keithj wrote:I've done it in both directions in 2023 & 24 - it's recovered completely post 2019/20 fires.
E -> W is easier route-finding. Lawson end has some alternative tracks and fire trails that offer a bonus out & back if you pick the wrong one. There are some tags on tress at the Lawson end in
Blackheath is 300m higher than Lawson.
There are 10 major creek crossings - 8 of them have 100-200m de/ascent.
Wenty->Medlow is mostly fire trail, exceptions include Govetts & Katoomba Creeks which have some pleasnt steeper sections.
Plenty of leeches in the overhanging ferns between Mt Hay Rd and Lawson
The alternative to the Old Pt Pilcher Track into Grand Canyon starts 100m W and heads N gently then steeply down the ridge (signposted NSL). 20m from the N end of the fire trail find a rough track that contours E, then easily descend the cairned rocky sections NE to reach the GC track. This avoids hitting your head on the slightly thin section of the OPPT.
There's a 400m (x2) side trip upstream to the base of Sapphos Leap (20m?) in Wentworth Creek.
Blackheath Cemetery has a interesting small area NE of the main section with some much older headstones.
Good water between Govetts Ck and Mt Hay Road, and also the waterfall in Grand Canyon... v. little elsewhere.
Thanks Keith and seasons greetings, some good info there. If I knew you had been walking the track fairly recently we could have co-written the article

I've done several bushcare trips on Popes Glen Creek post fires and know that has recovered well but I haven't revisited any of Bruce's Walk as yet.
At one point I did suss out that alternate track to the OPPT. It led to an eroded old handrail descent but I wasn't sure about it so didn't explore further.
Strangely I didn't have any leech problems but it was winter and fairly dry during my explorations.
I didn't investigate the cemetery as I needed to catch a late train back from Blackheath. I'll make a point to have a look when I can.
The best bits for me were between Wentworth Falls and Lawson, and between WF and Medlow Bath.
The MB to Blackheath section is good until you exit the Grand Canyon but can get a bit boring once you hit the streets around Blackheath.
I wasn't aware of the Sapphos Leap side trip on Wentworth Creek. I simply crossed the creek and kept going, so will make a mental note for another time.
I carried enough water so it wasn't an issue for me. Yes plenty of up and down, and significant creek crossings, but I didn't count how many!
Govetts, Katoomba and Greaves are the standouts for me as they have prominent valleys/gorges/canyons but several others are quite interesting as well.