repair a gas lead

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repair a gas lead

Postby bernieq » Sun 24 Mar, 2024 2:33 pm

Does anyone have any ideas on how or where I might be able to repair the braided-steel gas tube of a Fire Maple remote cannister gas burner (FM-117)? It sprang a leak on day 2 of a 13 day walk (bum!).

I've pulled it apart & a water test confirms it's a break in the tube, just back from the connection to the burner.

FM-117 with unfortunate gas leak

I also have a couple of FM-118 burners but, because they have pre-heat tubes, the connection is different (threaded instead of pinned). The leak could, functionally, be cut out as the tube length isn't critical but I've tried a couple of local gas plumbing places but it's too small, too tricky, to try to cut back.

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Re: repair a gas lead

Postby crollsurf » Sun 24 Mar, 2024 5:54 pm

I toasted my Soto Amicus due to an overfilled cannister. It still works fine, but you think about it, and is it worth the risk. I ended up buying a Soto Windmaster, partly because I always wanted one.

You fix it, the weather comes in, and you're cooking in the vestibule, wondering if you're going to be OK. I'd forget about fixing it and replace it for peace of mind.
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Re: repair a gas lead

Postby Nuts » Sun 24 Mar, 2024 6:41 pm

If you can bring yourself to shop there, aliexpress sell various replacements (though there are lots of combos): ...

I prefer the round coupling head, rather than the block style, but the hoses are similarly cheap, often the braids break, bend, rub and puncture the hose.

Does the canister end unscrew? If you can get a pic of the whole thing I can check through the spares I have.
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Re: repair a gas lead

Postby bernieq » Mon 25 Mar, 2024 4:49 pm

crollsurf wrote:wondering if you're going to be OK

Thanks crollsurf, I won't be cutting / reconnecting the cable myself - looking for an appropriate fix.

Nuts wrote:Does the canister end unscrew? If you can get a pic of the whole thing I can check through the spares I have

Yes, nuts, the cannister end unscrews. The original pic is of the whole thing. The (minimal) bit I need is the steel-braided tube with the attached brass end connector with double o-rings (which pins into the base block).

Late update:
I emailed Fire-Maple (who have been very responsive) but they don't sell parts. However, they pointed me at AliExpress where there's an FMS-117T (new) available. $40 approx delivered is pretty good.

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Re: repair a gas lead

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 25 Mar, 2024 5:05 pm

Damn right that is a remarkably good price. I thought I had the part you need but I think I may have gifted it PIF a couple of years ago
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Re: repair a gas lead

Postby bernieq » Mon 25 Mar, 2024 7:40 pm

Well, an update is in order!

Fire-Maple replied that, in fact, they could obtain 2 gas leads from the factory. Because it was not a warranty claim (older than 3 years - much older as it happens), I would have to pay postage of US$6 (worked out to A$9.60).

Very impressed with the customer service, both the finding of a solution but also the super-fast responses. Very good product backed up with terrific service - hard to beat.

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Re: repair a gas lead

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 02 May, 2024 1:24 pm

If you want or need a spare I just found the part I was looking for last month
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Re: repair a gas lead

Postby bernieq » Thu 02 May, 2024 1:41 pm

Thanks moondog but I'm pretty well covered now.

The new burner arrived - works well.

Less good were the 2 replacement leads - the end into the burner is slightly longer than the original so the retaining pin doesn’t quite slide into place. However, they do fit the new burner so I'm well supplied with spare parts.

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