Other interests ?

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Other interests ?

Postby red tag » Thu 08 Jan, 2009 9:18 am

There may be a few people using this forum who share other interests/hobbies , and don't know it .

Mine are:
fly fishing - began aged 13 ..but not active for years .
ex-military vehicles - history and restoring of ---> http://www.vmvc.net
ham radio - collecting ex-military valve radios
sewing - canvas work
Series 1 Land Rovers 1948 - 53 models
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby Kainas » Thu 08 Jan, 2009 3:06 pm

Nice idea.

Bike Riding
World of Warcraft (at the geeky end of the scale I know)
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby Damien » Thu 08 Jan, 2009 6:36 pm

Inline Hockey
Ice Hockey
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby the_camera_poser » Fri 09 Jan, 2009 9:30 am

keeping tropical fish
reading (voracious)
wandering the countryside

Re: Other interests ?

Postby Son of a Beach » Fri 09 Jan, 2009 9:47 am

  • Sailboarding (AKA Windsurfing)
  • Camping (ie, car camping, not just bushwalk camping) at the beach, bush, paddock, anywhere
  • Mac OS X software development - this is slowing down and getting taken over by...
  • PHP/MySQL/Web development - this is fairly new for me
  • Changing nappies and cleaning up vomit (I wouldn't say I enjoy this, but it is interesting)
  • Beer brewing (just simple brewing) - added after reading ClockworkLemon's post below

hmmm... I'm sure I used to have more interests that this... my life seems to have become rather narrow of late. Some others that seem to have fallen by the wayside:
  • Saxophone playing
  • Hunting
  • Rock Climbing - top roping only, was never much good
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby ClockworkLemon » Fri 09 Jan, 2009 11:25 am

Well, in no particular order, my interests are as follows:
- Photography
- Mountain Biking
- Music (I play Irish bagpipes, flute, guitar, and used to be able to play pipe organ many moons ago, don't know if I still could...)
- Web design
- Model wargaming
- Home brew
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby Whos_asking99 » Thu 22 Jan, 2009 8:54 am

Why not...

-Computer/online gaming (Just like Kainas, a bit geeky, but oh well)
-Military History
PM me if you would like my MSN.
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby Clownfish » Thu 22 Jan, 2009 10:47 am

Music - specifically vinyl records and the archiving of my collection thereof to mp3
Building stuff around the house ... half hobby, half necessity. Latest project is a 4-metre workbench in our brand new garage.
I've also been intermittently been rediscovering the joy of model aeroplane kits. Current project is a 1:48 Hawker Hurricane. So far I've painted the propellor blades!
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby rabbit » Thu 22 Jan, 2009 6:25 pm

Tropical fish
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby Swifty » Thu 22 Jan, 2009 6:28 pm

Reading, especially history of any kind
Music - the operatic works of Handel are soul food for me
A good red while cooking (keeps everyone happy, especially my wife)
Tinkering with wood in the shed - time flies!
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby the_camera_poser » Thu 22 Jan, 2009 6:30 pm

Rabbit, I'm looking at getting back into fishkeeping actually- what sort of fish do you keep?

Re: Other interests ?

Postby flyfisher » Thu 22 Jan, 2009 7:19 pm

My main other interests would be
competitive golf (club golf and pennant)
4w driving
Tasmanian history (especially of the highlands)
a red or two with family and friends

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby rabbit » Fri 23 Jan, 2009 10:35 am

I have kept many types of fish including: angelfish, gourami, flying foxes, tetras, kribensis, sharks, clown loaches, guppies, swordtails and of course the goldfish.
At the moment I have a 60L tank with some angelfish and gourami.

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Re: Other interests ?

Postby johnw » Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:11 pm

Just realised what a dag I am. No specific order:

Reading - Usually non-fiction with a historical/geographic focus. Particularly anything to do with bushwalking such as old mines, pioneers, locations and so on.

Photography - 95% in association with bushwalking (not any good, but try hard)

Running - Primarily for fitness but compete in a handful of fun runs and similar (eg race walking). Race distances mainly 10km up to half-marathon. Training runs between 5 and 7km, longer if ramping up for an event.

Rogaining – Done a couple and hope to do more.

Watching movies - Action, adventure, thrillers mostly and some comedy.

Watching docos - Almost anything to do with the outdoors, nature/wildlife etc.

Listening to music - Very eclectic (bad?) taste. Child/teenager/young adult through the 60s and 70s and tends to reflect that period. But also listen to anything from opera to bagpipes. Among other things, own a few Chieftains CDs (group was mentioned in a BWT thread recently).

Minor collector of antiques/collectibles/old stuff - Mostly books (as above), paintings and smaller odds and ends.

Travel - Other than bushwalking, but usually try and combine the two.

Gardening – Not much these days, mostly just routine maintenance.

Used to do some cycling but haven't had a bike for several years. Aim to buy another eventually.

Have done some 4WDing. These days usually only to get to out of the way bushwalks.

Other things I used to do but haven't for aeons:

Tenpin bowling (competitively, mainly as a teenager)
Model railway building. I’ve got a lot of N scale stuff stored away. Might get back to it one day, when retired and have a bit more time.
John W

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Re: Other interests ?

Postby Macca81 » Tue 28 Apr, 2009 2:59 pm

just to reserect a thread,

Beer Brewing

fairly close to being in order i rekon......
geoskid wrote:nothing but the best of several brands will do :)
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby sml_12 » Wed 29 Apr, 2009 1:39 pm

hmmm... in no particular order:

Gardening (and perving on other peoples gardens) Plant perving in general actually. I would like to learn more about propogation.
Woodcarving (whittling mostly)
Metalsmithing (jewellery/small metal sculpture - blacksmithing if I could get something set up)
Doll making (mixed media) / small sculpture
Automatons/moving toys/puppets
Painting miniature gaming figures & the like (don't play the games - just like the critters)
BIke Riding (I'm an amateur)
Music - play a few things pretty badly - guitar, tin whistle, fiddle (very badly) - and I like to sing........
Love listening to a lot of different stuff. Eclectic tastes I guess. Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Gabriela y Rodrigo and Bessie Smith are favs at the moment. Love Dean Martin. Trio Los Panchos too.
*will collectand try to play just about any musical instrument I can get my mits on. I am leaving behind a celtic harp and a bodhran amongst other things. I would like to try and make some gourd instruments this year, esp a banjo and teardrop fiddle.
Reading - I collect illustrated kids books too.
Collecting junk from the side of the road and other STUFF etc :D
Critter watching, people watching... boat watching... plane watching ( dare I say I like to watch????) :oops:
Popular Science (I use the term hesitatingly - I like science, but I've been out of the loop for a long time and have become a dummy. Use it or lose it)
... and so on and so on and so on... Most things inspire me on some level.

I hope to add a whole heap of new things when I get to Tassie
BUSHWALKING, Kayaking, Cycle Touring, Tassie History, Navigation, Permaculture, green architecture/sustainable design,burlesque theatre.... :D

sorry. I'll stop now. :shock:
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby under10kg » Sun 03 May, 2009 9:35 am

Mmmm, my main other interest is tantric sex, meditation and personal growth.
I got so into this area that I became a sexolotist and sex coach!

My last bushwalk in tasi had a guy asking what my profession was.
He got heaps of ideas about how to improve his sex life with his partner for free!
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby Son of a Beach » Sun 03 May, 2009 3:13 pm

Having two kids under 3, at first glance, I thought you said "tantrum sex". :-D OK, ok, no further comment... keep it clean... family audience. Sorry.
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby Nuts » Sun 03 May, 2009 6:59 pm

:lol: Perhaps he coaches junior league?
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby theMISSIONARY » Sat 09 May, 2009 10:14 pm


-Computers & gaming
-Hunting :shock:
-mountain biking
-working steel(its more fun now its not my job)
-My dogs....umm the kids too :lol:
-Home brewing 8)
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Re: Other interests ?

Postby theMISSIONARY » Sat 09 May, 2009 10:14 pm

theMISSIONARY wrote:hmmm

-Computers & gaming
-Hunting :shock:
-mountain biking
-working steel(its more fun now its not my job)
-My dogs....umm the kids too :lol:
-Home brewing 8)
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