[Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

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[Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby stevage » Tue 09 Jan, 2024 4:37 pm

I really hate bright sunny burny days, so on a bit of a whim bought the Gossamer Gear Lightrek Hiking Umbrella from BPL. It's only 187g.

I got to try it in both sun and rain, on a recent 3 day hike in Mt Buffalo.

Sun: Pretty great. It was really nice being able to take the hat off and open a few buttons on my shirt for better ventilation. I found I wasn't hunting around for shade every time we paused for a few moments.

Rain: Also really good, in these fairly light showers with no wind. Much better than stopping to put on a rain jacket and then take it off again. It was also really helpful being able to do stuff on my phone without the screen getting wet.

It seems to be pretty solid, and I like the way it doesn't collapse down. There's no telescopic pole, or hinges, which I think compromise durability.

I'd like to see if I can find a good way to attach it to the pack so I don't need to hold it. I found a bodgy method that at least meant I could do things with both hands while standing around, but it wasn't quite stable enough to walk with.

It's also nice being able to temporarily share some shade or rain protection with your hiking partner.

So, yep, it will definitely be coming with me on any future hike where either sunburn or spells of rain are a likelihood. I probably wouldn't bring it just on the off chance of rain, but then again, for 187g, it's not much of a burden.
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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby ggorgeman » Wed 10 Jan, 2024 11:32 am

Hey thanks for taking the time to do the review. Good to have some intel on gear such as this.
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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby miss-linda » Wed 10 Jan, 2024 12:15 pm

I've been walking with a Helinox umbrella for a number of years. Much cooler than a hat when it's hot or when it's raining and I'm walking on a made track or open country. I always promise myself to come up with a solution for hands free when I'm walking but never get round to it when I am home. However your post made me think and do a quick google search and came up with this https://sectionhiker.com/how-to-attach- ... -backpack/ . Otherwise another option might be https://www.wildearth.com.au/buy/eurosc ... rella/1H16
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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby Dexter » Wed 10 Jan, 2024 3:09 pm

stevage wrote:I'd like to see if I can find a good way to attach it to the pack so I don't need to hold it. I found a bodgy method that at least meant I could do things with both hands while standing around, but it wasn't quite stable enough to walk with.

Thanks heaps for posting your thoughts. I've been looking at these myself. Along with other brands. They all seem much of a muchness though.
There's a pack clamp thingo for that umbrella. Is that the bodgy method?

https://www.gossamergear.com/products/h ... ella-clamp
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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby stevage » Tue 16 Jan, 2024 10:50 pm

Dexter wrote:
stevage wrote:I'd like to see if I can find a good way to attach it to the pack so I don't need to hold it. I found a bodgy method that at least meant I could do things with both hands while standing around, but it wasn't quite stable enough to walk with.

Thanks heaps for posting your thoughts. I've been looking at these myself. Along with other brands. They all seem much of a muchness though.
There's a pack clamp thingo for that umbrella. Is that the bodgy method?

https://www.gossamergear.com/products/h ... ella-clamp

Well, similar to that, but just using some cords on my pack.

I'm not exactly sure what "cord locks" are that they refer to in that article.
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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby Dexter » Wed 17 Jan, 2024 1:22 pm

This is also an option...
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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby tassietramper » Wed 17 Jan, 2024 2:17 pm

Heading to the tennis later this week, do you think those sitting around me would mind me using one of these if it starts raining? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby crollsurf » Sun 21 Jan, 2024 10:24 pm

Good review, thanks. Wind is the only issue, and having to hold it all the time. I've got a similar umbrella, and while I never take it multi-day, it regularly comes along on day walks, especially when expecting rain.

I love walking through forest on a rainy day with an umbrella.

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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby craigprice » Mon 25 Mar, 2024 3:54 pm

will post one for sale (Zpacks I think) on the market site later tonight.
Never used - dont like the idea/feel/application. I prefer to walk free hands.
Will include the zpacks and gossamer gear pack shoulder strap attachments.

IMO, the GG brand pack shoulder strap attachments (and chest straps for that matter) are superior to the Zpacks ones. And I use the GG ones in preference on all my packs.
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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby stevage » Sun 02 Feb, 2025 8:31 am


So I've had it about a year now. I love it. I use it a lot when just walking around town in summer, and take it on daywalks and hiking. It's such a game changer. I particularly love not having to wear a hat, and having much better ventilation.

Last week I was doing some hikes and daywalks around the Hotham/Feathertop/Bogong High Plains area, and got a lot of use. On days when the temperature is not scorching hot (eg, mid to high 20s), but the sun is intense, having the umbrella makes walking very pleasant, particularly the way it can shade your arms, hands and upper body. This effect goes up in the middle of the day when the sun is most vertical, and you can end up with 100% of your body in shade, which is very nice. My partner bought one recently, so we both had them on this trip. She loved hers too.

You'd think it would get tiring or annoying having to hold it up, but surprisingly it doesn't really. Usually you're resting it against your pack or shoulder, so there's not much weight to hold.

One day we had an extended rest spot at lunch, and there was only dappled shade available. I had a delicious nap under the umbrella, fully protected from the sun. Incredible.

It's pretty strong, so it can cope with a bit more wind than your average collapsible mini-umbrella, but there does get a point where you have to put it down. Fortunately, strong wind tends to mean you're feeling cooler anyway.

The main issue I run into is when there are a lot of low trees/shrubs (especially snowgums!), the umbrella can catch on things. But then again, in those conditions you tend to already have a bit of shade so it's less of a problem.

I haven't quite worked out what to do about the two hands vs two hiking poles and an umbrella situation. Mostly I ended up hiking with one pole and umbrella. Perhaps I'll look into trying to strap the umbrella on, but it doesn't feel like an urgent problem for me.

Mine has developed a pretty significant bend down the main pole. I *think* it's from strapping it too firmly to a bike rack. It still works fine, just looks a bit weird.

Overall: definitely an essential part of my kit for sunny or rainy hikes now. With climate change, I'd expect to be seeing a lot more out there in the years to come.
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Re: [Umbrella | Field test] Gossamer Gear Lightrek $90

Postby andrewa » Mon 03 Feb, 2025 7:27 pm

I’m still liking umbrella hats…..if only the head band could be made a little more comfy.

I’ve got a ripper 60cm diameter one in camo! Perfect for standing around camp in the rain trying to eat dinner etc in those NZ west coast “rain events” that happen each week when we are flyfishing. You can’t fish coz the river floods, and you just stand around in the rain for 24-36hrs twiddling your thumbs - a tarp and an umbrella hat (and a book) make this all so much better!
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