1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

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1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Wed 18 May, 2011 11:23 am

Hi, Where can I purchase the 1:25,000 digital maps in either .ecw or .rmap formats for my Twonav Sportiva GPS that covers the Overland track from start to finnish?

I've searched online, but can only find paper maps.
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby photohiker » Wed 18 May, 2011 1:30 pm

Phillipsart wrote:Hi, Where can I purchase the 1:25,000 digital maps in either .ecw or .rmap formats for my Twonav Sportiva GPS that covers the Overland track from start to finnish?

I've searched online, but can only find paper maps.

Here's a good place to start: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1481&start=30#p59674
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Wed 18 May, 2011 1:47 pm

photohiker wrote:
Phillipsart wrote:Hi, Where can I purchase the 1:25,000 digital maps in either .ecw or .rmap formats for my Twonav Sportiva GPS that covers the Overland track from start to finnish?

I've searched online, but can only find paper maps.

Here's a good place to start: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1481&start=30#p59674

Thanks Photohiker, What format are the downloaded maps? Did you had to convert them over for use on the Sportiva?
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby photohiker » Wed 18 May, 2011 3:23 pm

Phillipsart wrote:Thanks Photohiker, What format are the downloaded maps? Did you had to convert them over for use on the Sportiva?

Format is GeoTiff. Here is the readme.txt infor that came with the maps:


1:25,000 Raster map information
∑ Resolution - 200 dpi (dots per inch)
∑ File type - 256 colours
∑ File format - TIFF - (GEOTIFF - the embedded geo-referencing in the tiff header is GDA94)
∑ File size - Each TIFF image is approximately 20mb
∑ Scan from - Tasmanian 1:25,000 printed map series

Map Projection and Datum Information:
The geotiff header info and the default world files residing with the tiff files are GDA94.
Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator - UTM
Co-ordinate system: Map Grid of Australia Zone 55 - MGA zone 55
Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 - GDA94.

For practical purposes, GDA94 is equivalent to WGS84, the native GPS output.

As I remember, I opened them up in CompeGPS Land (the software that came with the Sportiva) and saved them as RMAP and copied them over to the Sportiva SD card. (its too long ago!) In any case, I don't remember a lot of faffing about, so it can't have been too painful.
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Wed 18 May, 2011 3:42 pm

I just called and they quoted me $154.00. A bit to much for a set of maps i'm only going to use once.

Thanks for your help, Those Twonav Sportiva's are a great little unit. Might have to leave it at home and take my Garmin Oregon with the free OSM maps on it.
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Wed 18 May, 2011 3:46 pm

Especially if it's just for the overland track. To be honest you wont even need a map.
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby photohiker » Wed 18 May, 2011 3:51 pm

Well, there's always openstreetmap. With the cyclemap contour overlay, you get a reasonable 'lie of the land', and popular tracks have been mapped:

Cyclemap centred on waterfall valley
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Wed 18 May, 2011 3:58 pm

I plan to go alone and do some of the side trips. As nice it would be to own the Topo maps, cost is to much for me, I read on the link to the post photohiker linked to, someone recently paid $99.00, Looks like they have jacked the price up something severe.

The free OSM maps appear to have a fairly good coverage of the Overland Track. I think it will be more than sufficient for my needs.
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Wed 18 May, 2011 3:59 pm

Well unless you are not confident of following a track, again I say you wont need a map.

Most of the sidetrips are also on very good tracks. Just take the paper OT map you can buy anywhere for $9.99.
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby Nuts » Wed 18 May, 2011 4:28 pm

yer, follow the people in front... that said hardcopy, the laminated one from parks (1;100000) is the best value... strangely they sell paper unlamminated ones at either end, maybe so you chuck the soggy one and buy another when your finnished? And that said, doesnt help Phil and others set on carrying GPS though...
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Wed 18 May, 2011 4:30 pm

Haha lol, yep save the batteries for a more needed place and save the pack weight, leave the GPS at home!!
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 24 May, 2011 12:34 pm

I can confirm the maps are indeed $154.00, received a email from them today, Took them a long time. One week to send a email :shock:

Way to much money to cover a small area. I purchased 1:25000 topo and image maps for most of QLD for less than that.
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Re: 1:25000 Digital Maps, where to purchase?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 24 May, 2011 12:42 pm

ILUVSWTAS wrote:Haha lol, yep save the batteries for a more needed place and save the pack weight, leave the GPS at home!!

I couldn't do that, :D I love my toys. My Sportiva feels as light as a feather. the Garmin Oregon is a bit heavy. I need raster maps for my Twonav Sportiva. I'll probably will end up taking both with me. I've have Shonkymaps and OSM maps on my Oregon, which will cover the Overland Track. I like using my Sportiva to record tracks, Gives you a lot more info than the Oregon, and it's very light and batteries are light, can pick up batteries as cheap as $9.00 online for my Sportiva.
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