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by SteveJ » Sun 07 Nov, 2010 12:29 am
Just returned from a 4 day walking and packrafting exploration of the Wilderness Coast (very casual pace). Not much freshwater for drinking, ticks, snakes and scorpions, loads of bird species, lots of flowering going on and even a rare spotting of a Dingo on the beach. Wicked trip, no people out there, I like it..
A You Snooze clip if intrested.
- Athrotaxis cupressoides

- Posts: 342
- Joined: Mon 10 Nov, 2008 1:09 pm
by Out_Walking » Sun 07 Nov, 2010 8:27 am
NIce video! Where exactly did you go? In June I walked from Cape Conron to Mallacoota and I underestimated how tough it was. Beach walking is a killer

It looks like you had the right idea with the packrafting idea!
- Atherosperma moschatum

- Posts: 77
- Joined: Sun 18 Jul, 2010 9:59 pm
- Region: Victoria
- Gender: Male
by SteveJ » Sun 07 Nov, 2010 11:53 am
Glad you enjoyed it. We did Mallacoota to Wingans inlet. I will do Wingans to Bemm River next then I will have done the entire Nadgee/Croajingalong coastal strip. It is one of the great walking areas in Australia I reckon, the packrafts do allow some intresting activities like exploring and fishing, good for fetching freshwater from the upper sections, handy for crossing the bigger estuary systems. They do add about 3 kg to your pack weight though.
- Athrotaxis cupressoides

- Posts: 342
- Joined: Mon 10 Nov, 2008 1:09 pm
by Out_Walking » Thu 11 Nov, 2010 7:40 am
I was wondering what raft were you using? I've looked online at the 'Alpacka' ones but they're a bit out of my money league right at this time.
I think you had the right idea about doing the coast in sections rather than what I did but I'm hoping to do the rest of the walk into NSW in the next year or so.
The whole area is fantastic and it seems so few people know about it. It felt remote as I didn't see another hiker in a week of walking and I actually didn't see anyone at all for three days. I guess you would have had a similar experience?
- Atherosperma moschatum

- Posts: 77
- Joined: Sun 18 Jul, 2010 9:59 pm
- Region: Victoria
- Gender: Male
by SteveJ » Sat 13 Nov, 2010 8:36 am
I have the Unrigged Explorer and am about to buy a second Alpacka (a decked Denali Lama) for white water paddling trips. They do seem exspensive but they are a top of the line piece of gear built to withstand extreme stuff, I love them as they open up sooo many trip options. Alpacka do have an annual sale every December (10% off the entire range), with the dollar doing so well they are more affordable than every before....
I walk in the Nadgee Wilderness area a lot as it is pretty close to me, it is a great section of coast and yes not many other walkers outside peak long weekends and holiday times. It is probably a bit less used than the Victorian side and is hence a little nicer in my opinion (no beach rubbish...). I think you will enjoy it very much.
- Athrotaxis cupressoides

- Posts: 342
- Joined: Mon 10 Nov, 2008 1:09 pm
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