AAWT - Walhalla to Mt Victor. Nov 2010

A forum for discussing the Australian Alps Walking Track. This is a 655 km long track from Walhalla (Vic) to Tharwa (ACT)

AAWT - Walhalla to Mt Victor. Nov 2010

Postby Charlievee » Sun 26 Dec, 2010 10:50 am

OK - Here it is. I'll have to post it in bits as I type very slowly (one finger). I hope it's of some use ....

Sat 13 Nov. The day dawned with weather reports looking decided gloomy. Brian, the girls and I had booked hotel rooms at Moe to be closer to the walk's start at Walhalla. We had dinner at the Moe RSL - and had a wonderful "last supper". The service and food were excellent. The rain was teeming down as we returned to the hotel. Not promising.

Sun 14 Nov. The day dawned with weather reports looking much better. We had a leisurely drive to Walhalla and registered our walk intents at the register at the general store. This isn't necessary, but recommended. After a short bit of sightseeing (and obligatory photos) we donned our packs, kissed our goodbyes to the girls and hit the trail. 9 am. The day looked promising as we climbed the track out of town. We met and chatted with several daywalkers as we left Walhalla. We opted to cross the Poverty point bridge rather than detour (thanks for the track update fellas !) and settled in for lunch after crossing. Another couple we met informed us that the bridge had been used a few weeks previous for a fun run. Also, later, I found out that the bridge was reopened a week or so after our crossing. After lunch the track climbed steadily until we reached the Thompson valley rd. We crossed over and started the 2 klm descent to the O'Shea's mill site. I hadn't gotten my trail legs yet and was bushed as we arrived at camp. A quick, tasty dinner was had and an early night was called, as we had a big day ahead tomorrow.

Mon 15 Nov. The day dawned wet and drizzly, both of us needing to dry gear later. A quick breakfast of oatmeal and onto a river crossing. The East Tyers river was flowing well and Brian readied the camera in case I fell. Stinker ! A stout log was utilized and we scrambled up the bank. The track would upwards through magnificent mountain ash trees, then sharply onto Mt Erica rd. Tough going indeed. Brian the mountain goat was ahead at every turn while I just plodded along. Brian was suffering a bit of a chest cold, but you'd never know it ! I arrived at the Mountain Monarchs campsite to find Brian comatose and drying his tent. We walked another klm to the carpark where we had lunch. The 2nd leg of our day had us climbing the 400 mts to get onto the Baw Baw plateau. We finally arrived at the Talbot hut ruins and it's lovely little tarn. I was totally spent, but very satisfied as we had combined days 2 and 3. The fog/mist rolled in early so we had dinner and collapsed. A cool night it was too !
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: AAWT - Walhalla to Mt Victor. Nov 2010

Postby Charlievee » Tue 28 Dec, 2010 9:09 pm

Tues 16 Nov. - The day dawned a little foggy, but soon cleared. We set gear out to dry in the sun. We had a leisurely breakfast and hit the trail about 9 15 am or so. I was very thankful for the more open terrain and fewer hills. We visited a campsite that I had used with Maroondah bushwalkers in 2004. (No fond memories here.) Soon the track definition got pretty slim and we kept our eyes peeled for the little yellow diamonds. We reached the rock shelter about 1 pm and had lunch. We were saddened to see several fireplaces at the site instead of just one. After lunch we summited Mt. St. Phillack (1565 mts.) After the BawBaw village intersection the trail got very difficult to follow due to its overgrown nature and lack of maintenance. Yellow signs were most helpful here. Brian hit camp first (as usual) at Mt Whitelaw hut ruins and collected water ; some of it in his boots. I arrived a little later and we settled into dinner. I insisted in lighting a fire so Brian could warm himself. There was plenty of wood provided and Brian was well warmed before hitting his pillow. I had a solitary pipe and watched the mist roll in again...

Wed 17 Nov. - I awoke at 5 15, rolled over and rose at 6 am - when the sunshine and morning were too much to resist. I started a new fire and put water on before rousing Brian. Thankfully, he was well rested. Our regular breakfast of oatmeal, tea, tea and more tea while gear dried in the sun. We both felt that this was the nicest site on the plateau. On the trail by 9 am. Although this section of the trail had been recently manicured we missed the turnoff and water we were looking for. No matter, we had plenty. We found the upper end of the old Upper Yarra track that had long fallen into disuse. A real pity. The trail appeared to be made into a fire track, but petered out soon after. Signage and markings were nearly non - existent here. We had a pleasant lunch near a creek and soon after arrived at camp. This was to be a "rest day" of sorts as it was only 9 klms and all downhill. We arrived at camp about 3 pm and set about drying gear again. Dinner was consumed with gusto and a fire lit. We were actually outside of the park boundary where fires were permitted (and wood supplied). We lounged in the luxury of an early day and had an extra course of Oriental rice, which lightened my pack just that little bit more. We felt like nightowls, gabbing and drinking tea till 10 30 ! A fitful night's sleep ensued.
A man's best friend is his knife, not his dog...
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: AAWT - Walhalla to Mt Victor. Nov 2010

Postby Charlievee » Thu 30 Dec, 2010 2:24 pm

Thurs 18 Nov - I awoke at 5 30, farted, rolled over and dozed awhile longer. I awoke at 6 15 to the sounds of Brian breaking twigs for the morning fire. Nothing like the sounds of frogs and wild birds to greet you ! We topped up with water as a big day was ahead. 11.8 klms of hills ! We walked through a new section of trail as the old part was now disused due to clearfelling. The track rose, then down, down, down ; very steeply at times. We encountered a red bellied black snake on the trail who was reluctant to move from his sunny spot. I gently encouraged him into the bush and on we went. Just after lunch we came upon our second snake of the day - a 1 mt tiger snake basking on the road. Fortunately, he was eager to get away. We arrived at Easton dam and shortly afterwards, the Thomson river. We made an improvised bridge to cross over (of course Brian was ready with his flamin' camera !) as the regular bridge was under water. We arrived at camp about 4pm and located 2 tentsites that weren't leech or jumping jack infested. The mozzies were relentless though. An early night, 2 tired walkers retired about 8 30 pm.

Fri 19 Nov - Awake at 5 30 - water on the boil at 5 50. Our usual breakfast. We had a big early climb to get onto a spur. Wow ! What a climb ! Up a couple hundred steep metres to Little Mt Easton, then, a bit more for his big brother. We had lunch just off the summit. Then, onto the track again, this time a bit flatter. We nearly took a wrong turn, but Brian spotted it in time. Good Navs mate ! Then, down about 400 mts very steeply until our ankles and knees screamed for relief. We ended up on the road to Blue Jacket, an old mining town, and rested for a bit at the Jordan river. We had a final 2 klms to go until our camp at Red Jacket. This was to be our final overnight stop before our pickup tomorrow at noon. Time for a towel bath and a tidy up. The campsite was plain, but comfortable enough. Small trout were jumping at the opposite bank of the river and continued till well after dark. We had a fire, a meal, a chinwag and several more cuppas. Another early night as there was another steep spur to be climbed early the next day. As a side note; there is no vehicle traffic allowed into the catchment area (water authority trucks excepted) from 31/5 to 30/11. The access gates are locked.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: AAWT - Walhalla to Mt Victor. Nov 2010

Postby Charlievee » Fri 31 Dec, 2010 7:19 am

Sat 20 Nov - Brian was very keen to go and rightly so. He had the maps and knew what was in store. He woke me at 5 30 and we were hiking by 7 am. A fire that had gone through the spur had cleared a great deal of undergrowth but the hills were taking their toll on me. I should have been fitter (and lighter) but you roll with what you've got. My back was sore, my knees were aching and my shoulders throbbed. And still, more hills... Some of the trail signs had been reduced to little silver diamonds but were very welcome nonetheless. By sticking to the center of the spur they were relatively easy to find. We reached the Mt Victor track about 9 30 and followed this to the Matlock rd, which was our rendezvous point. Brian arrived a bit before me (as usual) but we were ever so glad to drop the packs and relax before the girls arrived. And arrive they did, about 12 45. We took a few celebratory "happy snaps" to celebrate our finishing and crawled into the car to head home. A great walk ; highly recommended. CV
A man's best friend is his knife, not his dog...
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: AAWT - Walhalla to Mt Victor. Nov 2010

Postby anne3 » Fri 31 Dec, 2010 9:01 am

Great picks....have just walked the track from act to mt Howitt...are going to do the last bit in Jan....thanks for taking the time to up load!!
Will pull my finger out and learn to upload some of my pics..
Walking the walk
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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