Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

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Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby Bushgirl » Sun 11 Feb, 2024 6:52 am

Due to transport issues combined with time constraints I am looking at the possibility of camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus Hut - to avoid/shorten a rushed 9km walk from Windy Ridge to get to the ferry by 9.30 on day 6- the 2.30 ferry being booked up☹️.
Or are we better doing Kia Ora all the way to Narcissus in one day, camp at Narcissus and hop on ferry next morning? We are fit experienced walkers - and Leave No Trace adherents.
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby north-north-west » Sun 11 Feb, 2024 7:13 am

There aren't that many spots where you can pitch between the two - the best is so close to Narcissus you might as well go all the way. Get up earier?
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby dee_legg » Sun 11 Feb, 2024 11:51 am

I did Kia Ora-Narcissus on my last OLT trip. It was great. It’s a longish day by OLT standards but the waterfalls are a nice way to break it up and the promise of a swim at Narcissus helps you push through to the end.
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby bumpingbill » Sun 11 Feb, 2024 1:16 pm

I’d walk to Narcissus and skip Windy Ridge. Have a nice and relaxed morning before the boat.

Once you pass the Du Cane gap it’s pretty much all down hill. Pretty easy walking. If you’re all experienced you can probably do it no worries.
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby Bushgirl » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 6:39 am

Thanks for these - very reassuring. We were starting to feel a bit down about the whole trip - transport all booked up, having to rush etc. Sounds like we can still have a great trip despite only the 5 days.
Getting up early to get from Narcissus to the ferry for 9.20 = pressure! Prob wouldn’t sleep all night - “is it time to get up yet??”.
Thanks again!
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby wildlight » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 7:58 am

Howdy Bushgirl.

I haven't posted here for years, here's my 2c worth having completed OLT End to End 17 times and all manner of sidetrips, on and off-track.

There are camping spots around 1200 m South of Windy Ridge and 1800m South of Windy ridge also. They will comfortably accommodate two 2-person tents and are both on the right side (west) of the track near running water.

All have been used before. You'll see hardened surfaces and small logs arranged for seating.

If it were me- I'd move along and camp where the turnoff is, to Pine Valley track. There's oodles of space there on the track itself, which also has rocks for seating. You'd easily fit x8 two-man tents there, without inconveniencing walkers passing through. That spot, gets you around 60% of the way to Narcissus, from Windy Ridge.

It might also be worth mentioning, that the track from Windy Ridge to Narcissus, is "faster" than the majority of the OLT.

By that I mean that you'll make better pace, as the inclines are fewer and much shorter, plus the track surface is more durable.

This only improves the closer you get to Narcissus. There's boardwalk on some of the button-grass plains, too.

Of course North North West makes an excellent point about getting up earlier... (that's the first thing I thought of too!). However if you don't want to do that, then hopefully my info helps you.

Totally off point... I clocked myself one trip, hammering from Windy Ridge, to catch the first boat out. I left Windy Ridge at 0610 and reached Narcissus at 0915. I was overweight (body, not backpack!) by fifty kilos- so not a greyhound like most of hikers I encountered.

I was driven by determination and the smell of cooked cafe food drifting North from Lake St Clair. At least that's what my imagination told me.

A different story now, having lost almost all that weight...

As you crest the first hill South of Windy Ridge, if you have a mobile with the "Blue Tick" on Telstra Network, you will most likely get signal (at least for an SMS) on the crest of that hill. There's also Telstra signal at or near the jetty, at Narcissus.

Have a great trip.

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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 8:09 am

There are a lot of good isolated places to camp along the OT. But I will not post details of any on a public forum. PWS and the rangers strongly discourage camping anywhere other than the huts and tent platforms, so in public, I'll do the same :-) .
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby headwerkn » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 8:22 am

The 10km between Windy Ridge and Narcissus can be done in about 2.5 hrs by most at a moderate chop. It's straightforward, easy walking, mostly downhill or flat, and not a huge amount of scenic views to distract you along the way ;-)

But I'd agree with Bill et. al. and just push through the day before to Narcissus... it's a much more scenic place to stay/explore/swim and the campsites are better IMHO. Bert Nichols is a bit of a dark, dingy place by comparison... though sunrise/sunset over Mt Geryon and The Acropolis is mint. But then again so is sunset/sunrise over Olympus/Ida/Lake St Clair.

Probably the only reason to stay at Bert Nichols over Narcissus is if it is belting with rain - the hut at Narcissus is much smaller and can only shelter so many.

You will see a a couple of minor, unofficial tent sites alongside the track in between the two huts (and elsewhere)... these are historical camps and/or ones that have been used by track crews in the past. Strictly speaking, these shouldn't be used except in emergency circumstances. The Overland Track rules are quite explicit in discouraging people from camping anywhere other than the official huts/camps if they're doing the main walk.
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby Nuts » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 9:43 am

When booked, arrives/departs Narc @ 0930 Hrs, 1300 Hrs, 1530 Hrs often 11,30am as well.
Not much chance of sleeping in, in BN hut.
Easy even by '9am' if needed.
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby Bushgirl » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 10:36 am

All in all, BN Hut not sounding very appealing!.
We'll be using our tent as much as possible (weather dependent of course), not keen on sleeping in close proximity to other grubby walkers (like ourselves!).
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby Bushgirl » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 10:46 am

Thanks all, some great info and options. We will be just two tents, low-key LNT, usually off track wilderness walkers, so definitely respectful of the environment and will be staying at the recommended huts/sites when we can. Just good to have some options up our sleeve for that last day.
Lessons from this whole exercise: book ferry, shuttle buses etc heaps in advance so you get what you want :( !
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby headwerkn » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 11:54 am

Bushgirl wrote:Lessons from this whole exercise: book ferry, shuttle buses etc heaps in advance so you get what you want :( !

Pretty much rule No. 1 these days for anything tourist-y in Tasmania. At least for the warmer 7-9 months of the year :lol:
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 12:02 pm

headwerkn wrote:in Tasmania ... the warmer 7-9 weeks of the year :lol:

Fixed that for you. ;-)
Son of a Beach
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby Nuts » Mon 12 Feb, 2024 1:04 pm

Yes it should become Tasmaniana's ten-day OLT. Given time matters..

The ferry can, and often does, actually add more options closer to the day (for small groups) as other (slightly bigger) groups book in, and I'd imagine would still pick up any time given enough $. Then again, on rare occasions, it can't run.

So too, there's almost always gonna be transport options, just not the cheapest, advertised or most direct ones.

Bushgirl, you could get past half-way (say PV turn) but is an hour in bed gonna a) make all the difference in sleeping through the night? or b) be worth the chance of a rooty, boney campsite? (There's some good options towards each end (as mentioned) but, especially in wet weather, you'll be confined to rocky ridges and steep creeks). Just more food for thought, given such a giant day i'd be likely to push through to Narcissus (and wake at 9.20 :) )
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Re: Camping between Windy Ridge and Narcissus, OLT

Postby Bushgirl » Sun 10 Mar, 2024 7:41 pm

Thanks everyone! We ended up walking from Kia Ora to Narcissus in one day, and had a chilled afternoon beside the lake in the sun. Rain and cold came that night, pleased not to be getting up and walking in the rain and dark the next morning to make the early ferry. So good to get advice from others when you haven’t been there before - will be much easier next trip now know the lie of the land so to speak
Beautiful afternoon on Lake St Clair after long walk from Kia Ora
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