Butane adaptor for propane stove

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Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby EGM » Thu 28 Sep, 2023 7:47 pm


I'm familiar with the adaptors available to use the cheaper clip on butane cans with a screw on iso butane stove. And I've found an adaptor to use screw on propane cans with an iso butane stove. But I'm after an adaptor to use the clip on butane cans with a stove that usually takes screw on propane cans and I can't find anything.

Has anyone got one or can point me in the right direction?

Also any suggestions for a car camping stove would be much appreciated. I'm looking to upgrade which is why I want the adaptor.
I'm not interested in going down the lpg route.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 29 Sep, 2023 8:40 am

I think I have one of those in my stash.
I have to say tho that the cheap butane stoves can work very well.
Let me check my stash and I'll get back to you soon.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 29 Sep, 2023 11:48 am

Also these things although they are on the heavier side of UL

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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby ggorgeman » Fri 29 Sep, 2023 3:37 pm

I purchased a couple of these off EB'y a couple of years back and they work perfectly. It allows me to run my Kovea stoves (Spider and Moonwalker) from the cheaper (taller) butane canisters without any issues. If lying the can horizontally, best to have the slot up which manages flow of gas better. You can carefully play around with different can positions but watch for flare ups if you invert the can and get a flush of liquid gas through to the stove. From memory, carefully managing that allows you to overcome the problems when ambient temparatures are very low.
Butane_adaptor1_min.jpg (124.97 KiB) Viewed 5857 times
Butane_adaptor1_min_mod.jpg (245.7 KiB) Viewed 5855 times
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby EGM » Fri 29 Sep, 2023 6:12 pm

Thanks guys. But those are the ones I'm familiar with.

What I'm looking for is an adaptor to use those long butane cans you're talking about but with a propane stove that is meant to use these cans.

https://www.bunnings.com.au/companion-4 ... lsrc=aw.ds

It's not so much for cost savings, the propane cans aren't too bad, as much as the butane cans are more readily available and this is for car camping.

I really like the look of the jetboil genesis double burner but it takes those stupid propane cans.

Side note, I also have a moonwalker and how awesome is it.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby Scrambler » Fri 29 Sep, 2023 11:31 pm

I doubt it would work well. The propane is at much higher pressure. There's a significant decrease in power using 100% butane in a stove for 20% propane/80% butane like the photo. Why not get a tabletop stove for the car? Run butane in a burner designed for the spraycans? Ugly but they work.

Or bite the bullet and get the propane.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 30 Sep, 2023 9:10 am

Having dicked around with adaptors for a while and now that most of my camping is car based my experience is that either the dedicated little butane stoves or a proper LPG stove and the biggest cylinder I can fit in the boot is the best way to go.
My Kovea buner used with the Cobra adaptor was a real powerhouse which I used until I bought the FireMaple 117T
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby EGM » Sat 30 Sep, 2023 4:13 pm

Thanks scrambler. I was thinking there might be a reason I can't find an adaptor.

I can see the appeal of using the lpg bottles. But they're very large and heavy, and I don't like the idea of storing one in the car long term. When car camping we almost never stay in the same place for multiple nights and the car is pretty packed as is haha.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 30 Sep, 2023 6:33 pm

You can get LPG bottles as small as 1.5/2 kilos; the downside to the very small bottles is that they aren't a "Swap&Go' item.
I've got a roof-boot and my LPG fuel goes in there, well padded in some sort of carry bag, I do keep the hairspray containers inside the car tho. I seldom carry more than a sixpack and because I can't function without coffee in the AM I tent to use a canister a day
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby EGM » Sat 30 Sep, 2023 7:31 pm

I didn't know they came smaller than 4kg. Looking now they even go down to 1.25kg.

Roof storage is definitely the best option. I have a roof top tent but if I didn't I reckon I'd do that.

There are mounts available to put one on a rear mounted spare wheel. Definitely something to think about now I know about the smaller bottles.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby Neo » Sun 01 Oct, 2023 7:22 pm

The classic butane stove briefcase style works well for car camping. Price has gone up from 20 so now about $30-40 for one with a shiny stovetop.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby EGM » Mon 02 Oct, 2023 2:03 pm

Yeah I noticed they'd gone up alot. That's what we are upgrading from. I'm after a double burner. We will be on the road for about 40 days with no base camp so I think it'll be worth the investment.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 02 Oct, 2023 6:00 pm

Cost wise over 40 days, even with buying a new dedicated LPG stove propane should work out cheaper. Heck if you were local or close I could loan you one of my spare stoves, I have a 2-burner we don't use.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby Neo » Mon 02 Oct, 2023 7:20 pm

Used to be, a box of 12 butane from Big W was the cheapest for those cans. Good if they can go in steel/regular recycling, it's something.
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Re: Butane adaptor for propane stove

Postby EGM » Tue 03 Oct, 2023 1:22 am

Yeah cost wise nothing can beat the briefcase stove.

But I don't like spending some money when it improves usability so much.

I don't have the battery capacity or I'd go induction.

Thanks for the offer MD. I used to be near you but I moved to Perth this year. We are doing the coast back to Melbourne on our trip.
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