shopping hours on the 23/12 in Launceston

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shopping hours on the 23/12 in Launceston

Postby pharmamatt » Fri 01 Jul, 2011 6:08 pm


My partner and I are starting the OT on the 24/12, flying into Launceston on Friday 23/12. I'm just wondering what the shopping hours are likely to be on the Friday and early Saturday? We're looking to get some late supplies from a supermarket and wondering when other shops would be open till? (eg. paddy's)

thanks matt
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: shopping hours on the 23/12 in Launceston

Postby indihj » Fri 01 Jul, 2011 8:40 pm

We are starting on the same day (but we live in Hobart and will be doing the car shuffle) Being Christmas and a friday night they'll be open to 6 at the very least (most likely 8 or 9) and open probably 8 or 9 on Saturday. Give them a call closer to the time though. Pm me if you need us to pick up stove fuel etc if you get stuck.
See you on the track.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: shopping hours on the 23/12 in Launceston

Postby Phil » Mon 04 Jul, 2011 11:05 am

pharmamatt wrote:Hi

My partner and I are starting the OT on the 24/12, flying into Launceston on Friday 23/12. I'm just wondering what the shopping hours are likely to be on the Friday and early Saturday? We're looking to get some late supplies from a supermarket and wondering when other shops would be open till? (eg. paddy's)

thanks matt

Hi Matt

K-Mart is open 24hrs in Launceston. Also there is a Coles Supermarket in the K-Mart complex, they were also open 24 hours in the lead up to Christmas last year and I imagine they will do the same, if not then at worst they would be open as per their normal trading hours - 6am through to midnight.

Shops like Paddy Pallin, MD, Kathmandu etc would open Friday and Saturday from 9am through to 5:30 I guess.......anyone correct me if my assumptions are wrong!!


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Re: shopping hours on the 23/12 in Launceston

Postby hanmaw » Tue 05 Jul, 2011 8:44 pm

Yeah, not the same late hours as Hobart bushwalking stores over Christmas.
I went into Launnie Paddy Pallin's today and asked (I've got buddies in the same situation). 9 - 6 on Friday 23rd and 9 - 5 on Saturday. There might be other bushwalking stores up there open a bit later, as is the tradition at Chrissie. Good luck!
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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