Any more LISTmap errors?

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Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby Tortoise » Mon 09 Dec, 2024 10:24 am

The folks at the LIST are currently working on Basemaps. I reported a couple of errors - in some zooms, Lakes Vesta and Juno swap places, and in some zooms Mt Othrys is shown as Orthys. Can anyone think of others that need correcting?
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby phATty » Mon 09 Dec, 2024 11:12 am

No but that's funny - and a very good pickup I wouldn't notice that in a million years.
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 09 Dec, 2024 11:14 am

It would be nice if they'd fix the location of Halls Hut. You'd think that with all the publicity, somebody at NRE might have noticed that it's not actually on the same location as the original lease that was created for it.

All other maps seem to base their location of Halls Hut on the LIST location (understandably), but that just means that all other maps are also wrong.

See: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=27619&p=367609#p367609

(I stood on the LIST map location of the hut, and found that it was not there. After some exploring, I found it some considerable distance away.)
Son of a Beach
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby L_Cham_67 » Mon 09 Dec, 2024 1:35 pm

Knyvet Falls is shown in the wrong spot on Pencil Pine Creek - unless of course the signposted waterfall at the viewing platform isn't actually the official falls.
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby Tortoise » Mon 09 Dec, 2024 2:11 pm

Son of a Beach wrote:It would be nice if they'd fix the location of Halls Hut. You'd think that with all the publicity, somebody at NRE might have noticed that it's not actually on the same location as the original lease that was created for it.

All other maps seem to base their location of Halls Hut on the LIST location (understandably), but that just means that all other maps are also wrong.

See: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=27619&p=367609#p367609

(I stood on the LIST map location of the hut, and found that it was not there. After some exploring, I found it some considerable distance away.)

Thanks SoaB.

Could you please contact Jason directly with your info, at:
He said the updates should be ready by 20th December, so it would be good to get it to him in the next week.
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby Tortoise » Mon 09 Dec, 2024 2:12 pm

L_Cham_67 wrote:Knyvet Falls is shown in the wrong spot on Pencil Pine Creek - unless of course the signposted waterfall at the viewing platform isn't actually the official falls.

Thanks. Either is possible! I'll pass it on.
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby IDP » Mon 09 Dec, 2024 2:23 pm

On higher zooms on the Topographic basemap, Mt Taurus is marked north of Haven Lake, though at lower zooms (and on the Tasmap basemap), is correctly placed.
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 09 Dec, 2024 2:35 pm

Tortoise wrote:
Son of a Beach wrote:It would be nice if they'd fix the location of Halls Hut. You'd think that with all the publicity, somebody at NRE might have noticed that it's not actually on the same location as the original lease that was created for it.

All other maps seem to base their location of Halls Hut on the LIST location (understandably), but that just means that all other maps are also wrong.

See: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=27619&p=367609#p367609

(I stood on the LIST map location of the hut, and found that it was not there. After some exploring, I found it some considerable distance away.)

Thanks SoaB.

Could you please contact Jason directly with your info, at:
He said the updates should be ready by 20th December, so it would be good to get it to him in the next week.

Done! :-)

(According to the metadata of the photo I took right at the front door of the hut, it is at WGS84 coordinates: 146.29956, -41.95115)
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby lefroy » Tue 10 Dec, 2024 3:57 pm

I think the map shows the high point of West Portal on the wrong tower?
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby north-north-west » Tue 10 Dec, 2024 5:16 pm

lefroy wrote:I think the map shows the high point of West Portal on the wrong tower?

Looks right to me. Once you're up on top of that section, the highest point is obviously over near the eastern dropoff.
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby Last » Tue 10 Dec, 2024 5:17 pm

The high point of Mt Victoria?
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby lefroy » Tue 10 Dec, 2024 8:29 pm

north-north-west wrote:
lefroy wrote:I think the map shows the high point of West Portal on the wrong tower?

Looks right to me. Once you're up on top of that section, the highest point is obviously over near the eastern dropoff.

Ah yeah,I think it's the old 1:25000 that had the bad.went up the first only to see the cairn on the other side!
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby Tortoise » Tue 10 Dec, 2024 8:35 pm

Thanks for all your thoughts. I'll follow them up when I've got a bit more time and brainspace. Jason did reply again, noting that they don't edit the (old) scanned 1:25K maps (TASMAP on the Basemaps). So we're stuck with those.

He also has to cross-check with Place Names Tasmania (PNT), and go by that. Turns out Othrys was originally gazetted wrongly, and only corrected with PNT in 2015. So it stays as Orthys on TASMAP. (Curiously not if you search for it. Only Othrys works.)

Re Flame Peak and the Spires: I just checked on PNT, and it's wrong there - presuming that the correct Flame Peak is the one with the 'flame' on it, immediately above the Font, that generations of bushwalkers have known as such, and is on the Hobart Walking Club peak-baggers' list- not the high point of the Spires (the Abel). Does anyone know more about that one?
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby Tortoise » Tue 10 Dec, 2024 8:37 pm

lefroy wrote:went up the first only to see the cairn on the other side!

We weren't the only ones to do that, then! Interesting scramble to the actual high point...
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby north-north-west » Wed 11 Dec, 2024 7:07 am

Tortoise wrote:Re Flame Peak and the Spires: I just checked on PNT, and it's wrong there - presuming that the correct Flame Peak is the one with the 'flame' on it, immediately above the Font, that generations of bushwalkers have known as such, and is on the Hobart Walking Club peak-baggers' list- not the high point of the Spires (the Abel). Does anyone know more about that one?

There's a rather convoluted history with regard to the Spires Abel and Flame Peak. There's a discussion on one of Guy Burns' threads asking for details about old images. Here:
As I recall, originally the lower triangular bit between the Abel and our Flame Peak was originally called The Flame, due to its shape. The name has shifted and changed over the years.
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 7:38 am

Tortoise wrote:
Son of a Beach wrote:It would be nice if they'd fix the location of Halls Hut. You'd think that with all the publicity, somebody at NRE might have noticed that it's not actually on the same location as the original lease that was created for it.

All other maps seem to base their location of Halls Hut on the LIST location (understandably), but that just means that all other maps are also wrong.

See: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=27619&p=367609#p367609

(I stood on the LIST map location of the hut, and found that it was not there. After some exploring, I found it some considerable distance away.)

Thanks SoaB.

Could you please contact Jason directly with your info, at:
He said the updates should be ready by 20th December, so it would be good to get it to him in the next week.

I got a reply back from LIST today:

LIST wrote:Based on assessment of the supplied coordinates from [Son of a Beach], Current aerial imagery, Review of available google satellite imagery, 1990 24k historic aerial imagery (1146-190) and the details contained in the Tasmanian Heritage register provision registration, we believe that our current location of Halls Hut is incorrect, and the most plausible new location of it is 441939mE, 5355395mN (GDA94). As such in the LIST building dataset this Halls Hut is moved to 441939mE X 5355395mN (GDA94).

You should see the changes on the LIST building layer tomorrow once the data is replicated overnight.

The basemaps (eg, Topographic) have not yet been updated, but I can see that it has been updated in the Building Areas layer. So good work there.

I think that their new location is still not quite right (they seem to have based it on an obvious bright spot in the fuzzy aerial imagery which I do not think is the hut - but I could be wrong). It's certainly a lot closer than their previous location.
Son of a Beach
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Re: Any more LISTmap errors?

Postby taswegian » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 6:49 pm

I'm seeing the hut at their stated coords.
442003E, 5355448N bright spot on aerial
441939E, 5355395N hut as per LIST

In fairness to the bods at LISTMAP I will say they are very proactive, welcome input and very professional in their approach and dealing with the public.
Their job is enormous and considering the huge area covered and the time taken to vet the datasets it is a real credit to them we have such a tremendous resource at our disposal.
It irks me when key bodies rush off to ABC and others berating them for erroneous listing's that once known about they are more than willing to correct.
That comment isn't aimed at anyone in regards to any comments made here.
I have no vested interest in LIST but work closely with them and have for many years been very much appreciative of their work.
I doff my hat to them.

And hands off Halls Hut, Lake Malbena. :D
It, the hut, should be set aside to rot slowly and let the island enjoy its existence without any human intervention. :D
An island within a lake within an island is special, very special.
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