Hi, Where can I purchase the 1:25,000 digital maps in either .ecw or .rmap formats for my Twonav Sportiva GPS that covers the Overland track from start to finnish?
I've searched online, but can only find paper maps.
Phillipsart wrote:Hi, Where can I purchase the 1:25,000 digital maps in either .ecw or .rmap formats for my Twonav Sportiva GPS that covers the Overland track from start to finnish?
I've searched online, but can only find paper maps.
photohiker wrote:Phillipsart wrote:Hi, Where can I purchase the 1:25,000 digital maps in either .ecw or .rmap formats for my Twonav Sportiva GPS that covers the Overland track from start to finnish?
I've searched online, but can only find paper maps.
Here's a good place to start: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1481&start=30#p59674
Phillipsart wrote:Thanks Photohiker, What format are the downloaded maps? Did you had to convert them over for use on the Sportiva?
1:25,000 Raster map information
∑ Resolution - 200 dpi (dots per inch)
∑ File type - 256 colours
∑ File format - TIFF - (GEOTIFF - the embedded geo-referencing in the tiff header is GDA94)
∑ File size - Each TIFF image is approximately 20mb
∑ Scan from - Tasmanian 1:25,000 printed map series
Map Projection and Datum Information:
The geotiff header info and the default world files residing with the tiff files are GDA94.
Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator - UTM
Co-ordinate system: Map Grid of Australia Zone 55 - MGA zone 55
Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 - GDA94.
For practical purposes, GDA94 is equivalent to WGS84, the native GPS output.
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Haha lol, yep save the batteries for a more needed place and save the pack weight, leave the GPS at home!!
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