There are plenty or routes you can go from K to K -
- Kanangra - Mt Thurat - Mt Paralyser - Kanangra Ck - Kanongaroo - Yellow Pup - Splendour Rock (or via Mobbs Soak (easier) - Medlow Gap - Narrow Neck - Katoomba
- Kanangra Walls - Mt Berry - Kanangra Ck - Kanongaroo - Yellow Pup (and as above)
- Kanangra Walls - Mt Cloudmaker - Strongleg - Kanongaroo - Yellow Pup (and as above)
- Kanangra Walls - Cloudmaker - Marcotts Pass - Coxs River - White Dog - Medlow Gap - Narrow Neck
- Kanangra Walls - Cloudmaker - Ti Willa - Kowmung River - Low Gangerangs - White Dog - Medlow Gap - Narrow Neck
etc etc
all of these except the last would be graded as "medium" 2 day walks (or medium 3 days walks) - so would be graded as "hard" as a daywalk. It used to be the case that many Sydney bushwalking clubs would regularly do a K to K daywalk (eg once a year) - I'm not sure if it is done that way much these days?
But - if contemplating doing it - it would be better to experience the country on a longer walk (2 or 3 days) before trying it as a daywalk. It is through country an lot rougher than the 6' track. The most common route is vai Cloudmaker. On the way to Cloudmaker - there are lot of angled rocks that can be hard on the feet. Navigating down to and from Dex Ck to the start of the Strongleg Range is not hard but can be tricky - there is some heath and not too much in the way of tracks.
From the Coxs - you can follow a horsetrack all the way up Yellow Pup to Mobbs Soak and then to Medlow Gap, and then pick up a track to Narrow Neck - this is easier going - but there is a fair bit of uphill.
Here is a trip report of a party that went from Katoomba to Kanangra and back in a day - ... eturn.htmlDave