by clarence » Sat 16 Jun, 2012 2:09 am
I did check my maps after my last entry and do not have that particular pass noted in there. I religiously note all the passes and routes I take, so how I missed this one beats me. I even have hand drawn sketches of some of the more obscure ones on the back of the old maps (back in the old days when the backs of the maps were plain white). I think my walking companion (who was equally religious in noting such things) would probably have it.
It was a very rainy and cold day, and getting up took us a solid two hours. Don't quote me on this, but I would suggest either GR 522343 or 533352 or 542357. We first tried exiting a smaller tributary (which ascended to the east) on the south side of the spur/nose, which ended in a very narrow impassable slot after a few hundred metres. The pass was on the wide rounded bluff just to the north of this tributary. We had to make probably thirty false leads right then left etc back and forth across the face of the spur, each time eventually finding a way up. It was a series of ledges maybe 2 to 5 metres wide, with a scramble at each end through a band of rock maybe 3 to 5 metres vertical, repeated probably thirty times. At some points we'd have to traverse over 50 metres to find the next lead. There was nothing more technical than maybe a grade 5 scramble at any point. My mate was not a great climber, and at that stage we had 8 days worth of food and the rock was dripping wet- so there is no way it would have been full-on climbing. Unlike the passes in the Blue Mts, Nattai, Budawangs etc, this was not just one "crux" thorugh the highest cliffline, but a series of rock bands each of which had to be negotiatied and it was like that from the creek bed right up to the rim of the plateau.
I would be interested (Roger I presume) to see if any of these GRs match up with the Devils Causeway Pass. We did not encounter any cairns or markings of any description on the pass. If you have any info on obscure passes (esp further south Nattai, Budawangs, Ettrema etc) I'd be interested to compare/share notes (PM me).
Last edited by
clarence on Sat 16 Jun, 2012 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.