Tang: the thirst wrencher?

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Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby vagrom » Sat 15 Jan, 2011 8:51 pm

The great thing about Tassie as opposed to mainland walking is that you're generally safe with water, though there are horror stories to be had. Carrying a few kilos of it is common but there are parts of Tas. that are especially friendly for water.
And then there's Tang. On my last big walk a very experienced bushwalker lamented that he hadn't brought any along. It was an 11 day trip.
It's got lots of stuff in it ; perhaps these count as lost and welcome electrolytes? ( Magnesium tabs for cramp.Blackmores are the only ones I can find though Maureen had some excellent powder from the SES).
Lemon flavour appears to be default. As sweet as anything, a litre of water goes down fast. The answer to that is to dilute it, carefully (as if). I just wondered if anyone has an opinion on it's usefulness or long since left it off their food list for any reason.
Perhaps there's an opinion that it's sweetness might help to counteract a bug? Or they've since found a much better alternative?
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby norts » Sat 15 Jan, 2011 8:56 pm

I like to carry it but have not been able to find any for about a year

Would like to know if it is still around

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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby corvus » Sat 15 Jan, 2011 9:15 pm

Fairly sure I have seen Tang in Woolies however if you just want a flavoured drink "Vitafresh" powder is not too bad, just flavored sugar by the list on the packet though :lol: however if you want a real "Electrolyte Drink" I believe that staminade is the go !! :) you can even eat a spoonful and wash it down if you dont feel like mixing it in the bottle.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sun 16 Jan, 2011 4:27 am

Yeh it now comes in small packets rather than the large jars it used to come in.
Still available in the South at any rate.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Liamy77 » Sun 16 Jan, 2011 11:35 am

i use weak staminade too.... mostly because tang tastes WORSE than licking month-old roadkill !
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby corvus » Sun 16 Jan, 2011 7:25 pm

Liamy77 wrote:i use weak staminade too.... mostly because tang tastes WORSE than licking month-old roadkill !

Where can you find "month old " roadkill ours is gone almost overnight so I have never had the chance to try it :lol:
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby vagrom » Sun 16 Jan, 2011 8:59 pm

What I meant was, it seems to have something about it which actually promotes thirst. But I guess that's just a super sweetener in the ingredients. When you've got a thirst up a litre of water goes straight down.
Good to know Staminade's now in similar small packs. It seems to cake more easily so mini packs should help solve this and offer ingredients of value as well, e.g: for cramps.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby corvus » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 2:44 pm

vagrom its the Tang that is available in smaller packets Staminade has actually increased its size from a 6 Lt make up to Lt
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby ollster » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 5:26 pm

I use tang and vitafresh as flavourings only, but I always make sure I have Hydralyte packets in my kit (available at pharmacies and some supermarkets). I've had several occasions where I was badly dehydrated (walking for two days at 35-38 degrees tends to do that to you!) and woke up feeling like a truck had hit me only to be brough back from the dead by a dose of Hydralyte.

On day walks I usually take 2x 1 litre bottles of water mixed with powerade/gatorade powder. One to drink on the car trip there, and one on the way back.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Funky_Bunch » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 5:27 pm

you can buy the hydrolyte stuff from the chemist is small packets, ive taken it on a few walks to chuck back some of those electrolytes that seem to dissapear.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Funky_Bunch » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 5:28 pm

typing the same thing at pretty much the same time ollster
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby ollster » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 5:31 pm

Funky_Bunch wrote:typing the same thing at pretty much the same time ollster

Yeah, noticed that. SNAP!
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby corvus » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 6:04 pm

What is the brand name of the hydrolyte in small packets please and how much does it it cost in relation to Staminade as I normally transfer to smaller containers to suit the length of the walk.
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Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Bluegum Mic » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 6:14 pm

Hydrolyte is the brand name. They come in a couple of flavours though some are a little effervescent (which I can't stand ever since drinking as a child with a bad case of salmonella. Seems to remind me of it). Can't recall price but it's nothing over the top. I'll check and get back to you as I have a box down stairs.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby tasadam » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 6:18 pm

Google is my friend...
Don't know whether these are of interest...

Hydralyte Powder Orange 5G X 10

Hydralyte Powder Apple Blackcurrant 5G X 10

Other Electrolyte replacements from that site

Movicol powder satchet for solution 13.125 g with electrolytes 1

Movicol-Half powder satchet for solution 6.563 g with electrolytes 1

Don't know about tang though.

EDIT Due to concerns with the confusion / uncertainty about the last 2 being laxatives, I have removed the links.
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Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Bluegum Mic » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 6:25 pm

Right! Sorry but there wasn't a price sticker on it but to show you it looks like thisImage

There are 10 sachets in each pack with each sachet being mixed with 200ml of water.

Judging by online pharmacies it's price per box is 10-15 bucks.
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Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Bluegum Mic » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 6:29 pm

Snap tasadam! However I would avoid the movicol as it's a fibre supplement designed to get you going in the number 2s department. Not really what you want on the trail ;-)
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby north-north-west » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 7:16 pm

Staminade's cheaper. I always carry some in summer & autumn.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby corvus » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 8:09 pm

Oh that brand :) if the packets cost anything like the tablet form, $10.00 + for 20 I would need to return to work full time to purchase enough to keep me going :lol: .
Many thanks to all for your advice but I guess I will stick with Staminade that I have been using for 20 years,may even try the Orange flavour one day :)
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Liamy77 » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 9:16 pm

be careful which movicol sachets you buy.... they also make a laxitive powder drink!
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby katief » Mon 17 Jan, 2011 9:36 pm

Great point Liamy77! As a nurse, many times I have unfortunately been witness to the movicol experience. It's the stuff we use to clean the digeative system out (completely)!! Buyer beware - make sure you know exactly what you're purchasing/consuming :oops:
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby tasadam » Tue 18 Jan, 2011 12:00 am

Edited my post above due to concerns about laxative effect of that product.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby vagrom » Tue 18 Jan, 2011 10:12 pm

Excellent advice and thanks. Will AVOID the movicol. ( Purge that name) Costs and expiry dates are always something to think about. Like Tang, the nature of this stuff, vis a vis water means it spoils/cakes easily and needs to be used, not stored.
Tasadam's "Electrolyte replacements" link offers something called Endura which i'll look at because of the Magnesium content. I've no idea if Mg's overplayed as a cure but cramping arrived out of the blue on my Lyne trip and is never to be forgotten.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Jellybean » Wed 19 Jan, 2011 7:10 am

vagrom wrote:Tasadam's "Electrolyte replacements" link offers something called Endura which i'll look at because of the Magnesium content. I've no idea if Mg's overplayed as a cure but cramping arrived out of the blue on my Lyne trip and is never to be forgotten.

I use Endura and find it excellent. First started using it for cycling on the advice of a sports nutritionist friend (the magnesium in Endura is apparently better than that is some other replacement drinks), now use it when walking too. It's expensive if you buy it from bike shops etc. but hunt around on-line and/or check the discount vitamin places and you can find some better prices. You can either buy a large tub or small sachets depending on your preference/needs. Their gels are good too.


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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby corvus » Wed 19 Jan, 2011 3:10 pm

Jellybean wrote:
I use Endura and find it excellent. First started using it for cycling on the advice of a sports nutritionist friend (the magnesium in Endura is apparently better than that is some other replacement drinks), now use it when walking too. It's expensive if you buy it from bike shops etc. but hunt around on-line and/or check the discount vitamin places and you can find some better prices. You can either buy a large tub or small sachets depending on your preference/needs. Their gels are good too.



G'day Jellybean,
Do you know how much Magnesium is in this product and what type it is ? 19g of Staminade has 0.1mmol of Magnesium Sulphate in a 350 ml drink (whatever that means :? )
For what it is worth several years ago I discovered that Calcium & Magnesium tablets work a treat for Cramps and have been taking two every day since I believe they also help increase my bone strength which is good in an ageing body :)
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby jose » Wed 19 Jan, 2011 11:49 pm

You could add a pinch of Epsom Salts to your Tang. It would supply the magnesium to prevent cramping up!
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Jellybean » Thu 20 Jan, 2011 7:52 am

corvus wrote:
Jellybean wrote:
I use Endura and find it excellent. First started using it for cycling on the advice of a sports nutritionist friend (the magnesium in Endura is apparently better than that is some other replacement drinks), now use it when walking too. It's expensive if you buy it from bike shops etc. but hunt around on-line and/or check the discount vitamin places and you can find some better prices. You can either buy a large tub or small sachets depending on your preference/needs. Their gels are good too.



G'day Jellybean,
Do you know how much Magnesium is in this product and what type it is ? 19g of Staminade has 0.1mmol of Magnesium Sulphate in a 350 ml drink (whatever that means :? )
For what it is worth several years ago I discovered that Calcium & Magnesium tablets work a treat for Cramps and have been taking two every day since I believe they also help increase my bone strength which is good in an ageing body :)

Hi Corvus,

It's a patented form of magnesium that they call Meta Mag. 1 scoop of Endura powder added to 350ml of water includes 1.6g of Magnesium amino acid chelate (Meta Mag - Magnesium diglycinate)(Equivalent magnesium - 162.5 mg).

It also contains:
Calcium amino acide chelate 210mg (Equiv Calcium - 42mg)
Potassium phosphate - monobasic 418.8 mg (Equiv Potassium - 120.3mg)
Sodium chloride 158.3 mg (Equiv Sodium 62.5mg)

Vitamin D and regular, moderate exercise (both of which you would get through your regular walking) are also important for maintaining bone density.


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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Liamy77 » Thu 20 Jan, 2011 10:05 am

jose wrote:You could add a pinch of Epsom Salts to your Tang. It would supply the magnesium to prevent cramping up!

like with the movicol.... you wanna be careful how much you add or you will spend your cramp-free-energy diggin little toilet holes..... :shock: ... gotta go :oops: :lol:

.... what is it with this thread!? - i just seem to be warning folks about the green-apple-splatters here! :mrgreen:
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby zac150 » Sun 20 Feb, 2011 8:44 pm

Like Jellybean I have started to carry electrolyte drinks on walks after being introduced to them through cycling and triathlons. I prefer the ease of Shotz or High 5 zero brand electrolytes, they are not as strong as Endura, being about half the strength; what I like is that neither have any carbs so you are not adding the sugars. The big plus with these is that they come in tablet form, 20 tablets to a tube (similar to Barocca), 1 tablet does 500ml.

I learnt the hard way in a recent triathlon that water is simply not good enough on hot days, I over drank water and ended up with the worst cramps I have ever experienced.
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Re: Tang: the thirst wrencher?

Postby Maaxxx » Wed 09 Mar, 2011 9:13 pm

A regular favourite of mine has been half Staminade, half Robinson's Lemon Barley powder, (if you can find it). Pre-mix in the powder form and add to taste. If I can't find the Lemon Barley, I substitute Glucodin for that extra sugar hit. :lol:
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