, what an unnecessarily large building. Honestly, the actual viewing room is fine enough, but the entire back half just seems to exist to confuse people to where the toilets are. I'd love to hear the rationale behind why the building couldn't be made a quarter of the size. Would have achieved the exact same thing.