Hi all,
Hope I'm staying within the forum rules here...
We're planning a trip from WoJ to Lake Myrtle and thence to plateau of Cathedral Mt, before further adventures in the Du Cane range area.
For Lake Myrtle to Chapter Lake, my current plan was to head North from Lake Myrtle along the Jackson Creek track and at some point cut across West towards Chapter Lake. Likely just South of Lake Bill. Looking at the satellite imagery and 25k map, this seems plausible and I've penciled in a route.
However, when I looked at my GPS (Garmin) it's showing a marked track connecting the Jackson Creek track to the Moses Creek Track. The GPS shows this leaving the Jackson Creek track at Lake Myrtle, heading West and then turning North West after skirting the rise directly North of the lake. Does anyone know if this is a "real" track or pad? If so, this could be an option for us to reduce the amount of bush bashing we have to do. I can't find any reference to this track on any other maps/imagery so perhaps whoever made Garmin's maps simply hallucinated it??