by north-north-west » Thu 22 Jul, 2010 6:52 pm
From Hotham to the Mt Cope area is a good little ramble. Across the road, through the Mt Loch carpark, a short distance along the Mt Loch track, then turn right for a marvellous bit of sub-alpine country, down Swindler's Spur to Cobungra Gap, up over the Basalt Temple, past Mt Jim - with a side trip up Jim, as it's worth a visit. From there, you can continue on the AAWT past Bundara and Cope (side trips up both are highly recommended), then along one section or another of the Aquaduct Track to either Falls Creek or the junction with the Watchbed Creek Track (this is a lot longer, but kind of interesting, and to get to Falls you'd need to walk past the Rocky Valley Reservoir either by the Bogong High Plains Rd or cross country.)
Or turn the other way at the junction near Jim, and go down to Pretty Valley and follow the road - or go cross country - past/over McKay or the Ruined Castle and across to Falls.
There is also a track shown on my map from Dinner Plain that connects with the AAWT, but I don't know if it's still maintained.
Hotham isn't really a resort anyway, Ski Club huts and ski tows are at Hotham, but the main resort is at Dinner Plains.
"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens."