tom_brennan wrote:I think you might find it's called the Dunphy Camping Area...
michael_p wrote:A few people I know still call it Carlons Farm.
juxtaposer wrote:There are a few other, some unofficial, bushwalker names on places that are named after Dunphy. Anyone out there care to name them?
juxtaposer wrote:Fox's book does not cover the area, johnw.
climberman wrote:Why is the modern sign ordering officer so scared of the apostrophe ?
juxtaposer wrote:Although you'll see exceptions, I've got a feeling it is convention not to include the apostrophe in place names.
climberman wrote:Why is the modern sign ordering officer so scared of the apostrophe ?
DaveNoble wrote:Mt Colboyd - the name comes from Boyd as in Boyd Plateau and Colong - the ridge lies in a direction between them. His son was named after the ridge, just like Milo Kanangra Dunphy was named after the Walls.
Another one is Dungalla Cascades on the Boyd Plateau - which comes from Dunphy and Gallop (Herb Gallop) - which was a thing Dunphy ddi quite a lot - join two names together - e.g. Morrieberrie, dawry-lawrie, Colboyd, Rayfran Dell,etc
DaveNoble wrote:Mt Colboyd - the name comes from Boyd as in Boyd Plateau and Colong - the ridge lies in a direction between them. His son was named after the ridge, just like Milo Kanangra Dunphy was named after the Walls.
Another one is Dungalla Cascades on the Boyd Plateau - which comes from Dunphy and Gallop (Herb Gallop) - which was a thing Dunphy ddi quite a lot - join two names together - e.g. Morrieberrie, dawry-lawrie, Colboyd, Rayfran Dell,etc
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