Cynthia Bay Ferry

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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Tortoise » Mon 04 Dec, 2023 6:51 pm

Thanks, Al! Yep, I have enjoyed the walk many times (I personally don't find rainforest or lovely beaches with views of dramatic mountains boring), but we don't always have the extra time to also get to our destination. It means I've had to can trips, had to cut one short, and been left up in the air and unnecessarily stressed on many occasions. It's a very poor ending to the OLT for some of the folks who were promised 'one of the world's great wilderness bushwalks'. Bad taste in mouth at the end. :(
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby north-north-west » Mon 04 Dec, 2023 7:15 pm

Mechanic-AL wrote:Total of 4 on-line attempts, 5 phone calls and 1 email so far and still no booking.

How hard can it be ?

The usual problem with monopolies: it's a captive audience so they don't care.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Mechanic-AL » Mon 04 Dec, 2023 8:03 pm

Monopoly or not all those unanswered booking requests equal money that could be going into their bank account that isn't. Are they really making that much money that they don't care about the thousands of dollars they are missing out on each year ? :shock:

I've always thought that Lake St Clair must be one of Tasmania's biggest disappointments to a lot of tourists. After waddling from the car park to the Lake shore the views are quite limited. A lot of them are short stop day trippers who couldn't be buggered walking up the lake too far or driving down to Pump House Point for a better look. so they only see a small fraction of the whole deal. Maybe that's not such a bad thing but I can't help thinking that there is a gold mine waiting to be tapped for some one willing to provide a better service (not just for walkers) than what exists.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Lostsoul » Wed 06 Dec, 2023 4:44 am

Tortoise wrote:
tastrax wrote:I strongly suggest that anyone who has a poor experience write to the folks that manage the leases and licences in Parks -

Thanks for the link, Phil. It still works. I sent an email yesterday, and got a response today from the Senior Property Officer. He said they will follow it up with the operator. I suspect it will carry more weight if more people send emails with their negative experiences. Send 'em in, folks!

Sent an email as well and got a reply today…Everyone get emailing and hopefully we can make a change
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby MrWalker » Wed 06 Dec, 2023 7:04 am

Mechanic-AL wrote:I've always thought that Lake St Clair must be one of Tasmania's biggest disappointments to a lot of tourists. After waddling from the car park to the Lake shore the views are quite limited. A lot of them are short stop day trippers who couldn't be buggered walking up the lake too far or driving down to Pump House Point for a better look. so they only see a small fraction of the whole deal. Maybe that's not such a bad thing but I can't help thinking that there is a gold mine waiting to be tapped for some one willing to provide a better service (not just for walkers) than what exists.

I've taken the ferry one way and walked back, and I felt that the views of the mountains from the middle of the lake were absolutely amazing. Whereas the walk down the lake is through nice enough rainforest, but there are other places to find that with less effort. And you don't get many views of the lake from that walk.

I had hoped that when Pumphouse Point opened they would run boat tours up the lake, but they don't seem to be taking that opportunity. Having the ferry mainly for OLT walkers going one way seems inefficient, so there must be possibilities to run a trip for people who want a ride both ways, with a day walk up at the top of the lake.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Rexyviney36 » Mon 18 Dec, 2023 9:38 am

Sorry if this has been asked before, but is it possible to launch your own boat and park it at Narcissus while you walk to Pine Valley for example? Was thinking it could be moored upstream of the hut and out of site, but not sure if there are regs against it.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby headwerkn » Mon 18 Dec, 2023 10:22 am

Rexyviney36 wrote:Sorry if this has been asked before, but is it possible to launch your own boat and park it at Narcissus while you walk to Pine Valley for example? Was thinking it could be moored upstream of the hut and out of site, but not sure if there are regs against it.

To my knowledge there's nothing stopping you parking a small boat anywhere, other than concerns of theft or tampering perhaps. We've left my father's boat at Ida Bay for 36 hrs, however he wasn't keen on having it parked up near Narcissus for 3-4 days due to the amount of expensive electronics and other gear in it. You'd think bushwalkers would have zero interest in adding extra weight to their packs and stealing a depth sounder or life jacket, but it's a weird world full of weird people.

** ADDENDUM: mooring your own boat at the jetty at Narcissus for more than a few minutes would be an issue - for hopefully obvious reasons. **

Upstream of Narcissus might be tricky unless your boat is tiny, but there's a good inlet west of the main Narcissus River outlet where a dingy could be reasonably hidden from all and sundry. If you're truly paranoid you could park on the eastern side of the river mouth and make your way back up to the track, though I suspect PWS would take more issue with substantial off-track walking so close to the OLT.

For a time I was seriously looking at getting a cheap dingy with a lock up cabinet in the bow primarily for the purposes of getting to Narcissus without needing to deal with the ferry. In the end I got a packraft instead :-p at least that doesn't need registration on a trailer.
Last edited by headwerkn on Mon 18 Dec, 2023 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Rexyviney36 » Mon 18 Dec, 2023 10:24 am

Thanks Ben. I've emailed PWS as well.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 18 Dec, 2023 12:11 pm

I rafted up and down the (flat part of) the Narcissus River last week. I was surprised at how shallow it is, even close to where it flows into the lake. The ferry must have a very shallow draft, and the skipper must have good knowledge of where the (slightly deeper) channel is. Of course a small dinghy would not have a problem with this.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby headwerkn » Mon 18 Dec, 2023 1:24 pm

Son of a Beach wrote:The ferry must have a very shallow draft, and the skipper must have good knowledge of where the (slightly deeper) channel is.

Likely the latter. Drop offs and pickups to Ida Bay were ended after too many dinged/bent props.

Even with an 11' Stacer I had to kill and lift the outboard 30-40m out and gondola-ole our way to shore.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 02 May, 2024 9:21 pm

I tried to book the ferry but it won't be operarting on May 20th 2024. We will walk from Windy Ridge Hut to Echo point on the second last day so we can get to meet our transport back to Launceston by 2 pm on the last day.
Transport to and from the OLT in May is very expensive!.
I will stick with the AAWT in future !!
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby doogs » Fri 03 May, 2024 12:40 pm

I've stashed my tinny near Narcissus before for a few days without issue. I taped a laminated sheet to the seat explaining my intentions, in case anyone came across it. Luckily I also bumped into the Ranger on the way through and told them about it. They replied that they unsure on why more people didn't do this.
With a couple of mates chipping in for fuel, it works out at a fraction of the cost of the ferry. You just need a decent weather window as the lake does get quite choppy!!
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Rexyviney36 » Fri 03 May, 2024 4:18 pm

Yep Doogs.
We tried in Jan but by the time we got to the corner into the main lake it was clear we wouldn’t be getting to Narcissus. Turned around and got the ferry. And we would’ve struggled to get back on our return leg as well as the weather had shifted 180deg.
Still worth a go in a good weather window though.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Last » Fri 03 May, 2024 7:03 pm

We went to Mt Ida using a small inflatable with a 4hp motor, twice, a couple of years apart. The first time the lake was fairly flat and things went fairly well. We left Cynthia Bay and headed straight to the eastern shore and followed it up. It went well, although rather slow. The second time it was a little rougher on the way up. It was slower and not very comfortable. The motor only has a small built in fuel tank and we ran out shortly before we reached Mt Ida. We has to refuel in uncomfortable circumstances rather too close to the shore and rapidly getting closer. We got to the correct place, went up Mt Ida and returned. On the way back, the wind had come up a bit more. I wanted to head across to the western shore as it would be more sheltered but when I tried I thought we were going to be swamped because the waves were hitting us from the side. We went back down the eastern shore. The further we went, the larger the waves got. We got to the point where you have to leave the eastern shore and head for Cynthia Bay. I knew we were going to run out of fuel in the motor but had not had any chance to top up. If we stopped we were going to be pushed onto the shore. We headed across to Cynthia bay. Sure enough, about halfway across, we ran out. I topped up the motor while trying to keep the boat facing the right way as best I could. Big waves were doing their best to swamp us. We got the motor restarted and we made it in. Unpleasant.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 05 May, 2024 10:09 am

I am now glad I am walking the the whole way on the OLT , saving some money on the off peak ferry service prices and avoiding hideous wind swell on the lake.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby north-north-west » Sun 05 May, 2024 4:40 pm

I've paddled that lake in everything from glassouts to metre-high chop. The glassouts are definitely easier (and quicker).
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Lostsoul » Mon 06 May, 2024 8:40 pm

north-north-west wrote:I've paddled that lake in everything from glassouts to metre-high chop. The glassouts are definitely easier (and quicker).

I got stuck over at Ida once and wasn’t calm enough to paddle back until late afternoon.Paddled the last hour in the pitch black dark using a headtorch and gps on my phone
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Lostsoul » Sat 21 Dec, 2024 11:19 am

Has anyone heard whether or not the ferry has improved any?Mainly the booking system?
I’m dreading having to try to book this thing over summer!
Will it be the usual “book too early” and it’s not running that day and you have to pay the full cost or “book too late” sorry it’s already booked out those days!
Yep you guessed it,apparently the ferry isn’t running on the 13th of January due to no bookings,so they want me to pay $300 upfront to secure a booking….but wait there’s more,apparently I’ll be refunded on the day if more people book between now and then.Even the way you pay through an email seems dodgy,I don’t know that I would trust them to refund the money tbh.Whole thing wreaks of unprofessionalism
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 22 Dec, 2024 8:02 am

Just carry one day of extra food and camp at Echo Point. It is a nice spot to camp and then walk out the following day. People who pike out and take the ferry and don't walk the entire OLT are soft !
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Lostsoul » Sun 22 Dec, 2024 9:20 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Just carry one day of extra food and camp at Echo Point. It is a nice spot to camp and then walk out the following day. People who pike out and take the ferry and don't walk the entire OLT are soft !

Thanks for your input and for jumping the gun…smashing work!
I’m actually going on an off track trip for a few days that has nothing to do with the Overland Track.The reason I need to use the ferry is due to time constraints.
I’ve walked up and down that lake more times than I care to remember and the issue is not my walking capabilities,it’s the running of the ferry and not having a simple online,click and buy ticketing system.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby matagi » Sun 22 Dec, 2024 11:55 am

Lostsoul wrote:Has anyone heard whether or not the ferry has improved any?Mainly the booking system?
I’m dreading having to try to book this thing over summer!
Will it be the usual “book too early” and it’s not running that day and you have to pay the full cost or “book too late” sorry it’s already booked out those days!
Yep you guessed it,apparently the ferry isn’t running on the 13th of January due to no bookings,so they want me to pay $300 upfront to secure a booking….but wait there’s more,apparently I’ll be refunded on the day if more people book between now and then.Even the way you pay through an email seems dodgy,I don’t know that I would trust them to refund the money tbh.Whole thing wreaks of unprofessionalism

No bookings on Jan 13th? That seems a bit odd given the Overland Track is fully booked for January and a large proportion of those people will not be walking out. Pretty sure TWC will have a group heading back to Cynthia Bay on that day. So they will be heading Cynthia Bay to Narcissus and return to pick them up.

Agree however, they are dodgy AF.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Lostsoul » Sun 22 Dec, 2024 12:46 pm

No,no bookings on the 13th as yet apparently.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby north-north-west » Sun 22 Dec, 2024 3:01 pm

Lostsoul wrote:No,no bookings on the 13th as yet apparently.

I would not trust them an inch. They seem to be getting worse.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Tortoise » Sun 22 Dec, 2024 6:27 pm

I wonder if there's a way to get all complaints against the ferry service in one place to present to Parks, and if that would make any difference? It really does seem ludicrous that a business can provide such poor service and retain the monopoly, especially within a national park.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby Lostsoul » Sun 22 Dec, 2024 7:21 pm

Tortoise wrote:I wonder if there's a way to get all complaints against the ferry service in one place to present to Parks, and if that would make any difference? It really does seem ludicrous that a business can provide such poor service and retain the monopoly, especially within a national park.

I filled out the pws form attached to this post once again today.
Maybe a petition needs to be made.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby matagi » Mon 23 Dec, 2024 7:56 am

Tortoise wrote:I wonder if there's a way to get all complaints against the ferry service in one place to present to Parks, and if that would make any difference? It really does seem ludicrous that a business can provide such poor service and retain the monopoly, especially within a national park.

The contract for the service was awarded back in 2002 and gives EcoGen International a monopoly on ferry services on Lake St Clair.

I'm not familiar with the detailed terms of the contract and searching has so far failed to uncover it, so I don't know what performance clauses are included but they must be pretty lax or non-existent for the company to get away with the service they fail to provide for so long.

I agree the time is long past for a concentrated public campaign to improve the service and even open it up to competition.
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Re: Cynthia Bay Ferry

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 23 Dec, 2024 8:31 am

At Milford sound there are multiple operators for boat tours.
There should be the same options at LSC.
I know Milford sound is in
NZ but it is in a Nat. Park so it cannot be impossible to introduce competition
to improve services or have a choice between
shyte service , no service at all on some days and/ or
some semblence of a quality user friendly service.
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