There is no track up The Pilot. A lot of footpads and brumby pads, but no actual track.
The easiest route from the north is to head due east (compass east, don't worry about any adjustments) from the head of the creek on the Cowombat Fire Trail. This is about one km past the Cowombat Ridge turnoff (Snowgum Fire Trail). There is a usually dry shallow gully above the fire trail, and a boggy, reedy bit below.
From there, due east, towards the low point of the saddle, slowly curving around southerly up the ridge. Just take the line of least resistance. The scrub's fairly open, the only blockages due to fallen trees. Once you're up on the north-south ridge, it's an easy scramble to the summit.
It is also possible to climb the ridge almost directly due south from the fire trail to the Little Pilot, then just follow it down to the saddle and up to the Pilot itself. Harder work on the lower sections, but fun. To do this, you leave the fire trail about three km beyond Tin Mine Creek crossing, where it passes over the lower point of the ridge.
Wonderful place to camp, although it can get a bit breezy up there.
- Camp on The Pilot
- First light from the summit
- Early morning