I posted a link earlier this year about the code:
http://bushwalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=5598It gives you 15% off most items from moosejaw, including Hilleberg.
Moosejaw's postage is pretty hefty at $80, but its flat rate. I once ordered about $2000 worth of stuff from them, and postage was still $80! They were even kind enough to split the order up into 2 for me. I'm sure they would have made a loss from it since it all arrived in a few days.
ANyway, the codes i am talking about will give you these prices, which are cheaper than moontrail:
Nallo 2:..................... $467.50
Nallo 2 GT (RRP $675):....$573.75
Nallo 2 footprint: $46.75
Nallo 3 (RRP $595):.........$505.75
Nallo 3 GT (RRP $720):.....$612
Nallo 3 footprint:............$66.30
Either case, your tent is a good price, and I have seen them fetch much more than $550.
Already got a Jannu with similar specs, but your tunnel is just oh-so-roomy!
Gonna have a good think about it for a while....