Nuts wrote:
Accountability aside, why should kids travel free, they take booking places like anyone else?
Well I didnt mean that kids should be free. The NZ government has chosen to do that to encourage young people to do physical activity rather than sit in front of a computer. The general argument that children should be charged less than an adult is a rather philosophical one but one that is generally accepted in Australia. I guess if you dont buy that argument then you dont agree that $700 is a lot for a family. (The"well if you cant afford kids dont have them in the first place" argument.) I would just point out that even for people on average incomes, particularly where there is only 1 income that that is a hefty fee.
As I understand it the purpose of the walking fees was to reduce numbers as the park was being loved to death. At the same time it would raise funds for the extra care the park needed. I dont know where the fees go but I guess it does that. The fees and booking were supposed to be a kind of rationing system. If the park management received a report that said if they jacked up the fees to $500 per person they would reduce numbers but increase revenue I would not expect that to be implemented - even though it raised more money it would limit access to only the more wealthy and be against the idea of a peoples national park. When the fees reach a point where a significant slice of the population cannot afford them then then it is limiting access to an elite group. An analogy is a parking meter. It is designed to ration parking so everyone can get a share of the parking space. But if they charge $30 per hour to park then it operates differently. I dont expect National Parks to be run like an Island Resort. A family perhaps should not expect to holiday at Hamilton Island but they could expect equal access to a National Park.
The fees do not stop me walking the track but they would have done when I was a teenager and walked it a few times. In those days there were not the transport options there are today and I remember once walking South to North in 5 days and then back in 2 just to pick up the car as it was probably quicker than hitching. We walked via Lake Petrach on the way North and via the lake side on the way back - maybe the boat cost was too much but I suspect the idea of catching the boat didnt enter our heads.
I guess you can always walk somewhere else.