Could be, but it's been a while since I was there. Give me a sec and I'll dig out co-ords from the files ...
OK, this is a jpeg of the whole route. The divergence on the uppper part is because I found an old vehicle track and followed it down until it rejoined the uphill line. Do not recommend because it got a bit iffy due to regrowth after a while and would be even worse now. Most of the weirdness is just difficulty with the signal to the GPS in thick forest on that side of the mountain.
And here we have two images of the start. The long line at the bottom in the second image is me wandering along the road by the barrier looking for the alternative exit I found on the way down. Little marker off to the side in the first is the better parking area well off the road = 312819E 5373510N. The gravel heap is obvious when you walk down the road (I think it's in that red area), but the spot you cross it may not be.