Genuine 'Rubber Duck' raft

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Genuine 'Rubber Duck' raft

Postby SteveJ » Wed 22 Jun, 2011 12:26 pm

Time for my old rubber raft (Rubber Duck) to find a new home as it has not been used since I discovered Alpacka packrafts a few years ago.

This is a genuine Australian made 2 man Rubber Duck as used on the Franklin River protests back in the early 80's (a piece of history :) ). They are made from a tough rubberised fabric (not plastic) so it is a very sturdy old raft. It has 2 chambers, so if one pops you won't drown too quickly (more a slow and painful drowning). It packs down to about 600 x 300 x 200mm and weighs about 7kg... Can be paddled like a kayak or rowed. It is in fair condition, has a few little patches here and there but is generally pretty good and will get you (and a friend) on the water on a budget. Being rubber it is pretty easy to patch if need be with a bike tube reapir kit, but it is a tough old thing and in the many years I owned it I only put a few minor pin holes in it, despite some pretty serious adventures (they are all fixed). I would like $150 and will include postage in the price.


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Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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