Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

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Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Camminata » Sun 09 Jun, 2024 8:10 pm

Lacking motivation to drive up Friday night I sucked it up and left Melbourne around 5:30am to arrive at Muesli Trailhead, the gates at Buller-Stirling asked where I was going and surprisingly since its declared snow season and no snow waved me on without paying the entry fee, were 4wd hoonbags ahead and sure they were all getting the free of charge entry too.

Was walking a little after 10 , was soon taking off layers as the trail steepened in parts and was on all fours, scrub and a large tree has blocked the track quarter of the way up or further I don't remember, with no way around it but over... also found a blue Petzel headlamp if anyone is missing it I have it for you.

Arrived at Spec Rd around 12ish and started the rough rocky road bash I found it *&%$#! tedious, plan was to fit in a side trip to Mt Koonika was low on water so I figured ill collect at Camp Creek come back that way on return to car next day. A couple collecting firewood further up the road failed to see me coming up, with a hand load of tinder in her hands she jumped out of her skin throwing all the timber in the air with a frightened scream... her bf thought it was funny , didn't see anyone else after this.

Got up on Mt Spec around 3ish great views all round top place to camp the night, thought I had the placed to myself 3 others walked in from coming across the crosscut via Helicopter Spur at around 5ish a solid days walk , I gave them kudos and had a chat before dinner.

Woke up around 6:30am and rolled out for natures television show of sunrise and clouds hovering and moving over the Xcut like a wave , was an epic show , was packed and ready walking by 8am and headed across the ridge to Mt Koonika the fog and clouds rolled in so no views from Koonika summit, dropped back down to Spec road and headed back down Muesli , I bum slided down the steep rocky parts and was down at the car by 1pm but this stage was raining.

Headed back to Melbourne via a bucket of hot chips and almond latte down the mountain at Mirimbah.
Last edited by Camminata on Mon 10 Jun, 2024 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Baeng72 » Sun 09 Jun, 2024 8:41 pm

Nice one!
Did you camp at the AAWT site, or near the Summit? Sort of looks summitish.
How was the traverse to Koonika? I havent' completed that yet.

You didn't consider the gentle agony (or in my case, just agony) of King Spur?

Good to know you can get waived through when no snow. Glad to be shown wrong.
Wonder why the silly buggers told me I'd have to pay in the past when no snow?

Spec. road is just a road bash, rough on the feet.

I wanted to head in via Howitt Rd., but emailed Parks and they said not a good idea for 2WD past Snow plains airfield.
So, I packed the bags, with the idea of heading to Lake Cobbler, and early start, hoping to get to the Viking, but felt like the dog turds by the time I got to Seymour about 5am.
Got a fresh ham and cheese toasty, and large flat white, then did a u turn and spent the rest of the day at home, feeling like I was in a fridge, inspite of my best efforts to warm up.
Oh well, spared you the awkward experience of meeting me in person. Ask PCV. ;)
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Camminata » Sun 09 Jun, 2024 9:01 pm

Baeng72 wrote:Nice one!
Did you camp at the AAWT site, or near the Summit? Sort of looks summitish.
How was the traverse to Koonika? I havent' completed that yet.

You didn't consider the gentle agony (or in my case, just agony) of King Spur?

Good to know you can get waived through when no snow. Glad to be shown wrong.
Wonder why the silly buggers told me I'd have to pay in the past when no snow?

Spec. road is just a road bash, rough on the feet.

I wanted to head in via Howitt Rd., but emailed Parks and they said not a good idea for 2WD past Snow plains airfield.
So, I packed the bags, with the idea of heading to Lake Cobbler, and early start, hoping to get to the Viking, but felt like the dog turds by the time I got to Seymour about 5am.
Got a fresh ham and cheese toasty, and large flat white, then did a u turn and spent the rest of the day at home, feeling like I was in a fridge, inspite of my best efforts to warm up.
Oh well, spared you the awkward experience of meeting me in person. Ask PCV. ;)

Hi what a bugger am sure next time you will get there , felt like I was in your videos walking up Spec Rd..... I reckon common sense this time not to rip people and maybe an up roar of when they told you to pay that time....

Camped just below the true summit , the walk across from Spec on the ridge is easy going , a very faint pad and none at all in some parts but a real nice walking thru there I enjoyed it and skipped 4ms of Spec road bash!... King Spur crossed my mind and then my mind was like "fuk that!' maybe another time :roll:
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Xplora » Mon 10 Jun, 2024 7:36 am

Baeng72 wrote:Good to know you can get waived through when no snow. Glad to be shown wrong.
Wonder why the silly buggers told me I'd have to pay in the past when no snow?

I would not get too excited or consider this to be the norm. It often happens on opening weekend when there is no snow but it is not widely broadcast.
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Biggles » Mon 10 Jun, 2024 1:17 pm

Atmospheric and evocative third pic of the clouds rolling!
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 11 Jun, 2024 8:02 pm

The gate at TBJ will be locked as of June 13th 2024. That is the muppet news flash from the Mt. Stirling resort.I once met someone who went DOWN King Spur. He said two words about that :"Never again!".I have camped on top of Mt. Spec. when the clouds did the same thing over Mt. B*ggery , as seen in the photo above.. It was quite a display of natural phenomena.
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Camminata » Tue 11 Jun, 2024 8:30 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:The gate at TBJ will be locked as of June 13th 2024. That is the muppet news flash from the Mt. Stirling resort.I once met someone who went DOWN King Spur. He said two words about that :"Never again!".I have camped on top of Mt. Spec. when the clouds did the same thing over Mt. B*ggery , as seen in the photo above.. It was quite a display of natural phenomena.

Its quite special when the clouds do this..... going up any steep rocky terrain is much safer and easier imo
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Baeng72 » Wed 12 Jun, 2024 8:15 am

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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Baeng72 » Wed 12 Jun, 2024 8:37 am

Xplora wrote:
Baeng72 wrote:Good to know you can get waived through when no snow. Glad to be shown wrong.
Wonder why the silly buggers told me I'd have to pay in the past when no snow?

I would not get too excited or consider this to be the norm. It often happens on opening weekend when there is no snow but it is not widely broadcast.

I won't. It's only relevant on the opening weekend for a weekend-warrior like myself.
The gates on Circuit road and Spec. were (are?) still open, but Mt. Stirling was closed for Ski season.
So, while you could drive on Circuit road, you could get charged for for transiting the Stirling area.
Anyway, they're closed this weekend, so it's moot now.
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Camminata » Wed 12 Jun, 2024 1:05 pm

Baeng72 wrote:Mine's better, at 0.35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqK9Ihn7D3k :wink:

Its awesome... you starting a trend here for best temp cloud inversions :D
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Baeng72 » Wed 12 Jun, 2024 3:33 pm

Nah, I'm out.
This one doesn't show clouds falling over a ridge or anything.
https://youtu.be/V5s-DO6LF2s?si=uhv5UEtRvn_C9_sd, at 5:04
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Camminata » Wed 12 Jun, 2024 4:24 pm

Baeng72 wrote:Nah, I'm out.
This one doesn't show clouds falling over a ridge or anything.
https://youtu.be/V5s-DO6LF2s?si=uhv5UEtRvn_C9_sd, at 5:04

very niiice :)
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Baeng72 » Sun 16 Jun, 2024 11:13 am

How's this for a great view towards Viking/Wonnangatta?

*&%$#! forecast was partly cloudy. It was clear while walk to Mt. Spec, and cloudy when I got to Mt. Spec.
I gave up and walked home, to windy to sleep up top (I've done that once in freezing wind, and without snow, I dont' see the attraction).
I tried the traverse to Mt. Koonika, but the track seemed to drop precipitously into the King Valley about a km in, so I tried moving over to Spec side of ridge, and after a while of clambering over rocks and fallen branches, pulled the pin and headed down to Spec. Road. So, I reckon with the partial traverse from Koonika and partial traverse from Mt. Spec, yesterday, I've done the full traverse, or close enough.
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Camminata » Sun 16 Jun, 2024 2:31 pm

Baeng72 wrote:How's this for a great view towards Viking/Wonnangatta?

*&%$#! forecast was partly cloudy. It was clear while walk to Mt. Spec, and cloudy when I got to Mt. Spec.
I gave up and walked home, to windy to sleep up top (I've done that once in freezing wind, and without snow, I dont' see the attraction).
I tried the traverse to Mt. Koonika, but the track seemed to drop precipitously into the King Valley about a km in, so I tried moving over to Spec side of ridge, and after a while of clambering over rocks and fallen branches, pulled the pin and headed down to Spec. Road. So, I reckon with the partial traverse from Koonika and partial traverse from Mt. Spec, yesterday, I've done the full traverse, or close enough.

I reckon you would of had a clear view this morning from Spec , where did you end up camping? the ridge to Koonika threw me off a couple times but persisted with sticking on the middle. looking forward to a vid my cup of tea is lonely without them.
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Baeng72 » Sun 16 Jun, 2024 4:12 pm

I ended up camping at home.
I was on top of Spec about 1:30pm, and didn't have the energy or desire in that fog to try for Mt. Buggery and Crosscut.
The weather report said partly cloudy, Saturday and Sunday, and it was clouded out mostly, so I figured *&%$#! tomorrow like it was today.
Not much reason camping them, and wind would have buffeted tent making poor nights sleep.
Plus, there were another 4 hours daylight, so kept moving, which is why I started the traverse.

I checked the snow cam at Buller resort and it was blue sky, so I don't understand weather in the high country.

9 hours driving and about the same walking, did bit more than 27 kms, so got a workout.
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Camminata » Sun 16 Jun, 2024 4:57 pm

Baeng72 wrote:I ended up camping at home.
I was on top of Spec about 1:30pm, and didn't have the energy or desire in that fog to try for Mt. Buggery and Crosscut.
The weather report said partly cloudy, Saturday and Sunday, and it was clouded out mostly, so I figured *&%$#! tomorrow like it was today.
Not much reason camping them, and wind would have buffeted tent making poor nights sleep.
Plus, there were another 4 hours daylight, so kept moving, which is why I started the traverse.

I checked the snow cam at Buller resort and it was blue sky, so I don't understand weather in the high country.

9 hours driving and about the same walking, did bit more than 27 kms, so got a workout.

geez huge day! not sure why ild be interested to hear from someone about clouds and mountains , when i dropped down from Spec across to Koonika I was in a cloud for most the way and then cleared for 10 minutes and back in cloud again.
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Avatar » Sun 23 Jun, 2024 1:54 am

Nice trip report and photos. I suspect those cloud inversions over the Terrible Hollow occur in mornings during April-June. I photographed one back in April 2012 from near VG hut, with cloud spilling through Horrible Gap.
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Re: Speculation Mt Koonika via Muesli Spur 8th-9th June

Postby Camminata » Sun 23 Jun, 2024 8:14 am

Avatar wrote:Nice trip report and photos. I suspect those cloud inversions over the Terrible Hollow occur in mornings during April-June. I photographed one back in April 2012 from near VG hut, with cloud spilling through Horrible Gap.

Think its most common in those months you mentioned.. have seen video of it during Nov/dec. am sure it was one of Baeng72's vids
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